Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 93 - COP CAR

Before I get the keys from my bag, I hear a bunch of keys jiggle from inside and the door opens. Sophie comes out, looking panicked. ''Where have you been? And moreso, why haven't you been picking your phone?'' My phone has been on silent since school because I don't want it to accidentally ring and then get seized by the likes of Mr Finkle.

''What happened?'' I ask, panic also settling in my brain.

''Well, don't panic.''

''You panicked first,'' I counter. ''What happened?''

''Someone slashed Cameron's tyres.''

''WHAT!'' I scream. Jason, who has not left, jogs to my side and looks between my sister and I. ''What's going on?''

''Someone slashed Cameron.'' He raises a brow. ''Cameron is her car, it's literally her baby and someone slashed the tyres.''


At this point, the only thing I'm seeing is red. Cameron was gifted to me by Mrs Omar, the old lady who stayed in the same apartment complex as we did. She moved out during the holidays but she was always so nice to us. Who the fuck would want to hurt my baby?

''I came home from school with Britany,'' I narrow my eyes at her. She was supposed to wait for me to pick her up today but she sent a text saying she wanted to ride with Brittany. ''Oh, don't give me that look,'' she sasses. ''I did ask for permission.''


''Anyways, I got home and you know Cameron is parked in the parking lot. So Brittany and I passed Cameron because we wanted to buy a corndog and she noticed the slash on all four tyres, like someone had used a knife to deflate them or something,'' she explains. Jason watches her with an unreadable expression. ''That's why I was calling you because I found it quite odd. The neighbourhood isn't the safest but I've never heard of a slashed tyre before.''

''Let's go check it out.''

I turn my back to head towards the parking lot but Sophie's voice stops me. ''There's something else.''

That spins me right back to my original position. ''What?''

''There was a note taped to Cameron's window.''

My face goes as white as a sheet but I remain calm. ''Do you have it?''

She nods. ''I removed it and read it. At first I thought it was a prank by the neighbourhood kids, but now I'm not so sure.'' She reaches into the back of her pocket and hands me a folded note. ''Here.''

I grab it from her and I almost puke in my mouth. 


Much like the last note I received, the note is written in blood red ink and in block letters.

The paper shakes in my hand. ''Princess, what's going on?'' Jason asks concern lacing his tone. Sophie raises a brow but I'm too spooked out to answer her unspoken question.

These attacks are getting a lot more personal.

Jason takes the note from my hands when I don't answer him. ''What the fuck?'' he exclaims harshly. ''How long has this been going on?''

First it was a dead skunk, now it's my tyres being slashed.

''Beats me,'' Sophie answers for me. ''This is the first I'm hearing of it.''

''This is the first time I'm receiving something like this,'' I lie through my teeth. ''It's probably a prank by the neighbourhood kids.'' 

I can't tell him the truth. I can't tell anyone the truth. It's just between the police department and I, plus Theo. Moreso, how do I even explain that my ex-boyfriend's kidnappers, who are probably in the mafia, want me dead?

He looks me dead in the eye, but my eyes divert, trying to look at everything but him. Like I said, I'm as transparent as glass. One look and I'd probably start spilling my life history. 

''Trust me when I say this, this is too personal to be a prank,'' he points out. ''If I didn't know any better I'd say that someone is threatening you.'' I control myself and don't give anything away. ''I don't know why someone would threaten me. I mind my business and don't bother anybody.''

I actually do all these things yet someone wants my head.

He hums. ''If anyone's threatening you, you'd tell me, right?'' he looks directly at me. ''I'd take care of it.'' I know exactly what he meant by 'I'd take care of it' and it turned me the fuck on and scared me at the same time. Would he find whoever it is and kill that person? Has he even killed someone before?

''I would,'' I reassure him as we lock eyes. His eyes hold nothing but sincerity and I can see that he is genuinely concerned. ''I'm sure it's just a prank.''

Something tells me he doesn't believe me.

Sophie clears her throat and we both turn to her. ''Are you in trouble, Mel?''

''Why would I be in trouble?''

''Because you're a trouble magnet,'' she says in a duh tone. ''Who did you piss off this time?''

''Definitely not me,'' Jason mutters. I chuckle a little. ''Definitely not him, that's for sure.''

''Speaking of him,'' she turns to Jason. ''You're the guy who came over last year begging for tutoring.''

Jason nods with a smile. ''That's me.''

''Cool. Did you eventually Ace the subjects? Because my sister is one heck of a tutor,'' she says proudly. ''She taught me everything I know.''

I scrunch my nose up. ''You're complimenting me. Should I be scared?''

She rolls her eyes. ''No. I sometimes like to stroke your ego.''


Jason looks between Sophie and I in amusement. ''More like I B'ced it.'' 

I hadn't asked Jason and Ryan how they did in English Lit partly because I forgot and partly because Jason and I weren't on good terms at the time. I figured I would just do my part and leave the rest to them. If they failed, it's not my fault.

''You got a B? That's awesome.''

He gives me a grateful smile. When he's not smirking, his smile is breathtaking and ethereal, like how an angel would smile down at you. But if we're being honest, he's more of a dark angel. ''Thanks to you, Coach Blake finally got off our ass about failing English-Lit and he stopped threatening to cut us off the team.''

''I'm glad.''

''Wait a second,'' Sophie closes the door and moves closer to Jason, observing him. ''I knew it!''

''Knew what?'' I ask.

''When he showed up last year, he looked familiar but I couldn't quite place my finger on it. Now that he's here, it suddenly hit me that he's the guy you went Grey's Anatomy on!''


Jason and I look between ourselves. ''I'm right, aren't I? You didn't tell me his name but I recognize those eyebrows.'' They are symetrical.

''Well,'' I start. She is bound to find out sooner or later.After all, This is his fourth visit to the apartment. ''Okay fine, he's the same person.''

''You caught us,'' Jason adds. ''The name is Jason Blunt.''

''Jason,'' she muses. ''Sounds about right. You look like a Jason and judging by the car over there,'' she points to the Veyron. ''you look like a Jason with a load of cash.''

''Sophie!'' I caution. ''Can you not?'' 

She gets her blunt and sometimes sarcastic nature from me and sometimes it's scary because I see a lot of me in her.

I guess I really did teach her everything she knows.

''It's fine, really,'' Jason says. ''Maybe when I come by again I could give you a ride?''

She high-fives the air. ''Yes! I'll hold you to that.''


''Jason, I think you should go home,'' I stretch out my hand and he hands me the note. ''I'm sorry I kept you here for too long. It's 6:30pm and you're probably tired.'' Sophie motions that she's going inside and I nod. ''Plus, it's a long drive back to your house.''

''It's just thirty minutes and you didn't keep me here. I wanted to be here.''

That makes me blush. 

''I don't feel comfortable leaving you and your sister here all alone though.'' He looks at his watch. ''When is your mum coming home?''


''I'll stay a little while,'' he declares. 

''You don't have to,'' I object immediately. ''Seriously, I can take care of Sophie and I just fine. Remember, I have a baseball bat and pepper spray.'' And there's supposed surveillance around the area but they couldn't stop a fucker from slashing my tyres. ''We'll be fine.''

It's not the first time we're home alone.

''I insist and don't fight me on this, please.'' He gives me that look that melts my heart. ''I said I wanted to protect you, so please let me.''

''But, I'm not in any danger.''

''If you say so.''

''I know so,'' I gulp. ''Fine, you can stay.'' His eyes light up. ''But what about your Veyron? I motion to the matte black car. ''What if it gets stolen like last time?''

''It won't. I have an alarm system that'll alert me of any theft. Plus, I installed extra security inside the car just in case.''


''Come in then and leave your shoes outside.''

He does as I ask and enters the apartment. ''I have a quick phone call to make, but have a seat.'' I point to the couch. ''I'll be right back.'' With my bag in tow, I rush up the stairs with my phone clutched in my right palm.

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