Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 94 - PRETTY HEART

In the security of my bedroom, I slam the door shut and slide down to the floor. I won't cry. I didn't cry when I saw the head of a dead skunk and I certainly won't start now. The only emotion I'm feeling is anger because what the actual fuck are all these mind games? For God's sake, if he, she, they or what wanted to kill me, they could have done so already. 

It'll be way easier than sending all these untraceable letters and pulling stunts to induce fear in my heart and that of my family. 

I dial Theo's number and he picks up on the first ring. ''Hello,'' he answers, his voice laced with sleep.

Who sleeps by 7:00pm on a Friday?

''Hey, stranger.''


''No, a ghost.''

His laughter vibrates in my ear. ''Definitely, Mel.'' I've missed him so much.

''What's up?'' he asks.

I roll my eyes even though he can't see me. ''You've been MIA for like a week and you're asking what's up?''

He sighs. ''I'm sorry. I should have called or texted often. I had work to deal with.''

''Does it have something to do with me?''


I thought as much.

''Would you tell me about it?'' I ask hopefully.


''Okay,'' I bite my bottom lip. ''So, you said I should call you in case something happens.'' 

''Are you hurt? Is anyone in your family hurt?'' 

I shake my head. ''No. But another threat came in today. Someone slashed my four tyres and left a note threatening to slash me next.'' Saying the threat out loud makes my stomach churn.

''Shit.'' I hear rustling in the background and a key jiggling. ''Where are you? I'm on my way.''

''Wait! You can't.'' He can't see Jason here and vice versa. They cannot meet each other point blank period. Not only do they not like each other, Theo's cover cannot be blown.

A pause hits the phone. ''Why not?''

''Jason's here.''

''Why?'' he questions calmly, but I know he's anything but calm.

''Because he dropped me home and you both can't meet here. What if he finds out you're a cop?'' I say in a duh tone. ''Then what? Your cover would be blown.''

''True, but I'm coming over regardless.''

Did he not hear what I just said?

''Did you not hear me?''

I hear the familiar beep of his Sorento. ''I did and you need to calm down. I'm not coming as a cop. I'm currently not in my uniform. I'll just come in as your brother.''

''My sister is here too.'' I introduced Theo as a friend but Jason knows him as my step-brother. One slip up and Sophie would start asking questions that I can't answer.

''We'll work our way around that.'' I hear the start of an engine and I realize that my warning fell on deaf ears. ''If I'm being honest, I'm not really comfortable with him being there so I'm on my way.''


''I'll have to hang up now. See you soon.''

The line clicks dead and I groan out loud. Theo had better have a plan or some sort of explanation because I did try to warn him.


''Sorry the phone call took so long I had to-'' my words die on my lips as I approach the last step. ''What's going on?'' Sophie and Jason both look at me and I cautiously approach them in the living room. 

''You're back.'' I nod and take a seat next to her. ''Since you were taking your sweet time, I figured I won't let our guest be bored to death so I ended up showing Jason your baby pictures.''

Oh. My. God.

''Sophie!'' I groan. ''Why would you do that?'' They both laugh and I realize the damage has been done. They've probably been looking at it for a while and I did spend about twenty minutes upstairs. ''I don't embarrass you like this when your friends come over.''

She ignores me.

Three photo albums are stacked on the glass table along with brown envelopes full of pictures. Mum keeps memorabilias and trinkets in her room and it's usually under lock and key so I wonder how she was able to lay her hands on them.

''This was when she was ten,'' Sophie points to a picture. ''She had the cutest face and look at her glasses.'' 

''Cute then, still cute now.'' He says, looking at me directly. Sophie looks between the both of us, her brown eyes asking for some sort of explanation. I blush a little and clear my throat. She drops the unsaid question with a smile. Peering forward to get a good look at the picture they're talking about, Sophie continues her story. ''Mum said she's been using glasses since she was ten.''

Jason comments. ''I didn't know that.''

I don't really use it in school as my eyesight has improved over the years. I mainly use it at home when I'm watching a movie on the laptop, reading or doing homework.

''She doesn't use it often. I only ever see her use it when she's home.'' Jason looks at me for confirmation and I nod. He flashes me a smile and I smile back.

''This,'' Sophie draws his attention back to the photo album on her lap. ''was when she was one.'' I remember that picture-okay, I obviously don't recall when it was taken-but, mum told me about the picture. It was meant to be a family photoshoot sort of thing so my mum, dad and I were all dressed in white; mum and I were decked in white dresses while my dad was clad in a white suit that was way too big for his frame.

We were meant to go to a professional studio but I was making such a big fuss and cried for basically the whole day. Long story short, mum called the photographer, said photographer came over, the photo was taken on the couch (it's not the same couch as the one Jason, Sophie and I are currently sitting on because it had been replaced years ago) and it now lives in the photo album.

My parents had big smiles on their faces that day. I was also smiling too but if you peer into the picture closely, you'd probably see my tear stained cheeks.

Those were the good old days, the days when everything was as close to normal as you can get.

''If you look very closely, you'd see that she was crying.'' Sophie points to my eyes. ''Mum said she cried a lot as a kid.''

''Sophie!'' I caution again and swat her leg. ''You do not need to tell him that.''

This is so embarrassing.

''I know, but I'm your sister. It's my job to embarrass you.''

''That's my line!''

I'm older. I should be doing more of the embarrassing not the other way around.

She sticks her tongue out and flips the page. ''Ooooh, this is my favourite picture,'' she points to me in a black party dress. ''I think she was two at the time and the story behind this picture is absolutely hilarious.''


''Really,'' she confirms. ''So Mel was-'' I quickly hold her lips with my fingers. ''That's enough story time for you.'' The last thing I need Jason knowing is that I pooped myself at a wedding and didn't tell anyone about it until we got home. 

Jason raises a brow at my behaviour. ''Too embarrassing?''

''You have no idea.''

Sophie mutters something. ''I'm sorry, Soph, I can't hear you over the murmuring.''

More sounds emit from her lips.

''You'd shut up about that story?''


''Cool.'' I release her lips and the first thing she does is throw a couch pillow on my forehead. ''Meanie.'' She turns to Jason. ''You see how she treats me?''

I roll my eyes her theatrics.

''I'll spare you the details, Jason.'' Thank goodness. ''Let's move to my pictures.''

You could have started with yours first!

She closes the one on her lap and drops it back on the table. Picking up a mint green photo album boldly headed Sophie in cursive letters, she opens it and begins. ''This was when I was nine months old.'' I won't lie, Sophie was a cute baby. ''Mel was so excited when I was born because look at her gap teeth.'' I send a glare her way but she ignores it.

She flips the page. ''This was when I was in the hospital.'' My breath hitches in my throat. ''I think I was about five here?'' I nod. ''Yea, I was five at the time.'' I stare at the picture and it brings back sad memories. For a five year old, she was so small, frail even, like a china glass that would break if you so much as hold it and was hooked to IV's and machines. ''I have Type A Sephiligitis so, yea.''

''Wow.'' Jason looks between the both of us. ''I'm sorry. I didn't know.''

''You seem surprised.''

He nods. ''She doesn't look like she's battling some sort of illness at all.'' This is one of her good days.

''That is thanks to God, Dr Carlos and the wonderful specialists at St John's,'' Sophie jokes and I grin. ''We don't talk about it too much and I try to not let it affect me or hamper my mood. I have my bad days but it's life,'' she shrugs. ''You just have to smile, keep it moving and live your best life.''

When did my baby sister become so mature?

He looks at me, then Sophie. ''You're one brave girl.'' 

I don't know which one of us he's referring to but something tells me it's not Sophie.

''Plus,'' he adds. ''Your last quote sounds like something your sister would say.''

''It does, doesn't it?'' She flips the page. ''Enough of the sad stuff, let's move on.''

He nods. ''This was when Mel and I were at a waterpark….''

The doorbell rings and that pulls our focus to the door.

Shit, he's here.

''Are you expecting someone, Mel?'' Sophie asks.


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