Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 95 - BOYS WILL BE BOYS

The doorbell rings and that pulls our focus to the door.

Shit, he's here.

''Are you expecting someone, Mel?'' Sophie asks.


''Who?'' she asks again.

''You'll see.''

I get up from the couch and slowly approach the door. Unlocking it, I give him a small smile. ''Hey.''

''Hey to you too,'' Theo answers smoothly. He is dressed in dark jeans, a grey turtleneck sweater and dark boots, his jacket slung on his arm. His dyed bleach blonde hair is swept back the way he usually styles it and he has a warm smile on his face. ''Can I come in?''

''Yes,'' he proceeds to remove his shoes. ''But behave.'' He notices Jason's shoes, since it's the only male boots we have, and rolls her eyes. ''I thought you would have sent him away or something.''

''Behave,'' I warn. ''I mean it.''

''Fine," he answers belligerently. ''I'm just glad to see you though. It feels like forever.'' I really do feel like ever since Theo got here, we've been joined to the hip; we attend the same school, attend the same classes, we go to work together and he accompanies me home. I couldn't have asked for a better fake step brother/bodyguard because he does all these things without complaints. Let's not forget that he's also working on helping me solve the mystery behind what happened at Lakedale.

He walks in and Jason stands abruptly, looking between the both of us. ''Blunt,'' Theo says tightly and stretches out his hand. ''It's been a while.''

''Theo,'' Jason uses the same tone and accepts his hand. ''I didn't notice you were gone.''

Their hands are locked in a tight embrace, both staring at each other like how a predator does a prey, but in this situation, I don't know who's what. I knew things were going to be tense by the time he got here, and I did try to warn Theo but this tension and awkward silence is something I did not anticipate. 

When you put two red-neck, hot-blooded alpha males-one a cop the other on the opposite side of the law-in a room together, you should cower away in fear because the male testosterone level is permeating throughout the living room.

They might as well be in a boxing ring, only they aren't actually pummelling each other physically but are doing so with their eyes shooting lasers at each other.

I clear my throat, trying to get their attention but they pay me no mind. Sophie gets up and whispers in my ear. ''What's going on?''

''A male testosterone match,'' I simply answer.

''Guys,'' I say, this time loud enough for them to hear me. They snap out of their staring match and slowly release their hands from each other's death grip.

Jason turns to me in annoyance. ''Why is he here?''

Theo smirks. ''She called me.''

''Sophie, can you excuse us for a bit?'' I plead with my sister. ''I have some things I need to discuss with these two.''

She looks between the three of us. ''So important that I can't be a part of it?''

''It's big people problems.''

''You're not even a full adult.''

''Yet,'' I counter. ''I'm not a full adult yet and I'd be eighteen this year.'' She crosses her arms over her chest. ''Please.''

''Fine,'' she sighs. ''But you owe me.''

''Of course.'' 

It'll probably cost me money and another trip to the grocery store to get Cocoa Pops. She walks up the stairs and I hear footsteps until they can't be heard again. Once she closes the door, I turn to Jason. ''He's my brother so cut the jealousy shit. I had to call him!''

And you,'' I sharply turn my gaze to Theo. ''What was that?'' Minutes ago we talked about him behaving himself. ''We literally talked about this.''

''He started it,'' Theo grumbles.

''You squeezed my hand first,'' Jason shoots back.

''I don't like you,'' Theo plainly states. ''Matter of fact, I don't trust you.''

Jason's aqua blues stare him down. ''I don't care to be very honest. You're the least of my problems. Plus, I don't need you to like me. Your sister does that just fine.'' he says smugly.

''We all need to behave like mature adults.'' I direct the adult part to Theo. ''The reason I called him here is because I have an issue, which should be our main focus.'' They both soften their expressions. ''Someone slashed my tyres.''

Theo sighs. ''Alright. Let's check out how bad it is.''


''What the actual fuck?'' I whisper.

''It's bad.'' Jason comments.

"You think?''

In the cover of the night, blessed by the streetlights and my flashlight, is the parking lot where my Cameron is currently parked with actual slashes in his four tyres the size of Jason's gash when I did a rookie surgery on him. Whoever did this was hell bent on making sure that Cameron's next destination is the scrapyard.

Like Sophie said, someone had used a sharp object, most likely  a knife, to make an indentation on the sides of each tyre rubber, making it run from the wheels to the bottom.

Theo squats to examine the damage. ''Shit, this is bad.'' He motions for me to hand him the flashlight. ''Whoever did this definitely did a number on your car.'' He points to the indentation running from the side down to the bottom. ''The damage caused all four tyres to go flat.''

''What am I going to do now?'' I groan. I just started a new job and I definitely do not have the money for a new car or car insurance. I can't ask mum to get me a new car because money is tight. Debts and medical bills take a huge chunk of our finances. I sort the mail so I would know. ''How am I meant to get to work? How am I meant to get my sister to school?''

Standing to his full height, he says. ''We'll sort that out, I promise.'' Theo reassures. ''In the mean time, have you called the police?''

I shake my head in the negative. ''No. I got home and Sophie told me that someone slashed the tyres and I called you.'' Since you know what to do.

''Alright. It's imperative we report this, you know that right?'' That question sends a secret message to me and I nod. This is not a matter to be taken with laxity.

''Is there something going on?'' Jason asks, directing the question to me. 

''No, nothing's wrong. We're just going to the station to report this.''

Before I say anything, Theo starts taking pictures of the damages. 

''Is that really necessary? I thought you said it was neighbourhood kids.''

''I did say that,'' I deflect. ''However those kids need to be taught a lesson. They've been messing with my sister and I since forever.''

''You want to send kids to jail?'' Jason asks sceptically. 

I shrug. ''If I must.''

Jason runs his hands across the punctured front tyre. ''Is there any surveillance footage around the area? We need to know who did this.''

As much as I want to throttle Cameron's assailant, there isn't any surveillance footage in our parts. This is the trenches not some rich people gated property. There used to be surveillance cameras, I think they were about four, but they got stolen. I don't know how they all got stolen or who stole it, but they were removed from the poles they were placed on and sold for a substantial amount of money.

Theo snorts. ''This isn't your turf, Blunt. There aren't any security cameras. That is why whoever did this had the balls to do what he did.''

''But why target her car though?'' Jason observes. ''The other cars aren't damaged so why her's?''

Because a psycho is out for my blood.

Theo shrugs and puts his phone back in his pocket. ''Beats me. That's why we're going to the station, to get some clarity.''


''My car is parked here so I guess we should head to the station. I've seen what I wanted to,'' Theo declares. I nod and hand him the note in my pocket. ''Here.''

He takes it and puts it in his coat pocket. ''Shall we?''

''She's coming with me.'' Jason says and holds my hand. ''Right, Princess?''

''It's in her best interest if she comes with me to the station.'' Theo counters, his gaze falling on me with a hard expression. ''She knows what I mean.''

Quite frankly, I don't.

''I'm not going with anyone to the station.'' I sigh, already tired of their back and forth. This is why I didn't want Theo coming over. ''I'll drive myself.''

''You don't have a car.'' They both say at the same time.

Right. Cameron is out of commission.

''Would my baby be okay?'' I know he wouldn't but there might still be hope. ''Is there any hope for him at all.''

''You want me to be honest?'' Theo asks. 

''Honesty never killed anybody.''

''He's going to be impounded.''

''So my baby is gone?'' I blink. ''Just like that?''


''This fucking sucks.'' I pout.

''I understand.'' Jason motions towards the apartment. ''Let's go to the station.''

Theo lips fall into a thin line. ''She's coming with me.''

What about what I want?

''Will the both of you fucking quit it!" I yell.

I run my hands through my braids. ''For fucks sake, I don't have a car anymore to take me places and I can't get a new one because I don't have the money or insurance. To add more shit to the pile, the buses don't go all the way to Adelaide and the only thing you two can think about is arguing about something as inconsequential as who's driving me to the police station.''

''Princess, I-''

''Save it.'' I point to both of them. ''I don't want to hear anything because I'm pissed.'' My predicament is slightly depressing. ''But I'm not going to cry because I'm not the type to do that.''

Bad bitches don't cry.

''You two are going to listen to me and do things my way.''

''You,'' My tone is lethal as I point to him, daring him to disagree with my next instructions. ''You're going to the station with my sister.'' She doesn't really like staying home alone once it gets dark which is why she's mostly over at Brittany's house. ''She seems to like you and you did promise you'd give her a ride in your Veyron. Are we clear?''


''And Theo,'' I stare him down. ''We're riding together.'' We have shit we need to discuss.

They both look scared and I'm glad. It's just like Grandma Maggie says. 

Show them who's boss and make them fall in line. If they don't shape in then they can shape out.

''Any objections?''

They shake their heads slowly in the negative.


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