Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 97 - IN YOUR EYES

I can't get the name Avanla Maxwell out of my head. Even on this beautiful Monday morning, the name still echoes like a broken record; It keeps spinning circles round it and it's driving me almost to the brink of insanity because I don't know who that person is or what her intentions are. Why would someone I've barely heard of impersonate my ex in a letter?

''Hey, Paris,'' I whisper to her as we walk to her locker. Seeing as it is February, the preparations for the Sadie Hawkins dance are in full swing. The hallway is decorated with flyers filled with announcements of the dance, along with a very big poster pasted on the general notice board with the words, HAPPY SADIE HAWKINS DAY written in block letters and on a baby pink cardboard.


''Do you by any chance know anyone named Avanla Maxwell?''

Paris shakes her head. ''No, although I've heard of an Avanla. She's in the school's book club, is in the 8th grade and her surname is not Maxwell, it's Daniels.'' 


''Yea. She's this really cute kid with freckles on her face and she's a natural red head like me.''

Daniels but not Maxwell. She seems like an unlikely suspect.

''Why'd you ask?''

I nonchalantly shrug. ''Nothing really. I heard the name from someone in school so I thought she was a student here.''

She nods once. ''Where's Theo? We're all supposed to head to lunch together.''

''Mr Franklin held him back after class, something about him not doing an assignment.'' It's so ironic how he's not even a real student but he's being held back after class. Mr Franklin has no idea that Theo is a cop and as such doesn't need to do homework, but he does it anyway.

Yes, you heard right, despite his hectic schedule, Theo still manages to do homework and I would know that because Paris and I copy his Maths homework more often than not.

He's really good at Maths-almost everyone is better than me at Maths.

''That's weird,'' she says, furrowing her brows. ''He always does his homework.''


''Attention please.'' A voice says. We all turn our attention to the entrance of Adelaide where Mariah is standing with a microphone in her hand, the microphone is connected to two speakers behind her. She's clad in her normal school uniform-white shirt with the school logo, grey school sweater and same coloured plaid skirt. The only difference is that this time, her skirt isn't micro mini, it's appropriate in length.

Lianna and Stella are beside her, one on the left, the other on the right and they all have big smiles on their faces.

The room falls silent as we anticipate her next words. ''Now that I have your attention,'' she pauses for dramatic effect. ''Ladies, are you all excited for the SADIE HAWKINS DANCE?,'' she yells in the microphone.

Loud echoes of ''hell, yea's'' and ''of course'' permeates through the hallway, some even start cheering loudly, Paris being one of them.

Insert eyeroll.

''Judging by your responses, I can see that you are. You all know that it's February, so if you haven't asked that special someone to be your date, do so on time before another girl takes away your opportunity.''

Paris nudges me in the ribs but I ignore her. I know what she's implying.

''I have an important announcement to make,'' she looks to her minions-I mean friends (she has changed now) on opposite sides of her and they are giddy because of this supposed announcement. Mariah may have changed her ways and is nicer now but the one thing that didn't change is her 'head cheerleader personality'-preppy, cheery, fun and full of school spirit. That is why when she enters a room, you're bound to listen. 

I don't know if her reign as Queen of Adelaide is over, but I highly doubt it is since she still has the ability to control and command a crowd. A lot of people in school don't believe that she has changed-I overheard a conversation in the bathroom where two girls where saying that she was only faking being nice because Jason broke up with her and she's trying to get into his good graces again. 

I won't lie, the thought did pop up in my mind, but I dismissed it immediately. Mariah opened up to me last year and I could tell that she was sincere. If she was really trying to get back 'into his good graces', why would she encourage me to go after Jason, even going as far as implying that I should take him to the dance?

''The date for the dance has been set after much deliberations and talks with Principal Grande.'' Lianna and Stella beat invisible drums with their hands and Mariah nods in approval. ''The Sadie Hawkins dance will be held on February 14th.''

Ravenous cheers and applauses fill the space.

''That day is so special because it coincides with Valentine's and what better way to spread the love than by having the dance on that day!'' Her eyes scan the crowd. ''Ladies, go get your baes and your boos or whatever it is you call them,'' she jokes. ''Because this Sadie Hawkins would be one to remember.''

''Also,'' she continues. ''The colour theme for the event is baby pink, it was pretty obvious from the flyers and the posters on the notice board. Lastly, before I let you all go for lunch, if you volunteered your time and energy into making this dance come to life, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know we still have a long way to go but I'm truly proud of our progress thus far.'' 

Shock resonates on the faces of a lot of people and they don't try to hide it. I understand, Mariah and thanking anyone for anything is one thing they probably never thought they'd see in their entire lifetime. Sometimes it even shocks me too so it shows that she really has gone from mega-bitch to not-a-bitch.

''If you were assigned different duties, especially the ones where you're required to buy stuff, please do so on or before February 12th. That concludes my announcement.'' She hands the microphone to Lianna and the crowd disperses, heading towards the direction of the lunch hall.

I see Theo combing through the crowd, coming from the direction of Mr Franklin's classroom. ''Sorry, I'm late. What did I miss?''

''Sadie Hawkins announcement,'' Paris and I answer simultaneously.

''Sadie who?''

They probably never had the dance back when he was in high school.

''Haven't you noticed all the flyers?'' Paris gestures towards one pasted on the main notice board along with the huge poster. ''It's all everyone can talk about.'' He still looks confused. ''I literally signed you up to be a volunteer when Mariah came over and asked for help.''


''They never had a Sadie Hawkins dance back in Beepskate High?''

He shakes his head. ''No.''

''That's weird.'' I motion towards the lunch hall. ''Well basically the Sadie Hawkins dance is…''


''Sophie?'' I call out as I make my way inside the apartment after a long day at school. ''Are you home?''

''Mel, is that you?''


I rush to the direction of her voice which happens to be in the kitchen and hug her tightly while she's chopping vegetables. ''You're home finally.''

''I know. I missed you too.'' 

I haven't seen her since Saturday evening and I know it hasn't been that long but I missed her. To be honest, I'm actually quite surprised she's home considering she's never home on Mondays.

Her mocha skin looks worn out and there are prominent bags under her eyes. ''You look tired,'' I point out.

''I feel tired too,'' she admits. 

''You work too much.''

''I have to provide for you both and the bills aren't going to pay themselves,'' she says with a small smile. ''You two are my world and you're the people I love most in this world-and your Grandma Maggie of course.'' She leans into my ear. ''Don't tell her I said this, but I only love her when she's not cursing me Spanish.''

I give a small laugh. ''My lips are sealed.''

''Plus, you know your SAT's are in April and you'd be graduating soon so we need more money for your college fund and for that of your sister's.''

''Mum, I told you I'd take care of the college thing. I've talked to the counsellor, I have good grades, I've applied to a few universities who give full ride scholarships and fingers crossed, I get in with a full ride.'' My SAT scores also need to be stellar. ''If things don't go as planned, I'll just get a loan.'' And be in debt to the government for the rest of my life.

''I know, sweetie. But still, you'd need money for feeding, maybe accommodation if it's not a full ride and all other sundry expenses. That's why I'm working so hard.''

That's my mum for you, always thinking ahead.

''The hospital has been crazy recently. A bunch of students, I think they're about thirty in total, all got food poisoning along with a few teachers so we've been trying to handle that situation. I was able to come home because I switched shifts with a co-worker. Now, I'm making spaghetti with mixed vegetables and minced meat. Sophie said she wanted it.'' She hands me the knife. ''Why don't you help me cut these while I check on the spaghetti?''

''Sure.'' I drop my bag on a nearby stool and grab a carrot. ''Sophie told me something interesting and I can't believe I didn't notice when I came in on Saturday.''

''What did she say?'' I answer with a tight smile.

''She said someone slashed your tyres.''

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