Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 98 - MY OH MY

''She said someone slashed your tyres.'' Mum looks for a reaction but I give her none. I'm over the shock and she was bound to find out sooner rather than later. 

''Yea. I came home on Friday and my tyres were slashed,'' I shrug like it is no big deal. ''Sophie saw it first.''

''Did you report it? Do you know who did it? What happened to Cameron because I know you loved him.''

I put the chopped carrots to the side and grab the washed cabbage. ''I did report it that Friday, Sophie came along with me to the station and it was sorted out to an extent. Sophie and I wrote statements and they promised to look into it, but I doubt it. You know how things go in these parts.'' 

Some parts of the tale I'm spinning is true. Sophie and I really did make statements at the station. After that, I was pulled into a room by Officer Louis (Theo didn't follow for obvious reasons) and I explained the shit that went down. He said he was briefed by Theo minutes before we got in and I handed him the note. 

She nods. ''I understand and I'm worried. We've never had a slashed tyre incident before,'' she observes. I shrug again and we switch positions: I check on the spaghetti and she cuts the remaining vegetables. ''There's a first time for everything. I don't want to think or talk about it too much because it is what it is. The police said they'd look into it and I provided the necessary information.''

''Sophie mentioned that a few friends came over to drive you both to the station.'' Sophie Magdalene Jones!. ''Yea,'' I say nervously, ''they did. It was Paris and another friend you've met.'' She raises a thick brow. ''Who's that?''

''Remember last year when two guys came over for tutoring?'' I try to jog her memory. ''I tried to chase them away but you told me to play nice.''

Her face contours in realization. ''Oh, right. Is it the white boy or the dark one?''


Judging by the fact that she's believing that Paris was here when the incident happened, it is safe to assume that Sophie kept her end of our bargain. She didn't mention Theo's name.

She nods. ''Right, I remember Jimmy?'' I shake my head. ''Jason, his name is Jason.'' Thank God my back is towards her so she can't see my blush and comment about it. She doesn't know I like Jason and vice versa. She also doesn't know that we've kissed and quite frankly, I don't know how she'll react. My guess is she'd disapprove.

''Jason. I still maintain that I know that boy from somewhere but I can't place my finger on it.'' She instructs me to sieve the spaghetti. ''I don't know from where but he looks familiar.''

I wonder if they met. ''You'll figure it out.'' I pour the spaghetti back into the pot and let it heat for about five minutes while mum gets the ingredients for the sauce. ''Yea.'' She hands me the cayenne pepper. ''She also mentioned something about a Bugatti Veyron. She was really excited when she was retelling that part.'' she laughs. I smile a little at the memory of her animated chatter once we got to the station.

''It was Jason's and since my car was out of commission, he drove us there with Paris in tow.'' I explain. I'm getting good at this lying thing and I know for sure I've secured a special seat in hell, maybe right next to Lucifer. ''Cameron is gone for good by the way.'' Theo said he couldn't be salvaged and had it towed. Apparently the outer damaged affected the internal workings of the car and killed the engine along with the carburettor. To the scrapyard Cameron goes. However, Theo did keep his promise. This morning, he sent a text saying that there was a black Corolla waiting for me in the parking lot with the keys left in the mailbox, courtesy of Detective Anderson. I honestly thought he was joking when he mentioned a car would be available by Monday. Who gets a replacement car in just two days? 

But when I went to the mailbox and saw car keys, like actual keys, I knew it was real. It wasn't Cameron but it was a car that could take me places so I was happy. When I got to the station, I happened to see Detective Anderson and thanked him. I judged him too quickly, thought he was stiff and looked too strict for my liking, but he's alright. His grey eyes shone when I thanked him and he said it wasn't a problem. 

''I would have done the same for my daughter.'' he said.

Of course, I thanked Theo.

In fact, I have a lot of things to thank him for.

''I got a replacement car by the way.'' That shocks her. ''How? Where'd you get the money?''

''Paris gave me one.''

''For free? Just like that?''

I nod. ''She's really generous.''

Mum looks away uncomfortably. ''I know your friend has money but I don't think we should be taking things from her. Nothing's ever free in this country.'' she points out. ''Did she ask her parents?''

''She did. They said it was okay.''

''I think you should give the car back. I'll give you mine. I don't want us to look like freeloaders.''

''Mum, you can't give me your car,'' I try to reason with her. ''The buses don't come around here and your work is an hour drive, two if there's traffic. I can't let you give me the car.'' Mum, drives a beat up 2009 Toyota Camry, got a good deal when she bought it but I believe it has seen better days. It dies on the road sometimes and takes forever to start up. But, hey, beggars can't be choosers.

Even if she had the money, she won't change it. Why? Because like me, she has an emotional attachment to the car, something about it being the one car that has been consistent throughout the years.

''You need the car more than I do, no matter how beat up it is.''

A ghost of a smile appears on her face and she grabs a pan from the cupboard. ''It is not beat up. It just needs a little servicing.''

Servicing can't save that car.

''If you say so.''

''I don't still feel comfortable with you taking the car, but you've already taken it and my guess is you drove it to school this morning?'' I nod and she sighs, a deep and resigned one. ''Alright. I'll thank her later and thank Jason for me when you get to school tomorrow.''

''Will do.''

I guess I won this round. Note to self: Tell Paris to lie that she gave me a car. I'll explain the details later.

''Also,'' she continues. ''Have you heard from Bob? Has the police said anything?'' The turning spoon stills in my hand and I close my eyes, then open them. I thought she hated him. It's weird that she's asking about him now. ''No, not a word from any one of them.''

''Good.'' I turn sharply to her. ''Mum!'' I hiss. ''There's nothing good about someone being missing for months now.''

She shrugs. ''He took advantage of you.''

''He's not a bad person.'' He just made bad decisions.

''You don't know that,'' she counters. I don't want to visit this topic because it'll end up in us fighting. When we talked about it last time, she gave me an ultimatum-her or love. We haven't talked about that ultimatum, but things got weird for a while, the tension in the house became too thick to the point that it was almost unbearable. Mum and I don't butt heads often, but when we do, it's never pretty.

''What sane adult dates a teenager?''

''It was mutual, everything we ever did was consensual.'' She visibly flinches. ''You may not want to hear it but it's the truth.'' 

My feelings may be geared towards another person right now but I will speak my truth. Bob was a part of my life that happened. I won't ignore it or demonize him. In as much as he hurt me and I lied to me, I just can't paint him to be the bad guy because he made me happy and I felt safe with him.

''It was a power play. He wanted someone to control. He took advantage of you.''

There's no point in reasoning with her, she'll never understand. No one will ever understand my point of view.

''You should date someone your age,'' she continues. ''Men are shifty.''

Boys aren't?

''Alright,'' I finally say. ''I won't argue with you.'' I pour a bit of salt into the mix. ''If you say he took advantage of me, I guess that's what happened.''

I don't look her in the face, I just continue staring the mixture in front of me. The kitchen is silent, the only sound that can be heard is mum opening the cupboards. This is why this topic should never have been revisited. We'd never see eye to eye on it.

''You can go upstairs now. I can handle things from here." I I nod once and get my sticky and smelly self up the stairs without giving her a second glance, my tote bag in tow.

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