She cried hysterically and refused to accept the reality.

The nurse nearby hurriedly called the doctor to give her a sedative. Tang Mengxi shouted hysterically and struggled desperately not to let anyone near her.

She cried, "I know it's wrong, I really know it's wrong, but why doesn't Tang Qingge let me go? Why does she want to kill my child, my child, my bitter child!"

"I'm alone now. This child is my last all, but you took his life. How do you want me to live, how do you want me to live?"

She was so sad that she was going to faint several times.

Jonah tightened up and finally hugged her body.

He took advantage of her inattention, took the child in her arms and handed the baby to the nurse. He finally looked at him and his heart was hurt.

"Take it away."

The nurse took the baby away.

Tang Mengqian cried and choked and lay down in Qiao Nancheng's arms. The doctor injected her with a sedative. After a while, she gradually calmed her breathing and fell asleep in Qiao Nancheng's arms.

Joe Nancheng picked up Tang Mengqian and put her on the bed in the hospital ward. He looked at the assistant and the doctor. "You all go out. I want to be alone."

The assistants and nurses are out.

Only Tang Mengxi and him were left in the ward.

Qiao Nancheng smoked half a cigarette alone, but suddenly he wanted to get up. Tang Mengxi was pale in bed and was still crying for the loss of her child.

He moved his fingertips and put out his cigarette.

Tang Mengqian woke up three hours later. The first thing she opened her eyes was to see if there was Joe Nancheng around her. Fortunately, Joe Nancheng fell asleep with her arms on the stool.

She knew.

Jonah had no feelings for her.

She took the right step.

She found a man who was a fan of Tang Qingge. She deliberately appeared in front of him. The man had evil thoughts as soon as he saw her. She put her to death and later gave birth to a child in exchange for his return.

She won the bet.

She did all this. If he didn't do it, he wouldn't believe her.

Because he didn't expect her to get rid of the child.

Only in this way can he believe her.

Tang Qingge closed her eyes, but the corners of her eyes kept crying. She held back her tears, and her heart and liver were in pain.

The pain under her body reminded her that her child was gone.

Although it was not the child of her favorite person, the child really stayed in her stomach for nine months. In her days alone, only the child accompanied her, but now, in order to stay by his side, she has lost the child.

She changed his back, but why was she not happy at all.

Not at all.

early morning

Jonan stumbled and woke up from his stool.

As soon as he opened his eyes and saw the sun, he was in a trance.

He slept on the stool all night.

I suddenly remembered what happened yesterday.

He subconsciously looked at Tang Mengqian in bed. Her eyes were red with tears. I don't know if she cried again when she woke up in the middle of the night last night.

Joe south city heart suddenly very not taste.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a little guilty, not only for the child, but also for her.

"Brother Nancheng..."

Tang Mengqian on the bed suddenly called to him. Qiao Nancheng reacted and sat next to her. Tang Mengqian struggled to sit up, and he helped her sit up.

Tang Mengqian looked at him with a pair of crying red, not beautiful eyes and said.

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