"Brother Nancheng, will you leave me? I only have you left. I didn't protect our children. I'm sorry for you."

Jonah couldn't refuse.

The loss of a child is not only her responsibility, but also his.

"You have a good rest first."

Tang Mengqian stubbornly held his hand and had to ask an answer, "can you not leave me?"

Jonan pursed his lips.

For a long time, he held her hand. "Don't worry, I won't ignore you."

When this is over, he will give her a sum of money and a building to spend her life in an unknown place. In addition, he can't and doesn't want to give it.

Tang Mengqian's eyes changed slightly.

It's quite different not to leave!

He still likes Tang Qingge.

Still want to get her back.

Still won't look back.

Even if he felt very guilty for her now, he just wouldn't look back at her!

Tang Mengqian's eyes twinkled with treacherous light, inch by inch becoming colder and colder. Her hair was messy, covering her face and vision, but the hand under the quilt was gradually tightened.

Tang Qingge.

She won't let her destroy everything she worked hard for!

The other side

Tang Qingge's filming came to the last scene. Today is the day she killed her youth. In the script, Lu Qianqian gradually fought with Shi Dai after returning to the palace. There were family and country disputes and love and hate. She fought happily on both sides and was right on both sides.

Dayu's drought was gradually leveled by her knowledge of modern science. She got more and more cheers from the people. At the same time, her prestige among the people was gradually greater than that of Shi Dai.

Shi Dai's sense of crisis could no longer be concealed. Finally, when the Shi family knew that she could not defend her love and status, they decided to secretly order people to trap the king in the snow mountain and prepare to kill the king when the king went out to fight.

As long as the king dies, no one will threaten Shi Dai's status.

On hearing the news, Lu Qianqian rushed all the way to the snow mountain. She got the opportunity to become a real goddess in this accident.

God exists. She becomes a silver haired goddess. In the heavy snow, she is more holy than the holy snow. She prays that God will stop the snow, and the heavy snow will stop. She prays that the wind and rain in the sky will be smooth, and the sun will shine on the earth.

The thick white snow melted.

The king looked at her from a distance in trouble, but suddenly felt that she was so elusive, as if she would disappear at any time. He had never felt this before, but this time, he felt that he seemed unable to keep her.

The news that the goddess saved the king spread all over the country.

Shi Dai was shocked. At the same time, the story of the Shi family's wanton murder of the king was also spread. Shi Dai, the queen, completely collapsed. Framing the king was a capital crime, and she was scolded by everyone.

When she was dying, she went to the beheading platform. She saw the unreachable and sacred road Qianqian.

At that moment, she was full of jealousy. She said anything and cursed loudly, "Lu Qianqian, I curse you that you will never get the love of the king. Even if you get it, you will pay a heavy price."

Shi Dai's curse fell with the thunder, as if the curse had worked at this moment.

The king was so angry that he ordered people to kill Shi Dai immediately.

Shidai is dead.

But her oath cast a shadow on Lu Qianqian's heart. She went to the roulette of fate alone. She knew her power. She could call the wind and rain and bring blissful peace and peace to one side, but she didn't know who was in her destiny.

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