He always wants to save himself some dignity.

The sound of the waves seemed to say invisibly, look, your dignity was trampled on by her, and there was nothing left.

No one knows when the mobile phone hung up.

Because Tang Qingge covered her mouth and couldn't stop crying. She endured the pain of her body to the extreme. Her throat was fishy and hot. She couldn't help it. A mouthful of blood gushed out.


Ji xiuye saw that he was shocked and couldn't say anything.

Is she crazy?

"Why break up?"

He shook his hands and wiped the blood from her mouth.

Will his uncle kill him when he knows?

Tang Qingge smiled pale. She didn't have any strength. She leaned in the bath and lost her anger. "I can't guarantee that I will survive. If I can't survive, what will he do? Think of me all his life? So it's better to let him hate me and hate me than to love me and think of me all the time?"

Ji Xiu said in a hoarse voice at night, "what about me?"

That's how he carries the pot?

Tang Qingge looked at him, "you carry a pot!"

Ji xiuye bit his teeth and his eyes were red. "You are so cruel."

"Forget it."

He recognized the plant.

Tang Qingge looked at the red bath and lowered her eyes.

Just give him back his original bite of blood.

Wang Lu called her at this time with a pleasant tone. "Qingge, do you have any plans after the play is finished? I tell you, there is a very good brand advertising invitation, which is the brand of lady first of sunshine. They are looking for advertising women. Let me ask your opinion."

"It will take two or three months to finish filming and editing this TV play. Take advantage of this opportunity, let's shoot more advertisements, and then make another film. Won't you be able to nominate the queen of the film award at the end of the year! Maybe you can win it!"

"Then you can fulfill your wish. By the way, what's your wish?"

Her wish

She wanted to cry a little. She was dumb and changed the topic. "I want to have a rest for the time being. Please help me push it first!"


Wang Lu is still a little sorry. She can't understand. Recently, she is really too tired. Wang Lu doesn't force herself. She chatted with her, "Qingge, I heard you want to start a company. Why do you make so much money?"


Wang Lu, "huh?"

Tang Qingge cried hopelessly in order to marry my little princess!

But now she can't marry.

He never knew how much she liked him.

Like him, when I see him, I feel happy.

Eyes with light.

At the thought of having him in the future, she no longer has cowardice and lowliness in her heart. She can cut through thorns and thorns for him, not afraid of wind and rain!

When you love someone, you can make yourself too weak to open the bottle cap.

Or so powerful that no one can kill her.

She hung up the phone in a hurry. It hurt so much that she wanted to bite her tongue, but Ji xiuye grabbed her arm. Her eyes were dark, as if she had made up her mind, "don't give up, there must be a way."

"What else can I do?"

"Go to country M."

Tang Qingge was stunned.

Ji xiuye didn't want to say it, but now it's time to say it or not, "I've investigated your life experience. Your mother Gu Qin's home is in country m. We'll find a way to save you when we go to country m!"

How could he know so well?

Tang Qingge was stunned, and her mother's family was in state M.

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