But the little pervert said she couldn't go to country M.

She can't go

She bit her teeth and grabbed Ji xiuye's arm. "Tell qianmei, don't tell him."

Ji Xiu looked at her with complicated feelings.

For a long time, "OK."

Later, Tang Qingge couldn't think about it. She didn't have time to say it, because the water was too cold, she was too painful, and gradually fell asleep in the bath.

Ji xiuye gritted his teeth and picked her up. His peach eyes were dark and made up his mind.

He won't let her die.

That night, they set out for country M.

It was the next day when they found out that she disappeared with Ji xiuye,

"My sister-in-law is gone?"

Mu Nan and Yan Yi searched the crew and the hotel, but they didn't find Tang Qingge. Last night, the crew celebrated the killing night. They thought Tang Qingge also went to celebrate, but this morning they found that she was not in the hotel at all.

Mulu frowned, "there should be no accident. My sister-in-law is good. There are no suspicious people in the crew. I should have gone out without a mobile phone. Let's wait."

Mu Feng said quietly, "but Ji Xiu's night is gone."


Yan Er's scalp was numb. "Coincidence?"

Mu Feng looked at him contemptuously, "do you think it's a coincidence?"

Yan Er was not happy. "Mu Feng, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. I'm not someone. I'm right about things and not people." Mu Feng satirized Yan 2. They thought they were afraid that the four of them would seize the favor from Tang Qingge and gave them four stumbling blocks many times.

Yan Er couldn't hold his breath. "You!"

Mu Feng stared at him and clenched his fist. He wanted to fight with him.

Mu Jin was agitated. "Miss Tang is gone. What's the point of your quarrel?"

Yan San couldn't hold Yan Er. Yan Er sarcastically said, "Oh, it's boring. It's better to find someone and quarrel here at this time. That's what women can do!"

Qian Mei sneered, "why, look down on women?"

Yan Eryi was stunned. He looked at qianmei's face and stammered immediately, "I don't, I don't mean that."

"Hum! Coward, have the ability to fight!"

"Just fight, who's afraid of you?!"

The two sides confronted each other. As soon as Tang Qingge disappeared, they were all in chaos!


Yan gave a low reprimand, and these talents calmed down.

It's just that Yan Er and Mu Feng have been staring at each other. They have been unhappy with each other for a long time!

But now is not the time to quarrel.

Yan Yi has been paying attention to Qian Mei's expression. He tightened his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice, "Qian Mei, do you know where Miss Tang has gone?"

Qian Mei was stunned and dodged in her eyes, "what, I don't know at all. How can I know where the chick has gone?"

Yan Yi took three steps closer, condescended and looked into her eyes. "You look into my eyes and talk."

Qian Mei's breath stopped for three seconds. Yan Yi kept away from her. This was the first time he was so close to her.

She never said, in fact

In fact, he has a good taste for her. She likes this manly look, rough but tender. Her black pupils are full of her.

Qian Mei hugged her arms, panicked for a moment, and quickly responded, "why should I look at your eyes? Can't I do it without looking?"

Rock stared into her eyes, and the tough man replied, "No."

Qianmei's cheeks are suspiciously red.

Seriously, if Tang Qingge was here, she would be surprised that her chin would fall off. For so many years, she hasn't seen anyone who can make qianmei blush for a long time.

And although qianmei is careless, Tang Qingge knows that she can't stand the tough attitude of men.

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