Qian Mei recovered. She remembered Tang Qingge's pleading appearance before she left. She was cruel and knew she couldn't cheat Yan Yi. She simply lied, "I really don't know anything. Do you want to see my eyes? Do you want to see other places?"

Qianmei deliberately held her chest up.

"You..." Yan was shocked.

"What are you doing? Why don't you talk?"

Yan Yi stared behind her, opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Bo."



Don't make fun of her!

Qian Mei turned her head and her expression was stiff.

Behind him, the man with white eyes, red eyes and dusty hair was stained with wind and snow. He was only wearing a thin shirt. At the moment, he was soaked by the snow. The whole person was colder than the wind and snow. The man came in a shirt, trousers and wind, frost, rain and snow.

It's not bo Qichen!

Not seen for two months, he became more calm, but his feelings were also deeper. He raised his step, stepped on expensive leather shoes, and walked straight towards qianmei. The first sentence was cold, hoarse and dry.

It's cold here in the northeast!

He didn't know how much wind and snow he had endured and rushed to her place.

"Where is she?"

Qian Mei was shocked and speechless. The boss stared with two eyes and didn't know what to say.

The chick said that she made it clear to him yesterday that she broke up with him because she didn't know if she could live.

Then, I don't know where he came from. Wearing only a shirt, he came to the northeast of more than ten degrees below zero. He didn't sleep all night. With scarlet eyes, he came to her and looked for her.

Qian Mei opened her mouth and suddenly choked in her throat. She was embarrassed and didn't turn her head, "I, I don't know."

She clenched her fist and remembered Tang Qingge's instructions. She was cruel. "President Bo, the chick said she told you very clearly on the phone. She has broken up with you and asked you not to come to her."

So what are you doing here?

Bo Qichen's dark eyes were boring, but they were still dark, so he looked at qianmei.

"I came to her."

"I said, I don't know where the chick has gone!" qianmei almost yelled. "Besides, haven't you made it clear? Why are you coming?"

"I miss her."

He said.

He missed her.

The repressed emotion in his black pupil could no longer be repressed. At the moment, it gushed out.

Miss, care, and love

The air is quiet.

Qianmei was stunned by such eyes.

Yan Er and Yan San hugged together in surprise. They felt that their thin body was always attached!

Because in his life, he never publicly admitted that he wanted Tang Qingge and liked Tang Qingge in front of anyone. He pressed all his feelings at the bottom of his heart and buried them in the deepest place in his heart.

Even if he loves her again, he will only choose to care about her silently behind his back. Even if he forgets her later, he will never forget the feeling of loving her.

Mu Nan opened his mouth in surprise and thought that there was a auditory hallucination. Is this what their boss can say?

Not like


Bo Qichen stood there, his black pupils repressed all his emotions, only his white eyes were red, desperately suppressed all his emotions, but he couldn't suppress that sentence in the end. He missed her.

At this moment, qianmei feels sorry for this man.

"Tell me, where is she?"

He approached qianmei for two steps. His pupils were depressed and his whole body was tight. He was on the verge of collapse. Even the blood in his eyes was about to seep out.

Qian Mei lost her voice.

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