But the next second, his generous palm stopped and landed on her soft stomach, gently rubbed it for her, and a man's deep voice came behind him, "how many pasta have been broken tonight?"

"Just five..." she quickly covered her mouth, but she didn't dare to tell him that she had broken five plates of pasta. She was afraid that she would be found pouring it into the trash can, so she had to eat it by herself.

He rubbed her bulging belly, frowned and wanted to say something, but he tightened his lips and didn't say a word. He just rubbed her stomach.


"Give me the bad next time."

She listened to him sigh, shrunk her head, a little guilty, "Oh."

The autumn wind outside the house is chilly, and it seems that winter is coming soon.

The colder it is, the more sleepy it is.

She yawned.

"Boss, I sleep well. Don't worry!"

"... well."

Boss Bo rubbed very comfortably, and gradually she drooped her eyelids to sleep.

She slept restlessly. In the middle of the night, she suddenly climbed onto Bo Qichen and threw herself on him like an octopus, which suddenly woke him up.

He rubbed his eyebrows, heard the small breathing sound from the woman lying on his chest, and some uncomfortable whining. He was silent for a long time. He patted her on the back, coaxed her like a child, and hugged her to sleep.

But half an hour later, he suddenly opened his eyes, felt the pain in his jaw, and took a breath.


Tang Qingge bit his chin and vaguely read "delicious" and smashed her mouth. Bo Qichen pinched her back neck, put her aside, rubbed her lower jaw and sat up.

He thought of her saying that he slept peacefully and was silent for some time.

Who told her she slept well?

After looking at the woman who was still humming, Bo Qichen closed his lips and took her into his arms. Less than five minutes later.

He was bitten again.

And it was the same place. This time, it seemed that she had bitten to see blood. She frowned and took two disgusting "bah bah", spitting out the bloody smell in her mouth.

Still swearing, "Bai Ranran, you... Smelly woman!"

Bo Qichen, "..."

"Rob me and kill you!"

She waved her fist and hit him in the face. Bo Qichen clenched her small fist.

"What did she rob you of?"

Tang Qingge frowned. In her dream, she dreamed that Bo Qichen was robbed by Bai Ranran and beat her angrily. But in reality, she didn't say a word for a long time.

Looking at her angry appearance, thin Qichen pursed his lips.

The next morning

Tang Qingge woke up from bed yawning. She felt pain all over her body and didn't sleep very well all night. Finally, she woke up and slept again and again. She felt like fighting all night.

She rubbed her shoulders and got up. Suddenly, she found that Bo Qichen had sat by the bed early and turned her back to her. She blinked and was curious, "boss, did you wake up so early?"


"Did you sleep well last night?"

Neutral for a few seconds.

"... well."

Tang Qingge yawned and went to wash.

At breakfast, the three children looked at Bo Qichen curiously. The three children stared at Bo Qichen with six eyes. They didn't even use chopsticks. The picture was very cute.

Tang Qingge didn't wake up. "You... AHA... Why are you staring at him?"

Tang Cheng frowned, "Dad, how do I feel like you haven't slept much all night?"

Tang Tang immediately answered, "and there are tooth marks on Baba's chin. Did Mommy bite you, Baba?"

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