Bo Ye also looks at the bright red tooth marks on Bo Qichen's chin, then looks at Tang Qingge, lowers his head and chooses to be silent.

Tang Qingge, "..."

She looked at Qi Chen.

what the hell!

Bo Qichen's chin really has a tooth mark, which is quite obvious. It's on the left chin at the lip angle.

She didn't do it, did she?

Her eyes dodged and her heart was over!

Obviously she bit it!

When did she bite? Why doesn't she remember at all?

Tang Qingge hugged his head. He couldn't remember what he had done last night. He felt he had a cool pillow. He felt very comfortable, so he didn't give up.


Tang Qingge quickly buried himself in eating. Tang Tang Tang wanted to ask again. Bo Qichen also gave her a chopstick. "I'll take you to school later."

Tang Tang was immediately distracted, "really? Baba is the best, thank you Baba!"


Bo Qichen ordered Ding Yan to come. After a while, Ding Yan was already waiting downstairs. The three children went downstairs in good order. Bo Qichen looked at her and called again.

Bo Qin came early in the morning.

He brought a USB flash disk and gave it to Tang Qingge.

Tang Qingge doesn't understand.

"What is this?"

Bo Qin was tired to death. "This is your traffic data. There are traffic data and playback volume on all major platforms. Didn't they say you don't deserve your name? They say that you are not as good as the third woman and slander your independence. Just admit it, because the traffic of this play is driven by you. We'll slap those who say this with these data!"

She still can't believe it. "Is my traffic that high?"

Bo Qin didn't exaggerate at all, "Yes, even Ji xiuye's traffic is not as high as you. Aunt, you don't know how good you are. I was shocked when I collected data last night. Since the founding of Dihua entertainment company for so many years, no one has higher data than you. Even when Bai Ranran was at its peak, the traffic was not half as high as you. Those traffic stars were weak in front of you."

At the beginning, director Huang also said that the play was the traffic data driven by her. She didn't believe it at the beginning.

"Bo Qin, it's very kind of you!"

Tang Qingge rushed up excitedly. Bo Qin looked at his second uncle's suddenly black face and was scared to step back three steps. "No, no, this is what my second uncle asked me to do. Don't hold me!"

He's dying!

Well, what?

She looked back at the big boss. His face was gloomy and chilling.

She was so timid that she was scared that she couldn't pronounce her words neatly. "Nonsense, nonsense, who said she was going to hold you! I don't want to clap hands with you!"

High five

Bo Qichen's face eased a little and looked at Bo Qin, "get up."

Bo Qin sat on the ground and was frightened. He hadn't calmed down for a while.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and propped himself up.

God, he was almost killed by his second uncle's eyes.

Tang Qingge was dazed by Bo qincaihong's fart. She wanted to go to the company to confirm with Wang Lu as soon as possible. If this thing was really like what Bo Qin said, she would have enough evidence to prove that she didn't make a big success with the help of Bai Ranran's reputation, and what Bai Ranran said would be broken!

But before the action, Tang Qingge went back to the bedroom and found a band aid. Back in the living room, she asked Bo Qichen to lower his head and put a band aid on the broken skin on his chin.

She bared her teeth and smiled, "boss, thank you for letting Bo Qin help me!"

"This is a gift of thanks!"

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