The military officers present had already known that the Rabbit was going to reform the army comprehensively and start building a combined brigade.

However, the core of this meeting of the Military Commission was Su Chu!

Qiu Gui slowly looked at everyone present and said,”Everyone should know and understand the performance of the combined battalion in our joint military exercise with Da Mao!”

“Therefore, we must effectively promote and advance the reform and development of the combined brigade!”

“Now, please allow Su Chu to tell you about the future development of the combined brigade and the ideas and thoughts of military reform!”


The military officers present all applauded.

Su Chu stood up and glanced at every general present…….It can be seen that the eyes of these high-ranking military officers are full of expectations and trust.

After all, Su Chu was the first person to propose the construction of a combined brigade, and he played an indispensable role in the creation of a combined brigade.

Apart from anything else, just a combat command system is a huge contribution!

“Comrades, as an important part of modern combat forces, the classification of combined brigades is mainly based on factors such as equipment level, combat capability and mission requirements.”Su Chu said calmly:”Today, I have the honor to introduce to you in detail the classification and related arrangements of combined brigades in our next military reform.”

“First, let’s look at the heavy combined forces brigade……This type of brigade is equipped with advanced heavy weapon systems, such as our Type 93 heavy tanks and 04 series infantry fighting vehicles, which are characterized by strong firepower and armor protection capabilities.”

“Their main task is to undertake high-intensity, high-intensity large-scale cluster combat, and they are the main force in carrying out large-scale combat missions…….The 101st Brigade that we first built is a heavily armored combined brigade!”

“Next is the medium combined brigade……This type of brigade is equipped with medium-weight weapon systems, such as 105mm assault guns and wheeled infantry fighting vehicles, and is characterized by strong mobility and combat capability…….This type of combined brigade is usually used as a strategic support mobile force, capable of providing mobile reinforcements in all directions and cooperating with other types of combined brigades in the local area.”

“In addition to powerful and dynamic heavy-armored combined brigades, we also need some mobile and flexible combined brigades!”

“Finally, there is a light synthetic brigade…….This type of brigade is mainly composed of light armored vehicles, such as light armored vehicles, but is also equipped with other powerful equipment……These troops have very strong mobility and can fight in complex environments such as mountains, jungles, and plateaus.”

“The main task of the light combined forces brigade is to undertake combat missions in low-intensity environments…….Such as reconnaissance, alert, rapid response, etc., which provide our combat system with a wide range of adaptability and rapid response capabilities.”

Qiu Gui and everyone present listened carefully to Su Chu’s introduction and took notes.

Because this involves the subsequent military reform of synthetic forces!

After a pause, Su Chu continued:”In addition to the three main types of synthetic brigades mentioned above……We can also equip and set up some special types of combined forces brigades to adapt to different combat environments and mission requirements”

“For example, amphibious combined brigades and mountain combined brigades!”

“Among them, the amphibious combined brigade is mainly equipped with amphibious assault vehicles, amphibious infantry fighting vehicles and other equipment, and has strong amphibious combat capabilities…….These brigades are generally deployed in coastal areas to deal with possible island landing operations.”

“If we have an amphibious combined force, it will become an important force for our Marine Corps and coastal defense.”

“Another special type is the mountain combined forces brigade……This type of brigade is specially designed for fighting in complex terrain such as mountains and plateaus…….They are equipped with light tanks and infantry fighting vehicles suitable for mountain warfare, and have undergone special tactical training.”

“It is worth mentioning that the soldiers of our mountain combined forces brigade must undergo rigorous high mountain and cold zone combat training to ensure that they can effectively perform their tasks in the most adverse environments.”

Once we have a mountain combined force brigade, it will play an irreplaceable role in our homeland defense and border security…….

The officers present applauded.

Because Su Chu’s speech pointed out the direction for everyone present.

Qiu Gui looked at Su Chu and said,”Su Chu, your ideas are very constructive and instructive! Various synthetic brigades can meet different combat needs!” Su Chu nodded and said,”That’s right! As an important part of our army’s modern combat force, the synthetic brigade should be built with diverse classifications, excellent equipment and clear tasks.”

“Different types of combined forces play different roles in the army and together form a powerful combat system for our army…….

The heavy combined arms brigade provides powerful firepower and armor protection……

Medium combined forces brigades provide flexible support and reinforcement capabilities……

Light composite brigades provide broad adaptability and rapid response capabilities……

special types of combined arms brigades, such as amphibious combined arms brigades and mountain combined arms brigades, provide us with the ability to operate in different environments and conditions”

“I believe that with the continuous deepening of our military reform and the continuous upgrading of weapons and equipment, the combat capability and mission scope of the combined forces brigade will continue to be expanded and improved…….We will continue to strengthen the construction and training of combined arms brigades to improve their combat effectiveness in various environments.”

“At the same time, we will continue to explore and innovate to adapt to the changes in future war forms and the development of combat needs.”

Qiu Gui looked at Su Chu with great appreciation, and then asked:”Su Chu, you are also an expert in the construction of synthetic brigades. Tell us about your views on the future development of synthetic brigades and give us some guidance.��”

“I dare not say guidance……I will just share some of my views! I hope they will inspire others to do more!”Su Chu said confidently:”In the future development, we should focus on the information construction of the combined forces brigade and improve its comprehensive capabilities in command and control, intelligence reconnaissance, firepower strike, etc.”

“We should also strengthen the coordinated combat capabilities between the combined forces brigade and other services to maximize the benefits of joint operations…….For example, after the development of the combined brigade, we will also have to conduct joint operations with the Air Force, Navy, Second Artillery Force, etc., and when we find a target, we can strike it in multiple dimensions through the Navy, Air Force, Second Artillery Force, etc.!”

“In addition, we should also pay attention to the training of soldiers and the development of equipment to ensure that our combined brigade always remains at the forefront of combat effectiveness.”

Qiu Gui said while clapping:”Okay!”

To be honest, Su Chu couldn’t understand why Su Chu, an expert in military scientific research, had such great innovation and foresight in military construction. Even experts who specialize in military construction and research do not have such awareness and strength!

It is really too simple.

Su Chu finally made a summary speech and said:”Finally, I want to emphasize that the reform and development of the combined brigade is a long and arduous task…….It requires the joint efforts and wisdom of all our soldiers……I believe that with everyone’s joint efforts, our combined forces brigade will surely become a leader in future wars and make greater contributions to safeguarding the country’s security and the people’s happiness!”


Su Chu’s speech ended, and a group of military officers in the conference room applauded.

The officers and generals present expressed their agreement and support, and were full of expectations for the future of the combined brigade.

They knew that this was not only the start of a military reform, but also an important step for the rabbit army to move towards modernization.

This is definitely a great historical process for the rabbit army.

Afterwards, everyone present discussed the specific construction and development details of the combined brigade.

The meeting lasted for a total of three days, and the relevant details and specific content of the military reform were determined to create a world-leading combined brigade.

After the high-level meeting of the military committee, it is believed that the reform and formation of the combined brigade will be fully promoted and implemented soon.

Of course.

This needs to face a realistic problem, that is, money!

It takes too much money to build a combined brigade. Many weapons need to be updated and increased in production and quantity!

These all require a lot of military expenditures!

Money is a problem!

It is precisely because of Su Chu’s construction and contribution in the combined brigade, especially the heavy-duty combined brigade, that he was later called the father of the heavy-duty combined brigade, highlighting his contribution and important influence in the combined brigade.

Of course, all this is a later story!

In addition to attending the Military Commission meeting, Su Chu came to Beijing for another important matter, which was to meet with Guo Yehai, the Minister of Industry.

Originally, Su Chu and Guo Yehai had little in common, but with Su Chu’s current status and influence, it was easy for him to meet with Guo Yehai.

The next day.

On a sunny morning, Su Chu stepped into the door of the Ministry of Industry with full enthusiasm and deep insight into the future.

His purpose was clear and firm – to meet with Guo Yehai, the Minister of Industry, and put forward his own views on the future direction of the country’s industrial development.

As a time traveler from the future, Su Chu knew that in this era, the importance of the chip industry was no less than any technological revolution, and it would be the key force to promote the progress of the country and even the world.

0 Asking for flowers

The current time point is 1997, and the gap between Rabbit and the world’s chip industry has not been completely opened.

If we catch up now, we can definitely catch up with the world’s advanced level.

This is a good opportunity not to be missed!

Entering Guo Yehai’s office, Su Chu and Guo Yehai exchanged simple and polite greetings.

Then, Su Chu directly put forward his point of view:”Minister Guo, I think our country should regard the chip industry, especially the research and development and production of lithography-related technologies, as the top priority for future development.” Upon hearing this, Guo Yehai’s eyes flashed with curiosity, and motioned Su Chu to continue:”Oh? You also have your own opinions and understandings in this regard?”

Su Chu took a deep breath and began to elaborate on his reasons:”Chips are the core components of modern electronic devices.

From mobile phones, computers to military equipment, everything relies on them…….

The lithography machine is a key device for manufacturing high-end chips.

Its technical complexity is extremely high and it is known as the Mount Everest in the industrial field.

Mastering this technology means that we will have an advantage in the global scientific and technological competition.

“You may already know that with the rapid development of information technology, the demand for data processing has exploded, and the demand for high-performance chips has become increasingly urgent…….If we can make a breakthrough in this field, we can not only meet the domestic market demand, but also occupy a place in the international market, bringing huge economic benefits and strategic advantages to the country.”

Su Chu’s words were full of determination and urgency.

As a time traveler, Su Chu knew that if the rabbit wanted to be strong in the future, it would be stuck by the lithography machine!

The working principle of the lithography machine is actually very simple, that is, using photolithography technology, the pattern on the photomask is transferred to the photoresist through exposure and development, and then the pattern on the photoresist is transferred to the substrate through etching and other processes…….

In simple terms, it is to use a technology similar to photo printing to print the fine patterns on the mask onto the silicon wafer through light exposure.

(To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!


A complete set of lithography machines mainly includes exposure system, objective lens system, alignment system, measurement system, transmission system, control system, workbench system, etc…….These systems require the support of multiple basic disciplines or majors such as optics, mechanics, electronics, circuits, automation, physics, chemistry, and measurement and control.

Although the principle of the lithography machine is very simple, the lithography machine technology is extremely complex and has the highest technical content among all semiconductor manufacturing equipment…….It mainly involves many advanced technologies such as system integration, precision optics, precision motion, precision material transmission, and high-precision microenvironment control.

The manufacturing and research and development of high-end lithography machines cannot be completed by a single company alone. The industrial chain is complex and requires cooperation from many top companies in the world.

In the chip manufacturing process, lithography is the most important processing technology for integrated circuits, accounting for more than 35% of the chip manufacturing cost.

Therefore, Su Chu knew that if he wanted to avoid being stuck in the future, he had to master the lithography machine technology.

After listening to this, Guo Yehai pondered for a moment, and said slowly:”Su Chu, your point of view is very forward-looking…….Indeed, the importance of the chip industry is self-evident, and lithography technology is a challenge that we urgently need to overcome.”

“But you also know that this is a challenging road that requires huge capital investment, long-term technology accumulation and talent training.”

“I completely understand.”Su Chu responded,”That’s why I suggest that the country should introduce a series of support policies, such as setting up special funds to support research and development, encouraging cooperation among enterprises, universities and research institutions, and forming an integrated innovation system of industry, academia and research.”

“At the same time, we should increase efforts to attract high-end overseas talents, provide them with a good working environment and living conditions, so that they are willing to come and stay, and contribute to China’s chip industry.”

Guo Yehai nodded and agreed:”Your proposal is very constructive. I will seriously consider it and consult with other departments to strive to develop a practical plan…….After all, this is not only about industrial development, but also part of the country’s long-term strategy.”

Since Su Chu has traveled to this parallel world, he will never let Europe and the United States use chip manufacturing to block the rise of Rabbit…….

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