Now Su Chu has not obtained the relevant technology about lithography machines and chips, but he still wants to persuade the Ministry of Industry to speed up the research on chips and lithography machines.

Because now is still the time to catch up!

If we don’t catch up, as the difficulty of lithography machine technology becomes more and more difficult in the future, it will be more difficult to build lithography machines by ourselves.

Su Chu looked at Guo Yehai and said,”Minister Guo, we must not think of relying on buying and give up developing lithography machines and chips by ourselves!”

“Although our current lithography technology is not bad, we must vigorously develop lithography and chip technology, otherwise our lithography technology will lag far behind that of Western countries in the future!”

“You must not buy advanced foreign photolithography machines for convenience and cheapness, and ignore the research of your own photolithography machines!”

This is the advice of Su Chu, a time traveler!

As early as 1965, the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the rabbit developed the first 65-type photolithography machine…….The United States only had lithography machines in the 1950s, when the development of lithography machines had just started, and companies in various countries realized the potential of lithography machines.

Nikon, Canon and other companies in China also began to vigorously develop lithography machines, and the key time point of the entire lithography machine was the 1980s…….Especially in 1985, this was an important node for photolithography.

Since 1965, the development of Rabbit photolithography has been progressing steadily. In 1972, the manufacturing process of photolithography mask was successfully completed…….In 1980, the distributed projection lithography machine with an accuracy of 3 microns was successfully developed, reaching the international mainstream level.

“During the period of”797″, the only company that could compete with Rabbit for photolithography machines was Eagle Sauce…….But the rabbit only relies on national strength, while the Eagle Sauce relies on the world’s materials and industries.

In this era, Nikon and Canon, relying on their excellent accumulation of optical related technologies, easily entered the field of photolithography machines, and stood firm in the Eagle Sauce with higher quality.

For a time, Nikon even occupied more than 50% of the market share…….

Nikon even established an industrial center in Yingjiang, and the semiconductor industry of Jiaobenji also developed rapidly, occupying more than 80% of the market share at one time, which also laid the seeds of disaster for Jiaobenji.

When the time came to the 1990s, the development of Rabbit’s lithography machine was basically stagnant…….What is the reason? The idea that it is better to buy than to make has been deeply rooted in people’s minds!

In the early 1990s, the opening up was in full swing, and the relationship between the rabbit and the eagle sauce quickly heated up…….Relatively more advanced photolithography machines can naturally be purchased directly, but the demand for products like photolithography machines is not large, and it is considered uneconomical to continue large-scale investment.

Therefore, Rabbit’s photolithography machine has actually entered a period of stagnation.

That is to say, now in 1997, Rabbit’s photolithography machine has entered a period of stagnation.

After Su Chu knew about this situation, he naturally came to the Ministry of Industry, hoping that the Ministry of Industry would not give up the research and technological updates of photolithography machines!

Guo Yehai looked at Su Chu who was so serious and nodded and said:”Okay, I will definitely discuss it seriously with the professors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University.”

Su Chu:”Well, if it really doesn’t work, we will continue to develop photolithography machines at our own expense!”

At the end of the meeting, Guo Yehai shook Su Chu’s hand and said earnestly:”Su Chu, I have heard about your foresight and wisdom. We will definitely seriously consider your suggestions on photolithography machines!”

“Perhaps, as you said, we must speed up the development of lithography machines!”

Su Chu nodded and said,”Okay!”

After leaving the Ministry of Industry building, Su Chu felt a little more relaxed…….He wanted to change the status quo of Rabbit chips and lithography machines, but he didn’t know if it would work.

From the 1960s to the early 1990s, under the strict blockade of the West – prohibiting the export of lithography machines and the technology to manufacture lithography machines to Rabbit, a team led by Professor Xu Duanyi of Tsinghua University developed and manufactured lithography machines that were at the world’s advanced level at the time.

At an industrial import and export expo in the 1990s, due to the lack of confidentiality at the time, the technical performance of Rabbit lithography machines was introduced in detail to the manufacturer of the lithography machine…….This greatly surprised the manufacturers of Jiaobenji. They found that the rabbit had developed such a high-level and advanced lithography machine without any foreign technical guidance.

Therefore, the blockade of the lithography machine technology of the rabbit was immediately lifted under the leadership of Yingjiang and Jiaobenji. The lithography machine was sold to the rabbit at a low price, and the manufacturers were invited to travel to Jiaobenji for free for training…….The manufacturer wanted to travel abroad, so he called to cancel the order of lithography machines from Tsinghua University.

So far, Rabbit’s lithography machine business died, and Professor Xu Duanyi turned to research on optical discs.

From then on, lithography machines became Rabbit’s”neck” and”weakness”.”……This is eternal pain!

Now Su Chu is going to change the status quo!

If possible, this is definitely a great deed!

Time came to August 1, 1997.

Today, an acquaintance came to Beijing!

Prince Helasa, the dog owner with a turban and camel.

Prince Helasa has seen the power of the rabbit military industry…….Especially the AR2000 rocket launcher, which directly beat the Jewish state to the point of being at a loss, and they dared not to attack the white turban camel.

Therefore, after learning about the strength of the rabbit’s heavy armored combined brigade, the dog tycoon turbaned camel immediately arranged for Prince Helasa to come and see if he could buy the equipment of the heavy armored combined brigade.

Lin Guocheng was still responsible for receiving Prince Helasa.

At this time.

In a state-owned reception room in Beijing.

Prince Helasa was dressed in gorgeous traditional costumes and an exquisite turban, with an eager and expectant look in his eyes…….The moment he stepped into the reception room, Lin Guocheng had been standing there waiting for a long time, smiling and behaving properly.

Prince Helasa had high hopes for this visit, because he wanted to purchase the relevant equipment and training for the Rabbit’s heavy composite brigade!

“Prince Helasa���Long time no see! You are still as charming as ever, really enviable.” Lin Guocheng greeted warmly, while guiding Prince Helasa to take a seat:”This way, please!”

“Minister Lin, you are too polite…….I came here this time with an important mission. Prince Helasa responded with a smile, but his words revealed a seriousness that should not be underestimated.

“Oh? I’d like to hear more about it. What can you do for me, Your Highness?”Lin Guocheng pretended to be surprised, but he had already guessed in his heart: Could this rich man be coming for the heavy armored combined brigade?

Prince Helasa picked up the teacup, took a sip, then slowly put it down and looked directly at Lin Guocheng:”Minister Lin, this is it……I heard that your country’s heavily armored combined brigade was invincible in the Russian exercise battlefield and wiped out a Russian combined brigade in 40 minutes!”

“I admire this deeply, and I hope to introduce such weapons and equipment and tactical training to our army.”

Lin Guocheng was moved when he heard this, but he remained calm on the surface:”Your Highness, I am honored that you are interested in the equipment of our heavy combined brigade…….However, as you know, the equipment of the heavy combined arms brigade is not an ordinary arms deal, which involves many complex issues.”

“Of course, I understand.” Prince Helasa nodded and smiled,”Price is not a problem. We, Turban Camel, are willing to bid 5 billion US dollars to buy a full set of equipment for a heavy-duty combined brigade…….I believe that this price is enough to reflect our sincerity and determination.”

Lin Guocheng heard this and calculated in his heart.

5 billion US dollars is indeed an astronomical figure!

It is equivalent to 40 billion RMB.

This is absolutely a sky-high price.

Now the cost price of a heavy-armored combined brigade is about 10 billion.

If you sell one to a big dog, you can make a net profit of about 30 billion RMB.

This is really violent.

But the equipment of the heavy-armored combined brigade cannot be measured by money?

Moreover, the rabbits have not yet fully equipped the heavy-armored combined brigade, and the reform of the entire combined brigade is still in progress. How can the weapons and equipment of the heavy-armored combined brigade be sold to big dogs?

Even if you are short of money, you can’t just buy it casually!

Lin Guocheng pondered for a moment, then slowly said:”Your Highness, your offer is indeed very tempting…….But you also know that the equipment of a heavy combined-armour brigade is not just a bunch of weapons and equipment…….It also includes personnel training, tactical systems, logistics support and other aspects.”

“This is not a simple transaction, but a major issue involving national strategy and security.”

“So I can’t agree to this question casually!”

“Whether we can sell the heavy armored combined brigade to you depends on the arrangement of our superiors!” (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Prince Helasa frowned slightly when he heard this, but he did not give up and said:”Minister Lin, I completely understand your concerns…….However, I believe that as long as both sides cooperate sincerely, we will be able to find a solution to these problems……….”

“I am willing to promise that once we introduce your country’s heavy-duty combined brigade equipment, we will strictly abide by the relevant use and maintenance regulations and will never disclose any technical secrets.”

Lin Guocheng looked at Prince Helasa’s sincere expression and was touched…….But he also knew that this deal was not only about money and interests, but also about the trust and friendship between the two countries.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to give Prince Helasa a clear answer and said,”Your Highness, I have felt your sincerity…….However, regarding the equipment transaction of the heavy combined brigade, I really need to ask our superiors for instructions…….After all, this is not something I can decide alone. I hope you can understand.”

Prince Helasa was a little disappointed when he heard this…….But he also understood that this was normal procedure, so he nodded:”Minister Lin, I fully understand……Please be sure to convey my sincerity and determination to your superiors. At the same time, we really want to buy your heavy armored combined brigade!”

“Don’t worry, Your Highness. I will consult with my superiors as soon as possible and give you a clear answer.”Lin Guocheng responded with a smile.

In the following time, the two had in-depth discussions and exchanges on some details.

Although the equipment transaction for the heavy-armored combined brigade has not been finalized, the two still hope to achieve other cooperation in arms trade.

After all, the rabbit is really short of military funds now!

Especially if the rabbit wants to build a combined brigade, it will require a lot of funds. But you can’t sell everything.

Afterwards, after finishing the conversation with Prince Helasa, Lin Guocheng came to the office of Zhou Zhengguo, Minister of the Ministry of National Defense and Military Industry, and reported to Zhou Zhengguo. As soon as they met, Lin Guocheng reported Prince Helasa’s request and offer one by one.

5 billion US dollars! 40 billion RMB? []

This price is indeed not cheap!

If this arms trade is completed, then the rabbit can make a fortune.

But it can’t be sold!

After hearing this, Zhou Zhengguo frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he said:”Old Lin, although our military expenditure is tight now, the heavy-armored combined brigade is the core strength of our national defense and military industry, and it must not be sold easily…….Even the dog owner Turban Camel, an old customer, can’t do it.”

“Go back and tell Prince Helasa that we appreciate his sincerity and offer, but a complete set of equipment, technology, tactics, etc. of the heavy combined brigade are not for sale.”

Lin Guocheng nodded, and said with a clear mind,”Okay, I understand!”

Although the rich man is rich, he can’t buy everything.

The next day.

Lin Guocheng met Prince Helasa again.

After the two met and exchanged greetings, Prince Helasa couldn’t wait to ask:”How about it, Minister Lin, did your superiors agree to sell the heavy combined weapons and equipment?”

Lin Guocheng looked at Prince Helasa and said:”Your Highness, I have asked our Minister of National Defense and Military Industry, Minister Zhou Zhengguo…….He said that although we are currently facing a tight military budget, the heavy-armored combined-armory brigade is a strategic asset of our country and must not be sold.”

“We are very grateful for your sincerity and offer, but hope you can understand our position.”

After hearing this, Prince Helasa’s face flashed with disappointment, but he quickly regained his composure:”Mr. Lin, I fully understand your country’s position…….I also understand the importance of the heavy-armored combined brigade, but we are really sincere in purchasing it!”

“If you are willing to sell it, I will pay more!”

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