The B2 strategic bomber of the Eagle Sauce came with pride and complacency, but left in disgrace! They were driven away directly!

Very embarrassed!

After returning to the base, Martinlov and Lakbudi immediately reported the situation of the mission to the commander…….After listening to their report, the commander frowned and fell into deep thought.

He knew that the failure of this mission might mean that their strategic advantage no longer existed…….The rabbit’s radar technology seems to have made a breakthrough, which is undoubtedly a huge threat to them.

In the following days, Eagle Sauce began to study the rabbit’s radar technology in depth…….They tried to find out why their stealth coating was discovered and to find a solution.

However, no matter how hard they tried, they could not find the root of the problem.

The rabbit’s radar technology seemed to have become an unsolvable mystery.

After all, the Eagle Sauce was very confident in its B2 strategic bomber…….Especially the stealth, which is absolutely powerful!

But I didn’t expect it to fail in front of the rabbit’s radar!

The rabbit’s military was also shocked after learning about this. They never expected that the Eagle Sauce would send a B2 bomber into the airspace on such an important day as July 1st…….This is obviously a provocation.

If it weren’t for the MB01 meter-wave radar, the huge Rabbit airspace would have become a back garden!

This time, the MB01 meter-wave radar developed by Su Chu has once again made a contribution!

With the MB01 meter-wave radar, Rabbit doesn’t have to worry too much about the Eagle Sauce’s B2 fighter…….Once their B2 stealth bomber is discovered, it means that they have lost their strategic advantage.

Through this incident, the performance of the MB01 meter-wave radar system has been greatly verified.

303 Base!

While Su Chu was busy, he soon received a call from Qiu Gui

, the head of the Military Commission:”Hello, Su Chu? This is Qiu Gui.” Su Chu was a little surprised to receive Qiu Gui’s call, and couldn’t help but said:”Chief Qiu, it’s so late, what’s the matter?”

Qiu Gui took a deep breath, and said in a serious tone:”Su Chu, there is something urgent that I need to tell you. Our MB01 radar system has just discovered that the B2 bomber of the Eagle Sauce has entered our airspace!”

Su Chu was stunned when he heard this.

The B2 bomber is one of the most advanced stealth fighters of the Eagle Sauce Air Force. How dare it break into the airspace of the rabbit so boldly?

However, as a time traveler, Su Chu knows that there is nothing that the Eagle Sauce can’t do.

Su Chu was immediately filled with anger at the Eagle Sauce’s behavior, but was quickly suppressed by reason, saying:”How dare they send B2 bombers so blatantly? How audacious! What a hateful act!”

Qiu Gui nodded, with a hint of relief and excitement in his tone, and said:”Yes, fortunately the MB01 radar you developed discovered it in time, and then we arranged two Gou 10 fighters to take off urgently to drive it away, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.”

“Your radar technology has made the B2’s stealth capability ineffective, which is a great achievement.”

Su Chu heard this and felt a sense of pride, but more worried about national security. He said,”Commander Qiu, this matter must be dealt with seriously…….I suggest that we report this publicly, which can not only enhance the self-confidence and national cohesion of the people, but also let the world know that the B2 is not really invisible and invincible.”

Qiu Gui pondered for a moment and felt that Su Chu’s suggestion made sense:”You are right, we should let the people know our defense capabilities, and let the Eagle Sauce know that their stealth fighters are not invincible.”

“So, how do you think we should report this incident?”

Su Chu thought for a moment and said,”We can first issue a short press release stating that our radar system successfully detected the invading B2 bomber and emphasized that this is a strong proof of our national defense science and technology strength…….At the same time, we can also invite some military experts to interpret and analyze the significance and impact of this incident.

Qiu Gui nodded and agreed:”Okay, let’s do this.”

“By the way, Su Chu, do you think we have any way to fight back and teach the Eagle Sauce a lesson?”

Su Chu’s eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, and he slowly said:”Commander Qiu, I think we can also arrange our bombers to patrol the Eagle Sauce’s airspace to let them know that we also have the ability and determination to defend our national interests.”

“If the Eagle Sauce does this, we can also retaliate in kind!”

Qiu Gui heard this, a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes, and after thinking for a moment, he said:”But our current bombers do not have such a long range, and there is no way to fly to the Eagle Sauce’s airspace. This is a problem!”

Su Chu smiled and said:”Captain Qiu, you may not know? Our 303 Comprehensive Research Institute has made relevant improvements and modifications to the H6 bomber. Now the H6K Ares bomber has been modified and can be manufactured in as little as one month!”

“The biggest difference between the H6K Ares bomber and the H6 bomber is that the range has been greatly increased!”

“Although we still can’t cross the entire Pacific Ocean to reach the west coast of the United States, we can go to Alaska for a cruise!”

Alaska is a state of the United States, located at the northwest end of the North American continent, bordering the Maple Leaf Country to the east, and surrounded by the Arctic Ocean, the Bering Sea and the North Pacific Ocean on the other three sides…….

Alaska has 17 of the 20 highest mountains in the United States, including Mount Denali, the highest peak in North America, with an altitude of 6,194 meters.

The total area is 1,717,854 square kilometers, accounting for 20% of the country’s area, making it the largest state in the United States.

It is worth mentioning that Alaska has a long history and was once a colony of Russia…….In 1867, the Russians sold Alaska to the Eagle Sauce for $7.2 million, and this transaction became the famous”Alaska Land Purchase Case” in history.

With the development and construction of Alaska by the Eagle Sauce, the region gradually integrated into the culture and social system of the Eagle Sauce and became a territory of the Eagle Sauce!

The H6K bomber modified by Su Chu and the 303 base has a range that is enough to reach Alaska.

In this way, the rabbits are also fighting back in equal measure!

Since you arranged for the B2 bomber to come, then I will arrange for the H6K bomber to go to your Alaska!

The enemy can go, and I can go too. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Since the Eagle Sauce arranged for the B2 bomber to come, the rabbit’s H6K bomber can also go directly to the Eagle Sauce’s Alaska airspace or air defense identification zone!

Qiu Gui was surprised and shocked, and said:”Really? Your 303 base successfully upgraded and modified the H6 bomber and developed the H6K bomber?”

“This is really great! We also have long-range bombers!”

Although the H6K Ares bomber is not as good as the B2 strategic bomber, its performance is not bad.

Su Chu:”Yes, I think this time we arranged the H6K Ares bomber to go to Alaska, which is also a lesson for the Eagle Sauce to fight back, and it is also a good opportunity to test the performance of our H6K Ares bomber!”

Qiu Gui nodded and said:”Su Chu, this suggestion is very good, but we need to consider it carefully……After all, such actions may attract attention and reaction from the international community.”

“However, I will report your suggestion to my superiors and try to get it approved.

Su Chu nodded, showing his understanding, and said,”I understand, Commander Qiu…….Such actions do require careful consideration. However, I think we should have enough confidence and determination to meet any challenges…….After all, our national interests and national dignity cannot be violated.”

Qiu Gui took a deep breath and said firmly:”You are right, Su Chu”

“Our national interests and national dignity cannot be violated. I will report your suggestion to my superiors and try to get it approved…….At the same time, I will continue to pay attention to the development of this incident to ensure that our national security is not threatened in any way.”

“At the same time, with you and the 303 base, we have an extra guarantee. Su Chu, you really made an invaluable contribution!”

0 flowers requested

With the outbreak of many recent events, the importance of Su Chu and the 303 Institute has become more and more prominent.

Su Chu said modestly:”This is what I should do as a military scientist!”

After the two talked for a few more sentences, they ended the call.[]

Qiu Gui also followed Su Chu’s advice and prepared to publicly report the news event of the B2 bomber intruding into the airspace without authorization!

This was to publicly slap the Eagle Sauce in the face, and to let the world see that the B2 bomber is not indestructible and is not as powerful as the Eagle Sauce promotes!

The next day, the CCTV News Channel

“【[News from our station] Today, our military issued a statement confirming that a major airspace security incident was handled promptly and effectively, demonstrating our country’s firm stance and strong strength in maintaining its territory and airspace.”

“According to official news, a B2 stealth bomber belonging to a certain country crossed the border and entered my country’s airspace without any authorization.”

“This incident immediately triggered my country’s newly deployed new radar monitoring system, which quickly locked and tracked the target with its excellent detection capability and high sensitivity, providing key intelligence support for the national security defense line.”

“Faced with this sudden challenge, the Chinese Air Force responded quickly and a new fighter jet belonging to an elite force was urgently dispatched to carry out the interception and expulsion mission…….After receiving the order, this new fighter jet, with its excellent maneuverability and advanced weapon system, quickly took off and approached the target area.”

“Through a series of professional and powerful aerial actions, including the transmission of warning signals and formal notifications on international communication channels, the B2 bomber was eventually forced to change its course and leave my country’s airspace, effectively maintaining the safety and integrity of our airspace.”

“The successful handling of this incident not only demonstrated the superb skills and rapid response capabilities of our air force, but also highlighted the extraordinary achievements of our national defense technology, especially the new radar system.”

“As an important part of my country’s air defense system, the successful practical application of this radar system marks an important step forward in my country’s airspace monitoring and defense technology, and builds a more solid barrier to safeguard the security of the country’s airspace.”

“The handling of this incident is not only a powerful warning to the outside world, but also a profound encouragement to the Chinese people. It proves that under the guidance of the strategy of strengthening the country through science and technology, my country’s national defense strength is constantly rising, and it has the ability and confidence to face all challenges and protect every inch of its territory.”

“In addition, the military also revealed that it will further optimize and upgrade national defense science and technology equipment, strengthen the modernization of the Air Force, ensure that it can effectively respond to various complex situations that may be encountered in the future, and contribute to maintaining world peace and promoting common development.”

“In summary, the successful handling of the B2 bomber’s unauthorized intrusion is a real-life test of airspace security capabilities and a firm defense of national dignity and security…….It once again proves that only by constantly improving our self-defense capabilities can we remain invincible in a complex and ever-changing international environment, enhance our country’s ambition and enhance our country’s prestige.”

Some military images were also included in the news broadcast…….For example, radar images, images of fighter planes flying in the air, etc., but the MB01 meter-wave radar and the Gou- 10 fighter will not be leaked!

Because the MB01 meter-wave radar system and the Gou-10 fighter are confidential weapons and equipment, the specific models and related information were not leaked in the news reports.

But this time, the news report of the Central Bank directly pointed to the Eagle Sauce!

Although the B2 bomber of a certain country was used in the news report of the Central Bank, the only country in the world equipped with the B2 bomber is the Eagle Sauce……This is equivalent to naming the Eagle Sauce! As soon as this report came out, it immediately caused shock at home and abroad…….

PS: Second update, one auto-subscription plus one chapter, one 100 VIP reward plus one chapter.

Currently there are only 3 auto-subscriptions, one of which is mine, too miserable.

I beg for an auto-subscription, you can cancel it at any time if you don’t like it!

Today is August 1st, a new month, I beg for a broken egg reward..

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