The Central Bank revealed two weapons and equipment in this news report: advanced radar systems and advanced fighter jets.

The scalpel that cut the Eagle Sauce F14 fighter jet was also an advanced fighter jet.

Now the Central Bank report revealed that the advanced radar system discovered the B2 stealth fighter jet and intercepted the advanced fighter jet…….This is the second time that an advanced fighter jet has appeared.

As soon as this news report came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation, influence and heated discussion in the country.

This news spread quickly throughout the streets and alleys like wings, becoming a hot topic for people to discuss after dinner.

On social media, various opinions came like a tide, forming an unprecedented storm of public opinion.

“It’s incredible! Our radar can actually detect the B2? That’s a super stealth bomber!”A young technology enthusiast posted on the forum, full of incredible surprise.

His post quickly attracted many responses, including some netizens who were equally shocked.

“Yes, I always thought those high-tech weapons belonged to others, but I didn’t expect that we also have such powerful equipment!” A middle-aged uncle left a message in the comment area, revealing a full sense of pride in his tone:”If it wasn’t reported by CCTV, I wouldn’t believe it!”

“Now, those Americans who always like to show off their weapons and equipment should shut up, right? Our strength is not to be underestimated!”A netizen’s comment received a lot of likes

“Didn’t the Eagles boast that their B2 bombers were so powerful? How come they were detected by our radar? It was really a big joke, hahaha!”

“Our radar technology has advanced by leaps and bounds. It can even detect the B2 bomber of the United States. It is really”247″ not simple!”

“No wonder our defense budget is constantly increasing. It seems that we have made great achievements in the defense industry…….Support our country to become stronger and stronger.”

Obviously, this news has greatly boosted the confidence of the people in the country’s military strength.

In these comment areas, the same excited voices are heard one after another.

Many netizens said that they always heard about how advanced the B2 bomber was and how difficult it was to detect. Now it seems that the rabbit’s national defense technology is no longer what it used to be. Even such a”ghost in the sky” can be caught.

“Humph, the Eagle Sauce is getting more and more shameless. They even dare to blatantly invade our airspace!”An old netizen commented indignantly, and his words revealed his dissatisfaction and condemnation of a certain country’s behavior.

Many netizens agreed with this, believing that this incident once again exposed the true face of hegemonism in some countries. At the same time, they also highly praised the Rabbit Army for its timely response and effective expulsion of invaders.

Amid the heated discussions, there were also rational voices.”In any case, this incident at least proves that our national defense weapons and equipment have been significantly improved, which is worthy of recognition.”

A military expert said in a TV interview…….He further analyzed that even if the B2 has extremely high stealth performance, in the modern electronic warfare environment, no weapon is invincible, and the key lies in how to build a multi-level, three-dimensional defense system.

This statement undoubtedly provides the public with a more in-depth perspective.

“Yes, I think this is not just a simple technology demonstration, but also a real-life test of our national defense capabilities.”Whether the B2 bomber was actually detected by radar or not, it at least shows that our defense system has the ability to respond quickly to potential threats,” a military analyst wrote on his blog…….This is worthy of recognition.”

Of course, there are also many people who are optimistic. They believe that this incident is a positive signal, marking a leap forward in China’s national defense strength.

“It seems that our national defense technology is really getting stronger and stronger. Even the B2 strategic bomber of the Eagle Sauce can be detected and driven away. This is amazing!”A college student excitedly shared his feelings.

His friends also expressed their support and recognition, and expressed their confidence and expectations for the future of the country.

However, amid the cheers, there are also rational voices of doubt.

“The B2 is a stealth fighter with a stealth coating, so how could it be easily detected by radar? Is this news a bit exaggerated?”A military fan raised his question, triggering a small debate on stealth technology and radar detection capabilities.

“Maybe it was a coincidence? After all, the B2 bomber is so powerful, how could we easily discover it?”Another netizen expressed his doubts, thinking that this incident might be just accidental:”I think with our radar technology, we can’t detect the B2 bomber.”

Some even directly questioned the authenticity of the news:”There are a lot of false reports these days. Is this true or false? It’s not deliberately made up to boost people’s morale, right?”

Although such remarks are sharp, they also reflect the high attention of some people to the authenticity of information.

After all, when the B2 bomber of the Eagle Sauce came out, it was promoted in various magical ways and was quite powerful…….The equipment of the rabbit is behind that of the eagle, so the rabbit’s radar claims to be able to detect the eagle’s B2 fighter, which naturally aroused doubts. This is normal.

No one could have imagined that the rabbit’s military industry would develop so rapidly.

Faced with various doubts, some military experts and popular science people have stood up to speak out and answer the doubts of the public.

“In fact, stealth technology is not omnipotent. It mainly targets radar waves in specific frequency bands…….If the new radar system developed by our country adopts advanced detection technology and can search efficiently in a wider frequency band, it is possible to break through the limitations of stealth technology.”This can detect stealth fighters!” explained a military expert on a TV program.”

“Moreover, with the development of science and technology, radar technology is also constantly improving…….This incident may be a signal that China has made a major breakthrough in radar technology. Another researcher shared his views on social media, which was widely recognized:”It shows that we have made a substantial breakthrough in radar technology!”

In this heated discussion, the collision of different views not only did not cause conflict, but promoted deeper communication and understanding.

The people began to realize that whether they were proud or skeptical, they were all out of concern for national security and expectations for national development.

“Anyway, this incident at least shows us the country’s progress in national defense technology…….We should give more support and encouragement to scientific researchers so that they can work in a better environment, so that our national defense will become stronger and stronger!” A netizen’s message received widespread resonance:”It can be seen that our national defense and military strength are getting stronger and stronger!”

“That’s right, this time the advanced fighter jets are going into battle again, which shows that our advanced fighter jet technology is really powerful!”

“Whether it is radar technology or fighter aircraft technology, we have made great progress, which is worthy of recognition!”

So, in order to substantially support the development of the rabbit’s national defense military industry, many citizens have bought national defense lottery tickets.

After all, this news from the central bank is like a shot of adrenaline, which makes every citizen’s heart surge with unprecedented pride and blood. In the streets and alleys, teahouses and dining tables, citizens are talking about this feat, and their words are full of excitement and excitement.

And driven by this patriotic enthusiasm, an unexpected phenomenon has appeared-the national defense lottery station is crowded and bustling. With smiles on their faces and expectations and hopes in their eyes, the citizens have expressed their desire to buy a few national defense lottery tickets to support the country’s national defense cause with practical actions.

“I also want to do my part for the country’s prosperity. Maybe I can win a big prize and contribute to the development of more advanced weapons for the country!” A young man said to his friend beside him with a smile, holding the lottery ticket he just bought tightly in his hand, as if it was not just a piece of paper, but a ticket to the dream of a strong country:”We can even detect the B2 bomber of the Eagle Sauce, we must have support!”

“Yes, I used to think that national defense was far away from us, but now it seems that everyone is part of the national defense line…….Buying lottery tickets is also a way to express our gratitude.” A lady next to her echoed, her eyes also full of longing for the future:”Down with the Eagle Sauce!”

Inside the National Defense Lottery Station, staff members were busy and orderly handling every transaction…….Their faces were also filled with pride and pride.

At this moment, this job seemed to be given a more profound meaning – it not only connected the small dreams of individuals, but also gathered into a powerful force to drive the country forward.

As night fell, the lights of the National Defense Lottery Station were still bright, and the enthusiasm of the people did not diminish at all.

They talked about the future of the country and discussed how to���How to make this power stronger and make the country stand more confidently on the international stage.

Everyone has a common dream in their hearts: hope that the country can develop more advanced weapons and equipment, so that the”Eagle Sauce” and its ilk will never dare to provoke easily, and let the sunshine of peace always shine on this land.

This”national defense craze” triggered by a piece of news is not only an affirmation of the country’s strength, but also a concentrated outburst of the patriotic feelings of the whole people…….

Being able to discover and drive away the B2 bomber that the Eagle Sauce is most proud of and the most advanced, this really makes the people excited, so naturally they have to buy national defense lottery tickets to support it, and support national defense construction and development in their own way!

The biggest hawks in the rabbit are not in the military, but in the civilians.

Now the people support the military industry quite crazy.

At the same time, this news from the central bank quickly spread around the world, triggering strong attention and heated discussions from the international community and various countries.

Originally, the Eagle Sauce did not want to announce this shameful record, thinking of suppressing it, but never expected that the rabbit’s central bank would report it.

Such a defeat suddenly has nowhere to hide! (To read the violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“It’s incredible! Rabbit’s radar can actually detect the B2 bomber? This is simply a miracle!”An international military expert exclaimed in a TV interview program.

He originally thought that the stealth technology of the B2 bomber was enough to allow it to follow anywhere in the world, but now it seems that the speed of Rabbit’s military development has exceeded his imagination.

“Yes, I didn’t expect that the speed of the development of the rabbit’s military industry was so fast, it was really caught off guard…….Especially this radar technology, it can actually detect the B2 strategic bomber, which is shocking.”Another military commentator nodded and said,”Moreover, their advanced fighter jets can successfully drive away the B2, which shows that their fighter jets are also very powerful.”

However, some people doubted the rabbit’s radar capabilities.

“I don’t believe the rabbit’s radar can detect the B2 bomber.”A military official from the United States shook his head in an interview and said,”Our B2 strategic bomber is a stealth bomber, and it is designed to avoid being detected by radar…….How could the rabbit find it so easily?”

“Our advanced radar systems can’t detect the B2 bomber, let alone the rabbit’s radar! This is fake news!”

“Maybe it was just a coincidence, or maybe the rabbits got the intelligence in advance.”Another military expert from the Eagle Sauce speculated:”In any case, I don’t think this means that the rabbits’ radar technology has surpassed ours.”

However, more people still expressed admiration and awe for the rabbits’ military strength.

“It seems that the military strength of the Rabbit should not be underestimated. A diplomat from a European country said in public:”Their development speed is too fast, and we must re-examine their position on the international stage.””

“Yes, the rabbit’s military strength is no longer what it used to be.���A military general from an Asian country agreed:”Their advanced fighter jets and new radar systems show that they have made significant breakthroughs in military technology…….The discovery of the B2 bomber and the expulsion of the 3.0B2 bomber are good examples!”

At the same time, the Eagle Sauce also set off an uproar in China.

“How is this possible? Our B2 bomber was actually detected by the rabbit’s radar?”An American congressman asked in parliament:”Our military technology has always been the world’s leading, how could it be surpassed by the rabbit?”

“This is indeed an unexpected situation.”The Defense Minister of the Eagle Sauce admitted at a press conference:”However, we cannot deny the military strength of the rabbit because of this…….They are developing very fast indeed, and we must take this fact seriously.”

Amid heated discussions in the international community, the military strength of Rabbit has become the focus of everyone’s attention…….Some people admire the speed of development and technological breakthroughs of Rabbit, while others doubt and question the strength of Rabbit.

However, in any case, this incident has caused a subtle change in the status of Rabbit on the international stage.[]

The rise of rabbits has already shown signs!

“It seems that we must re-examine our military strategy.”A senior general of the Eagle Sauce said to his colleagues in private,”The military strength of the Rabbits can no longer be underestimated, and we must be prepared to deal with their rise.”

Perhaps what the Eagle Sauce did not expect was that the Rabbits were preparing to arrange H6K bombers to go to Alaska…….

PS: The third update, one auto-subscription plus one chapter, one 100 VIP reward plus one chapter.

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I beg for an auto-subscription, you can cancel it at any time if you don’t like it!

Today is August 1st, a new month, I beg for a broken egg reward..

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