The fact that the B2 strategic bomber of the United States sneaked into the airspace of the Rabbit and was discovered caused a huge sensation and impact, as well as heated discussions at home and abroad.

Because the B2 strategic bomber that the United States has been promoting to the outside world has always been quite powerful, with its main feature being stealth performance.

But no one expected that the B2 bomber would be discovered by the Rabbit’s radar, which was quite embarrassing and embarrassing.

Afterwards, the manufacturer of the B2 bomber, the military-industrial enterprise Northrop Grumman, checked the B2 strategic bomber inside and out to see what went wrong…….But after a thorough inspection, no problems were found.

Northrop Grumman was founded in 1994 after Northrop Corporation acquired Grumman Corporation. The company is the world’s third largest military manufacturer, as well as the world’s largest radar manufacturer and the largest naval ship manufacturer.

Northrop Aircraft Corporation was originally founded in Hawthorne, California in 1939. It is known for its flying wing technology and has developed the famous B-2 stealth bomber. In addition, there is the R-4 Global Hawk drone.、F-14 Cat Fighter etc.、E-8C AWACS、T-38 trainer aircraft、EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare aircraft、E-2C early warning aircraft and other aircraft.

In addition, Northrop Grumman also built aircraft carriers and a large number of nuclear submarines, satellites, etc. for the Eagle Sauce Navy.

Originally, Northrop Grumman was a radar manufacturer and an expert in this field. They couldn’t figure out how the B2 strategic bomber was discovered by the rabbit’s radar!

It was totally incomprehensible!

At the same time, the Eagle Sauce pilot also flew the B2 strategic bomber to test his own radar system…….They found that their own radar system could not detect the B2 strategic bomber, which made the Eagle Sauce even more confused.

In the end, the Eagle Sauce military and Northrop Grumman came to a conclusion: it was because the rabbit’s radar technology was too advanced that the B2 bomber was discovered, and it was not because the B2 bomber’s stealth performance had a problem.

This result made the Eagle Sauce even more confused and shocked: they never expected that the rabbit’s radar technology would develop so quickly…….It’s terrible!

The matter is still fermenting.

The time came to July 15, 1998.

On this day,

Su Chu was studying the relevant information of EUV lithography machine in the office.

Ring ring ring……

The phone rang.

Su Chu looked and saw that it was Qiu Gui’s call.

The call was connected.

Su Chu:”Hello, Commander Qiu, what’s the matter?”

Qiu Gui cleared his throat and said seriously:”Su Chu, I have good news for you…….I just received a notice from the Military Commission that they agreed to your previous proposal and decided to arrange an H6K bomber to conduct a routine patrol in the Alaska Air Identification Zone.”

“This action is not only a demonstration of our strength, but also a direct response to the provocative behavior of the Eagle Sauce B2 bomber.”

Su Chu heard this and smiled slightly, saying,”Great, sir, this is indeed exciting good news…….Do you have any idea about the time of action?”

Qiu Gui pondered for a moment, then slowly said:”I am thinking about this issue……This time point is very important.”

Su Chu:”What do you think of August 1st? This day is of great significance to us.”

Qiu Gui’s eyes lit up instantly, and he completely understood Su Chu’s intention, and nodded in agreement:”August 1st, good idea! That is the festival of the founding of our rabbit army. Choosing this day to attack can not only boost morale, but also declare to the world that we have the ability and determination to defend our interests and dignity…….It is time to give a reciprocal counterattack to some of the actions of the Eagle Sauce.”

The Eagle Sauce arranged for the B2 bomber to enter the Rabbit’s airspace without authorization on July 1, so the Rabbit chose to retaliate on August 1.

This is a reciprocal counterattack. It also represents the confidence and strength of the Rabbit!

Su Chu nodded and said,”Yes, that’s it. Let the world see that we are no longer the weak country that is bullied by others…….Our army and our technology are no longer what they used to be. This operation will be the best time for us to announce this to the world.”

After a pause, Su Chu added:”Moreover, choosing August 1st can also give our soldiers extra motivation…….On this day, they will feel more deeply the mission and honor they shoulder…….This will greatly help improve the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the entire army.”

Qiu Gui agreed and continued,”Okay, that’s it…….I will immediately report our decision to the Military Commission and start preparing the details of the operation.”

“Su Chu, whether we can succeed this time depends on the performance of our H6K Ares bomber!”

Su Chu replied firmly:”Don’t worry, Chief, I believe in the H6K Ares bomber we developed!”

“We must not only show our strength, but also let the world see that our Rabbit Army is a force that cannot be underestimated.”

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Gui and Su Chu fell into deep thought.

They knew that this operation was not just a simple cruise, but also the best proof of the strength of the Rabbit Army!

In the following time, Su Chu focused part of his energy on the preparations before the cruise of the H6K Ares bomber…….Although the preparations were made by the military, Su Chu also had to collaborate.

After all, Su Chu was the chief designer of the H6K bomber!

At the same time, Su was also stepping up the development of anti-ship missile technology.

Although the Second Artillery Corps has the Dongfeng 21D missile for anti-ship, many warships also need advanced anti-ship missiles!

In the scientific research building, the lights were bright, and Su Chu stood in the center of the spacious and bright laboratory, his eyes like torches, scanning the busy team members in front of him.

In the past year, members of the entire anti-ship missile technology team have fought side by side and overcome one difficulty after another in anti-ship missile technology. Now, only the last technical bastion remains to be overcome.

“Everyone, be quiet and listen to me.” Su Chu’s voice was steady and powerful, instantly attracting everyone’s attention, and he said,”We have come to this point, and almost all the core difficulties of anti-ship missile technology have been solved by us one by one…….Now, what lies before us is the final technical challenge – the missile’s terminal guidance accuracy and anti-interference capability.”

The team members nodded one after another…….They know that the success or failure of this step will directly affect the success of the entire project.

“According to the latest simulation data, Su Chu continued,”the accuracy of our missiles in the terminal guidance phase needs to be improved by at least 30% in order to achieve the expected target…….At the same time, stability in electronic warfare environments must also be enhanced to ensure that the missile can break through the enemy’s electromagnetic interference”

“Mr. Su, I suggest that we focus on optimizing the missile’s inertial navigation system and combine it with our Beidou global positioning navigation for composite guidance.”This can greatly improve the guidance accuracy.” A young engineer suggested.

At present, the construction of the Beidou global navigation and positioning system has been ongoing.

The continuous launch of satellites is aimed at building a global satellite navigation and positioning network.

But this also takes time!

Su Chu nodded slightly and agreed:”This is a good idea. However, we also need to consider how to integrate autonomous terrain matching technology on the basis of composite guidance…….In this way, even if the Beidou GPS signal is interfered with, the missile can still rely on terrain data for accurate navigation.”

“In addition, Su Chu changed the subject and said,”We are also going to start designing a new generation of Yingji 12 anti-ship missiles. This missile should not only have a longer range, but also have stronger penetration capability and damage effect…….This is the work of our anti-ship missile technology!”

Anti-ship missile technology is just a technology.

As long as this technology is applied to weapons, it will be an anti-ship missile!

Upon hearing this, the team members’ eyes flashed with excitement!

If advanced anti-ship missiles can be manufactured, then the combat effectiveness of the navy and Dong 52D can definitely be enhanced!

“I plan to apply our latest anti-ship missile technology to the Yingji-12 anti-ship missile, and increase its range to more than 500 kilometers,” Su Chu continued.”At the same time, we will adopt advanced stealth technology and supersonic cruise capability to make this missile a true killer at sea.”

“To achieve these goals, we need to redesign the missile’s aerodynamic shape,” a senior engineer interjected,”and the engine performance must also be significantly improved…….All of these require us to apply anti-ship missile technology!” (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“That’s right,” Su Chu nodded in agreement and said,”As for the engine, the solid fuel ramjet engine we are developing will be a good choice…….It has large thrust and fast response speed, making it very suitable for anti-ship missiles”

“What about the damage effect of the missile?”Another engineer asked:”Chief Engineer Su, this is a big question.”

“We will use new high explosives and armor-piercing warheads,” Su Chu explained,”This will not only cause huge explosive damage to enemy ships, but also effectively penetrate their armor protection and destroy important facilities inside them.” The team members nodded one after another. They understood that the optimization of every detail would have a significant impact on the overall performance of the missile.

“Okay, let’s split up and act separately,” Su Chu said at last,”We must overcome these technical difficulties in the shortest possible time and make the Yingji 12 anti-ship missile a reality as soon as possible.”


The team members stood up one after another……They know that the coming days will be a tough battle.

But they also believe that under the leadership of Su Chu, they will be able to overcome all difficulties and create their own glory.

Because there is no problem and technology that Su Chu cannot solve.

Su Chu is the god in their minds!

At the same time.

The appearance of the EUV engraving machine is also being carried out simultaneously.

However, with the current military technology and conditions, it is still too difficult to build an EUV engraving machine.

Therefore, Su Chu found Professor Xu Duanyi’s team at the beginning to jointly develop the EUV lithography machine…….

After all , Professor Xu Duanyi’s team originally had good achievements in the field of lithography.[]

In a laboratory at Peking University and Tsinghua University, various precision instruments are arranged in an orderly manner, and beams of light shuttle through complex optical systems. Su Chu stood in front of a model that simulated the principle of the EUV lithography machine and explained it in detail to Professor Xu Duanyi.

Because it is not easy to build a research institute and laboratory for lithography machines, Su Chu and Professor Xu Duanyi directly used the light 247 lithography machine research laboratory used by Professor Xu Duanyi’s team after they cooperated.

In this way, the entire research speed is naturally much faster.

Su Chu’s eyes were bright and his tone was full of confidence:”Professor Xu, look, this is my improvement plan for the EUV lithography machine light source system…….I use advanced laser-driven plasma light source technology, combined with multilayer film reflectors, which can theoretically increase the light source power to 1.5 times the current level while maintaining extremely high beam quality.”

Xu Duanyi frowned slightly, listened carefully and showed a surprised look, and said:”Laser-driven plasma? This is a bold attempt! The design of the multilayer film reflector is also extraordinary. Have you solved the problem of reflectivity attenuation?”

Su Chu smiled, handed over a detailed design report, and said:”Yes, Professor……I achieved long-term stability of reflectivity by optimizing the film structure and material selection…….I have conducted rigorous simulation and experimental verification for every detail here.”

Xu Duanyi flipped through the report, his eyes sparkling with admiration, and said in disbelief:”Director Su, your ideas are simply refreshing!”

“In particular, your innovative design of the light source and optical system, if realized, will bring a qualitative leap in the performance of EUV lithography machines.”

Su Chu said modestly:”Thank you for your affirmation, Professor Xu……I know this road is difficult to take, but as long as we continue to make breakthroughs, one day we will be able to fill the gap in the field of high-end lithography machines in China.”

“I still need your help, Professor Xu!”

“Hahaha, Director Su is too polite!”Xu Duanyi looked at Su Chu excitedly and said,”With you here, I believe this day will not be too far away! We can definitely make a more advanced EUV engraving machine……Your talent and technology give me hope.”

Su Chu said firmly:”Let’s work together! Your experience and guidance are crucial to us.”

Xu Duanyi smiled with satisfaction and said:”Okay, Director Su, count me in, and together we will strive for the birth of domestic EUV engraving machines!”

Afterwards, Su Chu and Professor Xu Duanyi worked together on the very difficult EUV engraving machine.

Time passed quickly.

It was August 1, 1998!

On this day, the rabbit’s most advanced bomber, the H6K bomber, will carry out its first mission…….

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