Agence France-Presse is one of the four major Western news agencies, along with Reuters, Associated Press and United Press. Its predecessor was the Havas News Agency, founded by Charles Havas in 1835, and is the oldest of the four major Western news agencies.

Agence France-Presse has undergone many changes in its development and eventually became a global news agency after World War II.

At present, the business of Agence France-Presse is mainly divided into the News Department, General Affairs Department and Technical Department, with employees from all over the world, covering many countries and regions around the world…….It compiles press releases in various languages and sends messages to the world through various lines.

In addition, AFP’s technical facilities are also very advanced, including multiple computers, radio transmitters and multiple satellites, etc., for efficient news reporting and dissemination.

It can be said that AFP is a global news organization with significant influence and wide coverage.

AFP reported on the Rabbit H6K bomber’s strategic cruise in the Eagle Sauce’s Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone.

The title of the report: Breakthrough event! Rabbit country’s advanced bomber cruised the Eagle Sauce Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone for the first time and staged an air confrontation with the F-15

【AFP】——In the global security landscape, an unprecedented strategic cruise event has attracted widespread attention.

According to reliable sources, an advanced bomber of the Rabbit has successfully entered the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone of the Eagle Sauce Country and cruised in this area for an hour…….

During this period, the bomber had a direct confrontation with the F-15 fighter jets dispatched by the Eagle Sauce Air Force…….

This move not only marks a significant improvement in the strategic cruising capability of the US, but is also seen as a reciprocal response to the previous violation of the US Air Defense Identification Zone by the US B-2 stealth bomber.

According to intelligence obtained by AFP, the cruise operation took place on a sunny afternoon on August 1.

The US’s latest bomber, with its powerful long-range flight capability and high concealment, quietly crossed the international airspace and finally entered the US Air Defense Identification Zone of Alaska…….

This area is generally regarded as the frontier of the United States’ national security, and any unauthorized entry of foreign aircraft will be regarded as a challenge to sovereignty.

It is worth noting that during the cruise, the United States Air Force responded quickly and sent two F-15 fighter jets to intercept and escort the aircraft…….A photo provided by an anonymous person shows the F-15 and the Rabbit bomber appearing in the same picture, forming a sharp contrast under the blue sky…….This scene has undoubtedly become another classic moment in international military history.

In the photo, the new rabbit bomber, with its huge fuselage and unique design, shows the latest achievement of the rabbit in the field of long-range bombers.

The successful cruise of the new rabbit bomber is not only a technological breakthrough, but also a major leap forward at the strategic level…….It means that the rabbit has the ability to cross the ocean and penetrate into other countries’ air defense identification zones for strategic deterrence and patrol, which is of great significance for balancing the regional and even global security structure.

Analysts pointed out that this action is an important signal for the rabbit to show the world its air force modernization process and long-range strike capabilities, and it is also a warning to potential opponents.

More importantly, this action is seen as a direct response to the previous violation of the rabbit’s air defense identification zone by the Eagle Sauce B-2 stealth bomber…….On July 1, a B-2 bomber of the United States entered the Rabbit Air Defense Identification Zone without prior notification, triggering a tense confrontation between the two sides. The

Rabbit country dispatched a new type of bomber to conduct a reciprocal cruise, which is undoubtedly a practical action to show that it will never give in on the issue of maintaining national security and has sufficient capabilities to carry out reciprocal countermeasures.

This incident quickly attracted widespread attention from the international community…….Military experts from many countries have commented that this marks a significant improvement in the strength of the Rabbit Country’s air force, and also poses a new challenge to the existing international security order…….Some countries are concerned that such actions may intensify military competition in the region and undermine the existing security balance.

However, there are also views that this is part of the strategic game between major powers and will help promote the establishment of more fair and transparent international security rules through dialogue and consultation.

For the Rabbit, this cruise is undoubtedly a recognition of its military modernization efforts and a symbol of its enhanced international status…….In the future, how the Chinese will further use and develop its long-range strategic cruise capability, and how to deal with differences with the United States and other countries on airspace security, will become the focus of international attention.

In short, the Chinese new bomber’s cruise in the United States’ Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone is not only a technical display, but also a profound game at the strategic level…….It not only marks a significant increase in the strength of the Rabbit Country’s air force, but also brings new variables to the global security landscape.

Faced with this new situation, countries need to strengthen communication and cooperation and jointly explore the construction of a more stable and sustainable international security framework to cope with possible challenges and crises in the future.

【AFP report ends]

There is also a photo in the AFP report……In the photo, the F15 fighter and the Rabbit’s H6K bomber appear in the same frame, and according to this photo, the distance between the F15 fighter and the H6K bomber is quite close!

Of course, neither the Eagle Sauce nor the AFP knows what model the Rabbit’s new fighter is, so they can only use a new bomber instead!

However, it can strategically cruise in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone for more than an hour and be able to retreat unscathed. This performance must be extraordinary! As soon as this report came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation and impact.

It can be said to be an international shock.

It caused an uproar worldwide.

Because this represents the Rabbit’s extraordinary strength.

Counterattack the Eagle Sauce in an equal manner!

After all, the Eagle Sauce is the world’s number one military power and has deterred the world for more than 40 years. Does anyone dare to challenge him?

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Eagle Sauce can fight whoever it wants, and it does not need any legitimate reason. It can just take a handful of laundry detergent and start working…….Now they are being strategically patrolled by the rabbit bombers?

Moreover, they were strategically patrolling in the air defense identification zone for more than an hour before being driven out. This really shocked the world!

The air defense identification zone was invaded by foreign aircraft for more than an hour and there was no way to drive them out? Is this a military power?

More than an hour, if a war really broke out, it would be directly beaten to pieces!

If a military power cannot even provide security for its own homeland, it does not deserve to be called a military power!

That is almost the same as the end of the Ming Dynasty…….Twenty years before the reign of Emperor Chongzhen in the late Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty was already a military power…….The hundreds of thousands of Guanning cavalry could sweep across the entire Mobei, a true military power.

At that time, whether it was the Mongolian tribes, the Later Jin tribes, the Koreans or even the Japanese, they were all afraid of the Ming Dynasty. Although they provoked and plundered on the border, at most they only robbed a few sheep and some merchants…….Neither the Mongols nor the Later Jin dared to have any undue ambitions against the Ming Dynasty.

However, in the second year of Chongzhen, the Later Jin army joined forces with the Mongolian Kalachin tribe to attack Yongping and Zunhua, and then captured Dongzhou, and approached the Desheng Gate of the capital, entering the Ming Dynasty’s air defense identification zone…….

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen was anxious:”Oh my god, your joint cruise with the Mongols has been to Deshengmen? Then I have to send people to intercept them, what can I do? No, I am wrong.


When he felt around, he found that only Yuan Chonghuan was left, so he ordered Yuan Chonghuan to lead 9,000 Guanning cavalry to march for two days and nights to station outside Guangqumen to drive away the enemy…….

But this is Yuan Chonghuan’s Guanning Iron Cavalry!

Guanning Iron Cavalry fought two battles on the grassland and charged, which was invincible…….

As a result, Emperor Chongzhen transferred the Guanning Iron Cavalry to the outside of the Qumen Gate to conduct an interception operation and conduct a thorough defensive battle…….

As a result, Huang Taiji led the great prince Daishan to attack Mangui outside Desheng Gate, and Mangui was seriously injured…….

Later, Yuan Chonghuan led the Guanning Iron Cavalry to charge repeatedly outside the Guangqu Gate and Desheng Gate, suffering heavy losses until the general was killed in the battle.

Under such circumstances, Huang Taiji again proposed a peace request to Yuan Chonghuan, which resulted in Emperor Chongzhen being confused and suspicious, so he arrested Yuan Chonghuan…….So Huang Taiji bypassed Beijing and went south, sweeping across the entire Jingji area, and even robbed Jinan, Shandong, which was equivalent to intimidating the entire Zhili area of the Ming Dynasty.

From then on, the Later Jin and the Ming Dynasty began to reverse their offensive and defensive positions…….The myth of the Ming Dynasty as a military power has been completely shattered.

Now when the Eagle Sauce faces the Rabbit’s strategic bombers, it needs to dispatch F15 fighter jets to intercept them. This means that the Eagle Sauce is a little overwhelmed and nervous, and it also means that the Eagle Sauce has no good cards to play. This also shows the deterrent power of the Rabbit’s strategic bombers!

The Rabbit chose to arrange H6K bombers to patrol the Eagle Sauce’s air defense identification zone on August 1. In addition to August 1 being a very important holiday for the Rabbit, August is also a very important day for the Eagle Sauce and NATO.

NATO was established by the Eagle Sauce to deal with the Soviet Union. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

During World War II, the European battlefield was firmly defeated by the Soviet Union, so its military strength should not be underestimated…….But the United States was hardly attacked during World War II…….This led to the fact that the Eagle Sauce’s economic strength was too strong. The rich people and scientists from all over the world packed up their gold and silver and ran to the Eagle Sauce, so the Eagle Sauce rose after World War II.

Therefore, the Eagle Sauce wanted to kill the Russian Bear Alliance, so that he, the Eagle Sauce, would be the world’s boss!

If you want to deal with the Russian Bear, you can’t go to the battlefield yourself, so you have to recruit younger brothers and gangs, so you set up NATO 317.

In April 1948, the Eagle Sauce implemented the Marshall Plan against Europe…….

The Marshall Plan, also known as the European Recovery Plan, is a plan by the United States to provide financial assistance to the entire Europe…….

Europe has been destroyed by World War II, so it needs money to rebuild.

The Eagles will pay for it…….

When Europe is almost rebuilt, the Eagle Sauce will transfer some supply chains to Europe and continue to support the European economy…….

When Europe heard this, it thought,”That’s great!

We’ll have nothing to eat.

We’ll have to follow the boss.

So NATO was established in August 1949.

The reason given by the Eagle Sauce is also very simple:”Look, you Europeans are in such danger. There’s a powerful giant in the east.”……Look how powerful his Iron Torrent is. If he gets upset one day, he can quickly flatten the entire Europe with the Iron Torrent. You will be enslaved by them. Isn’t that scary? So we should unite to fight against the Russian Bear Alliance and establish NATO.

When European countries heard this, they all thought it made sense: Indeed, the Russian Bear is really powerful. If it attacks us, we will not be able to bear it…….Besides, the boss has spoken, so there is no reason to refuse…….As the saying goes, one who eats someone’s food should be grateful, and one who receives someone’s money should be grateful. The big boss has supported our economy for a year, and I heard that he will transfer some industrial chains to us in the future?

So NATO was established under such circumstances.

In order to deal with NATO, the Soviet Union established the Warsaw Pact.

The Cold War began.

Subsequently, the Eagle Sauce and the Soviet Union engaged in all kinds of confrontations except proxy wars, local wars, and other forms, the most important of which were military confrontations, military competitions, and so on!

Now the rabbits have arranged for the H6K bomber to strategically patrol the Eagle Sauce’s air defense identification zone in the month when NATO was established. In fact, it is for NATO’s younger brothers to see: Look, I can come and go as I please at the doorstep of your boss, and your boss can’t do anything to us, so you’d better behave yourself!

According to AFP, the rabbits have deterred the whole world….

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