According to AFP, this time Rabbit arranged for the new bomber to go on a strategic cruise to the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone of the Eagle Sauce, which is to deter the Eagle Sauce and the entire NATO!

When the AFP report was transmitted back to Rabbit, Rabbit was in an uproar. As soon as the AFP report came out, major domestic media outlets reprinted the report, and the whole country was immediately boiling with heated discussions.

On the streets, whether it was a teahouse, school or park, the people were discussing the matter, and they were shocked but also full of pride and expectation.

In an old teahouse in the capital, tea drinkers sat together and talked about it.

“Have you heard? Our new bomber is visiting the Eagle Sauce’s home!” An old man knocked on the table excitedly and said,”Two F15s are here to escort us. It seems that the Eagle Sauce’s super high-standard welcome ceremony is really enthusiastic!”

Of course, the escort mentioned here is a joke, because the F15 fighter jets are definitely not here to escort us…….They must be here to drive us away!

“Haha, the new fighter jets are awesome! We are just visiting North America, why are the Eagles reacting so strongly?”A young man next to him joked,”If the enemy can go, I can go too. The Eagles have to get used to our presence!”

“You are right! Our new fighter jets are really powerful. When we went to visit the Eagle Sauce, they arranged two F15s for such a grand welcome. I was really embarrassed!” Another tea drinker interjected, with a proud smile on his face:”It seems that our new fighter jets are very powerful, haha!”

A girl also said excitedly:”Didn’t the Eagle Sauce arrange a B2 bomber to visit us before? Well, we are also arranging a new bomber to visit us now. Now I am a little curious about what kind of bomber this is!”

A teacher also came over to discuss, saying:”Since it can visit for an hour, it must be a new bomber with very advanced performance!”

On the campus of a certain university, students were also discussing this topic enthusiastically.

“Have you heard? Our new bomber cruised in the Eagle Sauce’s air defense identification zone for an hour! It’s amazing!”A student wearing glasses said excitedly:”This is simply making history!”

“Yes! This is so shocking! I didn’t expect our new fighter jets to be so advanced that they can cruise freely in the Eagle Sauce’s air defense identification zone!”Another student exclaimed:”This is probably in response to the previous invasion of the Eagle Sauce’s B2 bomber!”

“And do you know? This bomber is said to be an improved version of the H6!”I saw the report from AFP, and the photo looks like an H6 bomber!”

“H6? Isn’t that an outdated bomber? How could it fly so far?”Someone questioned:”I can’t believe it.”

“Who knows! Maybe our technology is so advanced that even the old H6 can be revitalized!”Another student speculated:”This must be an improvement on Kishimoto!”

“But then again, a strategic cruise for an hour? Wouldn’t the Eagles say they shot it down? How is that possible?”A student raised his own question:”I think it’s unlikely!”

“Haha, shoot it down? Do they dare? Now is peacetime, if they shoot down our bomber, it means they are declaring war! They dare not take the risk easily!”A confident student laughed and said,”Besides, maybe our new bomber has a killer feature, they dare not shoot it down easily?”


No one knows that the F15 fighter and the rabbit’s H6K bomber have conducted electronic warfare!

It can be said that the rabbit’s strategic cruise in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone this time was a very effective counterattack and deterrence!

In the park, the old people were talking about this topic.

“I heard that our new bomber went to Eagle Sauce for a visit? That’s amazing!”An old man exclaimed:”This is really the first time in history. We never dared to think about it before!”

“Yes! Our country is getting stronger and stronger! We can even enter the Eagle Sauce’s air defense identification zone at will!” Another old man said proudly:”This is also a powerful response to the B2 bomber’s invasion of our airspace!”

“But then again, is this bomber really an improved version of the H6? Why do I feel that it is unlikely?”An old man raised his doubts:”We are constantly improving the H6 bomber. Is it so powerful now?”

“Who knows! But our technology is so advanced now, maybe we can really transform the old H6 into such a powerful bomber!”Another old man guessed:”In recent years, our military industry has developed very quickly!”

“No matter what, this is the pride of our country! We should be proud of the strength of our country!”An old man concluded:”We are also capable of fighting back, hahaha!”

Faced with such a situation, some military bloggers expressed their views on online forums and blogs.

For example, a blogger named Ting Yu Feng published a long blog on his blog to analyze the matter.

Blog content:

Hello everyone, I am Ting Yu Feng. Today is August 5th. I just saw a news report on AFP saying that on August 1st, the improved models of our two H6 fighter jets ran to the Eagle Sauce’s Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone to cruise…….How close is this H6 bomber to Alaska? It is said that it has entered the Eagle Sauce Air Defense Identification Zone……That’s very close.

Not only that, it also cruised in the Eagle Sauce’s air defense identification zone for more than an hour.

The Eagle Sauce looked at it and said,”Fuck, you’ve come to my doorstep, and it’s a strategic bomber, I can’t just stand there and watch!”……So they launched the F15 heavy fighter jet to intercept.

Unexpectedly, the new H6 bomber of the Rabbit did not run away.

It was very strange.

According to the normal script, you would have gone to the doorstep of the enemy to patrol…….They would definitely not be happy about that, so they sent planes to drive them away…….This should be enough. Shouldn’t we just turn around and go back?

But our new bomber didn’t go back and spent more than an hour fighting with the Eagle Sauce F15 fighter jets…….It’s not that we are not afraid of death, but our H6 bomber is not an ordinary bomber, but has an electronic pod……This is also shown in the photos released by AFP.

As we all know, on July 1, the Eagle Sauce arranged a B2 stealth strategic bomber to swagger into our air defense identification zone, thinking that we would not find it. Unexpectedly, it was discovered by our advanced radar and was finally driven away in a panic.

Now when our H6 improved bombers go to Alaska’s air defense identification zone for strategic cruise, they are actually retaliating in kind.

We have the ability to retaliate in kind.

And I have received some intelligence and information that has not been made public, which means that during the interception, the Eagle Sauce’s aircraft made contact with our H6 improved bombers through visual or electronic means…….You see, when intercepting, it is through vision, which means it is very close…….The Eagle’s interceptor F15 fighter jets have already seen our Rabbit’s bombers, which means they are close.

Then they can contact them electronically…….What do you mean? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In other words, the interception operation used electronic means…….There are many methods, for example, the simplest one is to use the radio to shout……Hey, you rabbit bombers are not allowed to fly here. Why are you driving bombers into our air defense identification zone? Get out of here!

This is the simplest electronic contact…….It is language expulsion.

If it is just language expulsion……Um……Then think about it, he won’t waste more than an hour…….It’s impossible for the Eagle pilot to yell at us for an hour…….First, this does not conform to the character of the Eagle Sauce. Second, his throat can’t stand it. Even if he has a golden voice, he can’t stand it!

Therefore, the Eagle Sauce will definitely not simply shout electronically, and will inevitably use other means, such as fire control radar locking, wake vibration and other behaviors, but why can our H6 improved bomber still persist in strategic cruising for more than an hour?

Why is the Eagle Sauce so good-tempered this time?

In fact, he is not in a good mood, it all comes from strength.

From the perspective of strength!

In addition to shouting, there is naturally electronic warfare.

This time our H6 bomber for strategic cruising in Alaska is an improved version…….Its biggest feature is the addition of an electronic pod!

With an electronic pod, you can conduct certain electronic warfare.

Many friends may not understand electronic warfare, so let me explain it here: Electronic warfare is a military operation that aims to use the electromagnetic spectrum to control the information environment while protecting oneself from the influence of enemy electromagnetic activities…….It involves the use of electromagnetic energy to attack, deceive, interfere with or destroy enemy electronic equipment, while protecting one’s own electronic equipment from similar attacks.

In modern warfare, electronic warfare is becoming increasingly important…….With the rapid development of information technology, electronic equipment and systems play an increasingly critical role in military operations…….Therefore, mastering electronic warfare capabilities is of great significance for seizing the initiative on the battlefield and ensuring victory in combat.

It is worth mentioning that as one of the pioneers of electronic warfare technology, Eagle Sauce has accumulated rich experience and technical advantages in the field of electronic warfare…….Its electronic warfare system covers a wide range, from tactical to strategic levels…….In addition, the Eagle Sauce continues to invest in the research and development of new technologies to maintain its leading position in the field of electronic warfare.

But this time our H6 improved bomber was able to hold out for more than an hour without retreating, which shows that the electronic pod of the H6 improved bomber played a significant role, and the Eagle Sauce was unable to drive away our H6 improved bomber.

I don’t know exactly what kind of electronic warfare the Eagle Sauce’s F15 fighter jets and our H6 improved bombers have, but in this process the Eagle Sauce must have tried every possible way, but it couldn’t drive away our new bomber.[]

I think this strategic cruise to the Eagle Sauce’s air defense identification zone is definitely a historic one and worthy of being recorded in the annals of history!

In recent years, our rabbits’ defense industry and military weapons and equipment have developed rapidly, so we may really be ahead of the Eagle Sauce in electronic warfare, which is a good thing!

In short, this report by AFP has further demonstrated our strength.

Finally, I hope our national defense will get better and better!

See you next time, I’m Tingfeng Yu!

Tingfeng Yu has a very high status and influence in the military fan community. When this long blog post was published, it was immediately popular and loved by military fans, so they commented in the comment area.

Hey hey hey: I just want to read Tingfeng Yu’s blog post, which is very in-depth and thoughtful. It seems that this time our H6 improved bomber is really very advanced.

Pretty big (good money) Liang: It’s so beautiful. Our advanced bomber can stay in the Eagle Sauce’s air defense identification zone for such a long time, which is very telling!

Speechless Patriot: Tingfeng Deyu is right. In recent years, our national defense and military weapons and equipment have developed rapidly. Various advanced missiles, warships and aircraft have been continuously put into service. This time, the H6 improved bomber strategically cruised the Eagle Sauce’s air defense identification zone, which is also normal.

Furious Electronic Dog: We hope that the Rabbit is strong. If the B2 bomber comes, then we will fight back and show our strength. This time, cruising the Eagle Sauce’s air defense identification zone is to create history. Rise up!

I am Fengyu: So, AFP exposed our true combat effectiveness? Have we become a great power?

Tingfeng Deyu’s number one fan: After waking up, we have become the great powers in the eyes of others? I am a little dazed. The Eagle Sauce dare not directly drive away our advanced bombers!

Love me love me: I don’t know if it is a great power, but we are constantly getting stronger.

Tingfeng Deyu’s blog post has just been published for a short time, and it has accumulated thousands of comments all of a sudden. It can be seen that military fans pay great attention to this matter.

This is definitely a major event that everyone is talking about!

As an international newspaper, AFP’s report not only sparked heated discussions in the country, but also attracted widespread attention and sensation internationally…..

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