A breaking report from AFP was like a bombshell, causing uproar around the world…….The report described in detail that an EP3 reconnaissance plane of the United States had entered the airspace of the Rabbit without permission, and was quickly locked and forced to land by the Rabbit Air Force’s Go-10 fighter jets, with all the people on board captured.

This incident not only set off a huge wave in the international military field, but also caused unprecedented shock and heated discussions in the Rabbit country.

The people were boiling!

This was a victory in an air battle!

“My God, our most advanced fighter is actually the Go-10 fighter, and our Go-10 fighter can actually force a high-tech reconnaissance aircraft like the EP3 to make an emergency landing?” A rabbit citizen stared at the newspaper in his hand in disbelief, with a bit of excitement and pride in his voice:”It’s really too daring to believe it!”

“Yes, I used to think that there was a big gap between our military and that of the Eagle Sauce, but now it seems that our national defense strength is really incomparable!” Another citizen took over, his eyes flashing with longing for the future:”Although we are still not as good as the Eagle Sauce, we are gradually getting stronger!”

An old man over fifty years old said excitedly:”We finally have our own fourth-generation aircraft. We don’t have to use the old Hook-7 and Hook-8 fighters to deal with the Eagle Sauce’s advanced fighters. It’s not easy!”

The news quickly fermented, and the discussion on major social media platforms continued to heat up.

Citizens expressed shock, and at the same time felt extremely proud and proud.

They never expected that the rabbits had advanced fourth-generation fighters, the Hook-10 fighters…….The Gou-10 fighter jet has been exposed many times before, but there are no specific models or photos…….

Now that AFP has released photos of the Gou- 10 fighter, the public has finally seen the true face of the Gou-10 fighter…….This really makes the people excited!

“Go-10 fighter, you are our pride!”A netizen left a message on social media,”This incident fully proves that our national defense strength has been significantly improved, and the Eagle Sauce will never dare to underestimate us easily again!”

In the country of Rabbit, this incident not only triggered widespread discussion among the people, but also prompted the government’s top leaders to re-examine the issue of the national defense budget.

Many defense experts said in public that the successful forced landing of the Go-10 fighter on the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft fully proved the importance of national defense investment, so many people and experts called on the government to increase the national defense budget and further improve the equipment level and combat capability of the army.

“We must realize that the improvement of national defense strength is the key to ensuring national security.”This incident has reminded us that we must continue to increase defense investment to ensure that our army can maintain strong combat effectiveness at all times.” Another expert also supported it and said,”Yes, our defense budget has increased in the past two years, so our equipment will be more advanced!”

“Otherwise, how could we possibly develop an advanced Go-10 fighter jet?”

People left comments one after another.

“Increase the defense budget, we demand that the defense budget be doubled!”

“If we don’t have money to develop the national defense industry, then we should buy more national defense lottery tickets!”

“I think the types of national defense lottery are still too monotonous. We should have some national defense scratch tickets…….We must vigorously develop national defense. The development of military weapons and equipment in recent years has made us stronger!”

“The defense budget for 2000 should be doubled. We need to increase our support!”

People are calling for an increase in the defense budget!

It is impossible to increase the defense budget in a short period of time, but it is still possible to buy defense lottery tickets crazily.

Seeing the appearance of the Gou-10 fighter and the capture of the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft, the patriotic enthusiasm of the people quickly spread, and they expressed their support for the country in various ways, among which buying defense lottery tickets is a good way to support

“National defense lottery? What is this? I want to buy one and try it out!”After seeing the national defense lottery, a citizen who never buys lottery tickets immediately showed great interest and bought it immediately:”We must support national defense construction more.”

“This is a good opportunity to support the country’s national defense construction! Buy a lottery ticket, maybe you can win a big prize!”Another citizen also encouraged:”Buy it!”

As a result, a long line soon formed in front of the sales point of the national defense lottery.

Citizens took out their wallets and bought lottery tickets carrying patriotic feelings.

They hope to contribute to the country’s national defense cause and increase the national defense budget in this way.

“”Oh my, it’s so popular! I’ve never seen so many people buying lottery tickets!” exclaimed a sales staff member

“Yes, it’s because everyone is so patriotic! They all want to contribute to the country’s national defense construction!”Another staff member also echoed and said:”Besides, our Gou 10 fighter has come out and captured the Eagle Sauce EP3 reconnaissance aircraft. We must buy national defense lottery tickets to support it.”

With the hot sales of national defense lottery tickets, some citizens have also begun to propose the launch of more national defense theme lotteries…….For example,”National Defense Scratch-off Lottery”.

They hope that in this way, more people will participate in supporting the national defense construction.

“I think this is a great idea! National Defense Scratch-off Lottery, if you have money, you can scratch it, it is fun and you can support the country, how great!”A citizen commented on social media

“Yes, yes! I agree too! I hope the government can consider our suggestions and launch more national defense-themed lotteries!” Another citizen also responded positively

“I also want to buy a national defense scratch ticket, hahahaha!”

The hot sales of national defense lottery tickets are not only an economic phenomenon, but also a social phenomenon…….It reflects the deep feelings and strong support of the rabbit people for the country.

It can be said that the income from the national defense lottery has become an important part of the national defense budget.

Some are happy and some are sad!

At the same time, the Eagle Sauce government was extremely shocked and embarrassed by the capture of EP3…….Although they quickly contacted the Rabbit government through diplomatic channels to try to negotiate how to deal with the incident……However, the attitude of the Rabbit government is very clear: it demands compensation and a public apology from the Eagle Sauce.

“We will never tolerate any violation of our airspace.”The Rabbit representative solemnly stated during the negotiation:”This incident is a serious challenge to our national security. We must get a fair result, an apology and compensation, otherwise no deal!”

The Eagle Sauce will naturally not simply give in.

The two sides are still in a tug-of-war negotiation.

Governments and media around the world have expressed shock at the Rabbit’s tough attitude and the powerful strength of the Gou-10 fighter…….They generally believe that this incident fully demonstrates the significant improvement of the rabbit’s national defense strength and its increasing international status. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“The defense strength of the rabbit is really impressive.”An international military expert said in an interview,”This incident of the forced landing of the Gou-10 fighter on the EP3 fully proves their great progress in military technology…….In the future, rabbits will have a more important voice in international affairs.

At the same time, some countries have also begun to take a keen interest in rabbits’ military technology…….They have sent military delegations to visit and exchange with the rabbits, hoping to learn from and learn the rabbits’ advanced military technology.

“We must admit that the rabbits have made remarkable achievements in military technology.”We hope to have deeper military cooperation and exchanges with the rabbits and jointly promote the development of international military technology,” said the head of a visiting Babayang military delegation during the visit.

However, some countries have expressed concerns and vigilance about the military rise of the rabbits…….They are worried that the rabbit’s excessive military strength will cause shocks and challenges to the international order.

“Although the improvement of the rabbit’s national defense strength is worthy of recognition, we must also be vigilant about the potential threats they may bring.”We hope that the rabbit can uphold the concept of peaceful development and work with other countries to maintain international peace and stability,” a diplomat from a Western country said in an interview.”

“This is incredible!”Ivanov, a military expert from Russia, was interviewed at the first opportunity with a tone full of surprise, saying:”The Go-10 fighter, a fighter we didn’t know much about before, has such amazing strength that it can force the EP3 reconnaissance plane to land. This strength is really strong!””

《The Times published a commentary with a striking title:”Hook 10 Fighter: The Mysterious Swordsman of the East”》……The article analyzed:”The emergence of Gou 10 not only broke the myth of the Eagle Sauce’s invincibility in the air, but also let the world see the rapid progress of the Rabbit’s military technology…….The forced landing of the EP3 reconnaissance plane may usher in a new era.

In Asia, the Ministry of Defense of Japan held an emergency meeting to discuss the impact of this incident on regional security…….A senior official privately said:”We must re-examine the military balance with the rabbits. The combat effectiveness of the Gou-10 is worrying.”

The atmosphere inside the Eagle Sauce government was extremely tense.

President Clinton held an emergency meeting in the Oval Office, and the Secretary of Defense reported solemnly:”If the encrypted communication equipment and technical data on the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft fall into the hands of the rabbits, the consequences will be disastrous.”

“We must start negotiations with Rabbit as soon as possible to minimize the losses.”The Secretary of State suggested.

President Clinton nodded, and after a moment’s silence, he said:”In addition to demanding the release of the crew, we must be prepared to pay compensation and apologize. At the same time, activate all intelligence channels to learn as much detailed information as possible about the Gou-10 fighter.”

As the incident continued to ferment, the international community’s interest in the Gou-10 fighter reached an unprecedented height.

On the Internet, various analyses and speculations about the Gou-10 fighter emerged in an endless stream…….Some military enthusiasts even linked it to the mysterious advanced fighter that had previously caused the Eagle Sauce F14 fighter to encounter an aerial scalpel, believing that the two are actually the same model.

“It seems that the rabbit’s fighter jets have quietly caught up with the world’s advanced level.”The emergence of the Gou-10 fighter has not only changed the balance of regional military power, but may also trigger a new arms race around the world,” said a strategic analyst from Kangaroo Country on TV.”[]

“It turns out that the Gou-10 fighter is the mysterious advanced fighter mentioned by the central bank before. It’s too powerful!”

“We were able to capture the Eagle Sauce EP3 reconnaissance aircraft, and this G-10 fighter jet played an indispensable role!”

“The 50th anniversary military parade will be coming soon. I wonder what advanced weapons and equipment will be unveiled this time? Will the Go-10 fighter jet be publicly unveiled? I am so looking forward to it!”

“Is this the most advanced Gou-10 fighter of the Rabbit? It seems that it has reached the world’s advanced level, and its combat effectiveness is not weak!”

Countries are discussing the Gou-10 fighter.

Although the Gou-10 fighter is not the most advanced fighter in the world, it is terrifying that the Rabbit can develop the Gou-10 fighter in such a short time and form such a strong combat effectiveness!

In addition, the negotiations between the Rabbit and the Eagle Sauce have also become the focus!

How to deal with this EP3 reconnaissance aircraft is a problem.

But the Rabbit’s attitude is tough!

This makes the Eagle Sauce helpless.

In short, this time the Eagle Sauce’s EP3 reconnaissance aircraft was captured by the Rabbit, which is a shame for the Eagle Sauce.

In order to get back the place, the Eagle Sauce decided to join forces with the Foot Basin Chicken on the west coast of the Pacific on May 10, 1999…….That is, a military exercise is being conducted at the doorstep of the rabbit’s home!

This is obviously a military exercise targeting the rabbit!

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In addition, I recommend the author’s old book”Military Industry: On the Eve of Anti-Eagle, I Made Nuclear Bombs for the Country”, which writes about the protagonist’s anti-eagle plot. It is absolutely exciting. If you like it, you can support it. Thank you..

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