On May 1, 1999, the Eagle Sauce decided to hold an exercise in the high seas of the Western Pacific on May 10, and planned to conduct a joint military exercise with the Foot Basin Chicken.

Who on the Blue Planet does not know the contradictions and blood feuds between the Rabbit and the Foot Basin Chicken?

Now the Eagle Sauce is pulling the Foot Basin Chicken to join the military exercise, which is completely aimed at the Rabbit.

The main purpose of this military exercise is two.

First, the Eagle Sauce’s EP3 reconnaissance aircraft was captured by the Rabbit, and the AFP also reported on it, which made the Eagle Sauce very embarrassed, so the Eagle Sauce held this joint military exercise to regain the place and show the world the military strength of the Eagle Sauce! Show off your muscles!

Consolidate your position as the world hegemon.

Second, the Eagle Sauce and the Rabbit are now negotiating on how to return the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft.

This time, the Eagle Sauce conducted an exercise at the doorstep of the Rabbit’s house in order to put pressure on the Rabbit and let the Rabbit return the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft as soon as possible.

As for the joint Foot Basin Chicken, it is purely to disgust the Rabbit. After all, the Eagle Sauce also knows the hatred between the Rabbit and the Foot Basin Chicken.

Originally, Chicken didn’t want to get involved in this muddy water between Rabbit and Eagle.

But Eagle made promises!

On May 2nd, in the command room of a certain military base in the Pacific, the lights were dim and solemn, and all kinds of military data were flashing on the huge electronic screen.

Eagle Pacific Commander Otrafic was dressed in a neat military uniform, standing with his hands behind his back, staring at the strategic map on the screen with sharp eyes.

At this time, the door was gently pushed open, and Chicken Foreign Minister Ichiro Yamamoto walked in, dressed in a suit and tie, looking a little nervous.

Otrafic turned around, smiled, and said with unquestionable authority in his tone:”Mr. Yamamoto, welcome…….In this era of rapid change, our cooperation is particularly important.”

Yamamoto Ichiro bowed slightly and responded politely, saying:”Commander Otrafic, thank you for your invitation…….I know that every meeting means new considerations and challenges.”

Otrafic walked to the table and motioned Ichiro Yamamoto to sit down.

The two sat down.

After a brief greeting.

Otrafic:”Mr. Yamamoto, this time, I would like to invite Chicken Foot Basin to participate in our upcoming joint military exercise…….This is not only a military exchange, but also an important opportunity to deepen our strategic mutual trust.”

Yamamoto Ichiro frowned slightly, seemed a little hesitant, and slowly said:”Commander, I understand your intention……But the current international situation is complicated, especially in relation to rabbits, so we need to act with caution…….I’m worried that such a move may cause unnecessary misunderstandings.”

As the rabbit’s military strength grows stronger, the pressure on the foot basin chicken is still quite great!

Because the foot basin chicken also knows the hatred between him and the rabbit.

Once the rabbit becomes strong, the first thing he will do is to deal with the foot basin chicken.

The foot basin chicken also doesn’t want to make the relationship with the rabbit too stiff.

Otrafic raised a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth, and said slowly:”Mr. Yamamoto, I completely understand your concerns…….But allow me to make a suggestion that might change your mind.”

“If you, the Chinese, can actively participate in this military exercise and demonstrate your positive role in regional security affairs, we will seriously consider supporting you, the Chinese, to become the sixth permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in the future international arena.”

The sixth permanent member of the United Nations Security Council?

This is really tempting!

Because the five permanent members represent the world order.

If the Chinese become a permanent member of the United Nations, then it will definitely be a master remembered by history!

Ichiro Yamamoto’s eyes lit up, obviously attracted by this proposal, but he remained cautious and said:”Becoming a permanent member? This is a very tempting prospect…….However, this requires a considerable price, not just participating in military exercises.”

Otrafic nodded, and his tone became more sincere:”Of course, this is just the beginning. What we expect is a long-term and stable cooperative relationship to jointly maintain regional peace and stability…….The voice of you chickens in international affairs will be amplified as never before, which is undoubtedly a historic opportunity for your country.”

Pie in the sky!

This is just a pie in the sky.

A big pie in the sky!

Apart from anything else, the rabbits have a veto!

It is basically impossible for chickens to become a permanent member because the rabbits have a veto.

Ichiro Yamamoto pondered for a moment, and finally made up his mind and said:”Your Excellency the Commander, I am deeply honored by your proposal, and I also feel a great sense of responsibility…….I believe that through the joint efforts of both sides, we can create a brighter future.”

“We, Jiaobenji, are willing to accept the invitation and participate in this military exercise.”

Otrafic nodded with satisfaction, stretched out his hand and shook hands with Ichiro Yamamoto, saying:”This is a very wise choice, Mr. Yamamoto……Let us join hands and write a new chapter in history together.

Yamamoto Ichiro shook hands and responded:”I hope that our cooperation with you will bring a win-win result…….However, regarding becoming a permanent member, I still hope to get more specific commitments and plans.”

Otrafik smiled even more brightly, and said lightly:”Of course, we can discuss the details later…….Today, let us celebrate this important decision.”

As the two shook hands and reached a consensus, a behind-the-scenes deal that could affect the regional and even global political landscape quietly kicked off.

For the foot basin chicken, this is both an opportunity and an unknown gamble.

The Eagle Sauce dragged the foot basin chicken to participate in the military exercise, in fact, to stimulate the rabbit and put pressure on the rabbit. At the same time, once a conflict occurs, the Eagle Sauce will let the foot basin chicken go first to serve as cannon fodder!

As for letting the foot basin chicken become a permanent member, it is simply a pie in the sky!

Although the foot basin chicken also knows that there is no hope, it still wants to try!


May 3, a seemingly peaceful day, set off an international wave due to the release of a joint statement…….The statement came from the Eagle Sauce and the Foot Basin Chicken.

They announced that they would hold an unprecedented joint military exercise in the high seas area of the Western Pacific on May 10.

In the statement, the Eagle Sauce and the Foot Basin Chicken emphasized that the exercise was”to strengthen military cooperation and mutual trust between the two countries and enhance the ability to jointly respond to regional security challenges.”……They also specifically pointed out that this exercise”is not aimed at any third country and is purely a routine, defensive military activity.”

However, as soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused heated discussions internationally.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the location and time of this exercise are full of profound meaning.

The Western Pacific is one of the important waters of the Rabbit Country.

And the time of the exercise happened to be the day when the Rabbit and the Eagle Sauce negotiated the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft…….In recent years, the Eagle Sauce has suffered a lot at the hands of the Rabbit…….This makes people wonder whether this exercise is really”not targeted at any country” as stated in the statement, and is obviously aimed at the rabbit.

Media from various countries have reported and commented on this. (To read the novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Some countries expressed concern and worried that this exercise would exacerbate tensions in the region……Some countries directly pointed out that this was a provocation and threat from the Eagle Sauce and the Chicken Foot Basin to the Rabbit.

The Rabbit itself also expressed its concern about the military exercise, but did not respond too much.

On social media, netizens also launched a heated discussion……Some people think that the Eagle Sauce and the Foot Basin Chicken are using the name of the exercise to carry out deterrence; it is aimed at the Rabbit.

Others believe that this is just normal military cooperation between the two countries and should not be over-interpreted.

But in any case, this exercise has become the focus of international attention.

In the face of heated discussions and attention from the international community, the Eagle Sauce and the Foot Basin Chicken still stated that this exercise was just a routine military activity and there was no intention to target the Rabbit.

At the same time, they also called on all parties to remain calm and restrained and not to interpret the exercise as a threat to any country.

The time came to May 4, 1999.

After Su Chu learned that the Foot Basin Chicken and the Eagle Sauce held a joint military exercise, he immediately called Qiu Gui


After a few short waiting tones came from the other end of the phone, a steady voice sounded:”Su Chu, what’s the matter?”

“Commander Qiu, it’s me……I noticed that the Eagle Sauce and the Foot Basin Chicken are going to hold a joint military exercise!” Su Chu said:”So I have an idea, I want to let the Gou 10E reconnaissance aircraft perform a special mission.”

Qiu Gui:”What mission? It won’t be related to the joint military exercise between the Foot Basin Chicken and the Eagle Sauce, right?”

Su Chu smiled and said:”Hehehe……It is indeed related. I plan to use the Go-10E reconnaissance aircraft to monitor the joint military exercise between Chicken and Eagle Sauce.”

Qiu Gui frowned slightly when he heard this, and his tone was full of���”Hou-10E electronic warfare aircraft? Isn’t it not officially in service yet? Are you sure it’s okay to do this?””

“As a test aircraft that has not yet been put into service, will the

Gou-10E electronic warfare aircraft encounter problems during the test and be unable to return?”In response to this, Su Chu said confidently:”Commander Qiu, our Gou-10E electronic warfare aircraft has been tested for more than half a month and there are no problems. I still believe in the stability of our Gou-10E electronic warfare aircraft!”

“Besides, Commander Qiu, you should believe me too!”

The experimental prototype has started actual combat, which is quite rare.

Qiu Gui naturally believed Su Chu. After thinking for a moment, he said,”You want to test the performance of the Gou-10E electronic warfare aircraft in actual combat.”

Su Chu smiled slightly, as if he had already expected Qiu Gui’s reaction, and nodded and said,”Yes, that’s exactly what I intend to do-this is a test experiment before actual combat.”

“Think about it, what better testing ground could there be than a joint military exercise between the Eagle Sauce and the Chicken Foot Basin?”

“This will not only test the reconnaissance capability of the Gou-10E, but also test the performance of its electronic warfare system in actual environments.”

Qiu Gui was silent for a moment, obviously weighing the pros and cons, and after a moment he said:”Having said that, the range of the Gou-10E is a big problem…….It can’t fly as far as the western Pacific Ocean.”

“I know, and I have considered this as well.” Su Chu’s voice was still steady, and he said:”Chief Qiu, have you forgotten that we still have Daxing Island?”

“Daxing Island, which was built by blowing sand and reclaiming land, now has a simple airport……We can use it as a transit station, let Gou-10E fly to Daxing Island first, and then take off from there to perform reconnaissance missions.”

Daxing Island is the first island reef to start sand blowing and land reclamation.

After the crazy construction of the infrastructure maniac during this period, the infrastructure of Daxing Island is the most complete, with runways, airports, buildings, logistics bases, and so on.

It can be said that the current Daxing Island has initially met the conditions for an unsinkable aircraft carrier!

Su Chu plans to let the Gou-10E reconnaissance aircraft fly to Daxing Island first, and then replenish the relevant fuel before going to the Western Pacific for reconnaissance.

Upon hearing this, Qiu Gui’s eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he began to quickly calculate the feasibility of this plan in his mind.

After a moment, he nodded slightly and said,”Well, the location of Daxing Island is indeed ideal.

It can be used as a concealed forward base, and it can effectively shorten the combat radius of Gou-10E…….

However, we must ensure that our actions do not cause an overreaction from the Eagle Sauce and Chicken Foot Basin, otherwise it may cause unnecessary international disputes.

(Manuo Zhao)”

“Of course, I totally agree.”Su Chu’s tone became more resolute,”Our purpose is only to collect electronic data, analyze their communication patterns and radar deployment, and will never interfere with their exercises…….As long as we operate properly, it’s understandable even if they discover us!”

“We will not enter their exercise area, we will only conduct electronic reconnaissance and testing outside.”

Qiu Gui nodded. Although separated by the telephone line, Su Chu seemed to be able to feel his determination and said,”Okay, I understand…….This plan is certainly worth a try, but we need to proceed with caution”

“I will immediately report to the military, detail our intentions and plans, and await the military’s final decision.”

“That’s it, Commander Qiu, I believe the military will understand and support my idea. After all, this is a rare opportunity that will not only improve the combat capability of our equipment, but also add a strong guarantee for national security.”Su Chu’s words were full of expectations for the future:”This is the best time to test our Gou-10E electronic warfare aircraft!”

“Yes, I think so too.”Qiu Gui said with a hint of excitement,”Wait for the military to approve it…….Let’s act immediately. I also want to watch this big show!”

Eagle sauce and chicken joint military exercise, rabbit must join in the fun…Looking for…

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In addition, I recommend the author’s old book”Military Industry: On the Eve of Anti-Eagle, I Made Nuclear Bombs for the Country”, which writes about the protagonist’s anti-eagle plot. It is absolutely exciting. If you like it, you can support it. Thank you.

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