It was May 22, 1999.

It was a very ordinary day.

A report by Agence France-Presse once again caused a world uproar and attracted widespread international attention.

【AFP News: Recently, a breaking news shocked the global military field…….According to reliable sources, during the joint military exercise between the Eagle Sauce and the Chicken Foot Basin, an F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets accidentally crashed into the sea.

This incident not only attracted great attention from both sides, but also set off a heated discussion about the cause of the fighter crash around the world.

It is reported that at the time of the incident, an advanced electronic warfare aircraft of Rabbit was operating in the nearby area…….This coincidence immediately triggered widespread speculation from the outside world that F/A-The crash of the 18 Hornet fighter jet into the sea may have some connection with the Rabbit’s electronic warfare aircraft.

After all, in modern warfare, the interference and suppression capabilities of electronic warfare aircraft have a vital impact on the combat effectiveness of traditional fighter jets.

The Eagle Sauce military has maintained a high degree of caution and low-key on this matter, only saying that it is currently doing its best to salvage the F-18 that crashed into the sea./A-18 Hornet fighter jets, the cause of the accident was not announced……However, this statement did not quell the speculation and doubts from the outside world.

On the contrary, with the spread of the photos of the Rabbit advanced electronic warfare aircraft exclusively distributed by AFP, more details and speculations about the incident began to spread rapidly around the world.

【[Photo caption] The picture shows the latest advanced electronic warfare aircraft developed by Rabbit. Its unique shape is similar to the Gou-10 fighter, but it has powerful electronic warfare capabilities.

According to the analysis and speculation of professionals, the electronic pod of this electronic warfare aircraft looks very unusual, and should have excellent interference and suppression effects, and can even effectively interfere with some advanced radar and communication systems.

The release of an AFP report immediately caused an uproar and shock at home and abroad.

First of all, AFP revealed two key news points.

First, Eagle Sauce’s F/A-18 Hornet fighters crashed into the sea, and it may be caused by the Rabbit’s electronic warfare aircraft.

The reason why it is suspected that the Rabbit’s electronic warfare aircraft did it is because there is no evidence!


AFP announced the Rabbit’s new electronic warfare aircraft.

The electronic warfare aircraft is easy to identify……A large 750 electronic pod is a good feature!

So although the electronic warfare aircraft disclosed by AFP is not known to be the Go-10E electronic warfare aircraft, it is naturally known from the appearance and characteristics of the aircraft that it is an electronic warfare aircraft.

As soon as the AFP report came out, military experts, media and ordinary people from various countries expressed their opinions and speculations on the matter.

“This is incredible!”A well-known military commentator exclaimed on a TV program:”If it is really the rabbit’s electronic warfare aircraft that caused the F/A-If the Hornet crashes into the sea, it will have a huge impact on the existing military balance…….We must re-examine the rabbit’s military strength and electronic warfare capabilities”

“The speed of development of the Rabbit’s military in recent years is really too fast! They even have such advanced electronic warfare aircraft!”

Another international political scholar took a more cautious attitude:”Before there is solid evidence, we can’t easily draw conclusions…….However, this incident has undoubtedly sounded the alarm for us, reminding us that we must pay close attention to the status and role of electronic warfare in modern warfare.”

“This is simply an incredible accident!” A well-known military commentator exclaimed during a live TV broadcast:”F/A-The 18 Hornet fighter is the pride of the Eagle Sauce Navy. Its crash into the sea is undoubtedly a major blow to the Eagle Sauce military technology…….What is even more shocking is that the Rabbit’s electronic warfare aircraft was nearby when the incident happened, which makes people wonder whether there is some connection between the two.”

“I think we cannot easily rule out any possibility.”Another military expert said in an interview,”Although there is no conclusive evidence that the Rabbit’s electronic warfare aircraft is related to the F/A-18 The crash of the Hornet fighter jet into the sea……But we cannot ignore this possibility. After all, in modern warfare, the importance of electronic warfare has become increasingly prominent.”

“I think F/A-The crash of the 18 Hornet fighter jet into the sea must be related to the Rabbit’s electronic warfare aircraft!”A military enthusiast analyzed:”You know, both the USS Carl Vinson and the crew have participated in actual combat and are experienced. It is impossible for them to make such a low-level mistake and crash into the sea during landing. This must be due to the interference of the Rabbit’s electronic warfare aircraft!”

Professionals and non-professionals from various countries talked about it.

In the United States, this incident has also caused widespread discussion and concern.

Some people are dissatisfied with the military’s low-key handling, and believe that the cause of the accident should be made public immediately to eliminate external speculation and doubts.

Others have expressed concern about the Rabbit’s military strength, believing that this incident may be a signal of the Rabbit’s military rise.

The people of the United States think that F/A-The crash of the 18 Hornet fighter jet into the sea is definitely not that simple.

At the same time, the Chinese side also expressed concern about the incident.

As the other party in the joint exercise, the Chinese military said it would fully cooperate with the investigation of the Eagle Sauce military and hoped to find out the cause of the accident as soon as possible to avoid similar incidents from happening again./A-Why did the Hornet fighter jet crash into the sea?……This must have been caused by the attack of the Rabbit’s electronic warfare aircraft, but they cannot admit it!

How embarrassing it would be to admit it!

As the world hegemon, the Eagle Sauce will definitely not admit it even if they are beaten to death!

Then as the younger brother, the Foot Basin Chicken cannot tear down the face of its big brother!

Naturally, it plays dumb.

Therefore, neither the Foot Basin Chicken nor the Eagle Sauce wants to admit it!

In the international community, this incident has also sparked widespread heated discussions.

Some countries have begun to re-evaluate the Rabbit’s electronic warfare capabilities and are considering strengthening their own electronic warfare construction and research and development.

Other countries have called on all parties to remain calm and restrained to avoid unnecessary military confrontation and tension caused by this incident.

Now the Rabbit and the Eagle Sauce are really tit-for-tat.

The world is nervous about it

“This is a very sensitive moment.”We hope that all parties can remain calm and rational and resolve differences and doubts through dialogue and cooperation,” a UN official said in an interview…….After all, peace and stability are our common goals.” (To read the novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, no matter how the outside world speculates and hotly discusses, the truth is still shrouded in fog…….The Eagle Sauce military is still investigating the cause of the accident, and whether the Rabbit’s electronic warfare aircraft is really related to the incident remains an unsolved mystery.

In this context, the eyes of the global military are focused on the Eagle Sauce and the Rabbit.

Regardless of the final result, this incident has already had a profound impact on the international military landscape…….

It reminds the military of all countries that the status and role of electronic warfare in modern warfare can no longer be ignored, and the military strength and electronic warfare capabilities of the rabbit have also become the focus of international attention.

/A-The US government responded quickly to the widespread attention and speculation surrounding the crash of the 18th Hornet fighter jet.

At a recent press conference, the US military announced the latest developments in the incident and said that the Navy is fully investigating the cause of the accident and will announce the results of the investigation to the public as soon as possible.

At the press conference, a senior US military official said:”We are fully aware of the importance of this incident to the US Navy and the international community…….

F/A-As the main fighter of our navy, the performance and safety of the 18 Hornet fighter have always attracted much attention.

“Therefore, we are very shocked and saddened by the crash of the fighter jet.

He further emphasized:”In order to ensure that the real cause of the accident can be found, we will conduct the investigation with the most professional and rigorous attitude.

We will conduct a detailed investigation and analysis of all possible relevant factors such as the fighter jet’s flight records, maintenance records, and weather conditions and sea conditions at the time of the accident…….

At the same time, we will also work closely with the relevant organizations of the United States and the international community to jointly find out the cause of the accident.

However, despite the United States government’s statement and its promise to release the results of the investigation as soon as possible, the international community’s speculation and discussion about the incident has not subsided.

On the contrary, as more information and details are disclosed, people’s attention to the incident has increased.

Some media and military experts began to question why such a serious accident occurred in a joint exercise?

Was it because of technical problems with the fighter?

Or was it the pilot’s operational error? []

What’s more, some people began to point the finger at the Rabbit electronic warfare aircraft that was active in the nearby airspace at the time, speculating whether its interference caused the F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets crashed into the sea.

In the face of these speculations and discussions, the Eagle Sauce military also responded at the press conference……They said that there is no evidence that the Rabbit electronic warfare aircraft is related to the accident.

At the same time, they also called on the international community to remain calm and rational and not to draw conclusions too early or make groundless speculations.

“We understand the concerns and worries of the international community, but we also hope that everyone can trust our professional ability and integrity.

“We will make every effort to find out the cause of the accident and make the truth public,” the official said…….

At the same time, we also hope that the international community can give us enough time and space to conduct an investigation.

/A-The 18th Hornet fighter crash into the sea has undoubtedly brought great shock and impact to the Eagle Sauce Navy and the international community…….

As for the Eagle Sauce government, how to find out the cause of the accident as soon as possible, restore the reputation and combat effectiveness of the navy, and deal with the attention and doubts of the international community will be important challenges they face.

It can be said that the Eagle Sauce’s position as the world hegemon is being impacted step by step.

/A-At the same time as the cause of the crash of the 18 Hornet fighter jet into the sea was revealed, the Rabbit government also made an official response to the incident.

A spokesman for the Rabbit Ministry of Defense said that Rabbit’s electronic warfare aircraft was only conducting normal training activities at the time of the incident and was not involved in any F-18 incident.

/A-The spokesperson stressed:”We have noticed the speculation and discussion of this incident by some international media and experts, but we must clearly point out that the Rabbit electronic warfare aircraft was conducting normal training activities according to the established plan at the time of the incident…….

We have not conducted any activities that may interfere with or affect the Eagle Sauce F/A-18 The behavior of the Hornet fighter jets, and there is no evidence to prove that the Eagle Sauce F/A-18 Hornet fighter planes crashed into the sea and it has something to do with us.

The spokesperson further stated that the Rabbit government has always adhered to a diplomatic policy of peace, cooperation and win-win, and is committed to establishing harmonious and friendly relations with all countries.

In this incident, the Rabbit government will continue to maintain an open and transparent attitude, and is willing to communicate and cooperate with the Eagle Sauce government and the international community to jointly find out the cause of the accident.

It can be said that the Rabbit is not at all ostentatious when it takes advantage.

Because this is the character of the Rabbit!

If you suffer a loss, you will shout all over the world, showing how wronged you are.

If you take advantage, you will be very low-key, as if nothing happened.

But since the joint military exercise between Eagle Sauce and Chicken Foot Basin, the negotiation between the Rabbit and Eagle Sauce on the return of the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft has been smooth…….Eagle Sauce promised Rabbit to dismember the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft and return it, and was also willing to apologize and pay compensation. It can be said that everything went very smoothly.

There is no way, Eagle Sauce knows how powerful Rabbit is.

Especially the power of electronic warfare!

If the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft continues to stay with Rabbit, Eagle Sauce is afraid that its electronic technology foundation will be completely stripped away by Eagle Sauce, so it just hopes to get the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft back as soon as possible.

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