The Eagles and the Chickens were originally planning to conduct joint military exercises to put pressure on the Rabbits.

But they never expected that they would fail miserably./A-18 Hornet fighters crashed into the sea, this is not just the loss of an F/A-The crash of the 18 Hornet fighter jet into the sea is a face-lift for the Eagle Sauce and a sign of the Rabbit’s growing strength.

So the Eagle Sauce and the Rabbit quickly reached an agreement on how to return the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft~!

It can be said that this is strength!

The Eagle Sauce originally thought that he could easily beat the Rabbit…….Just like fighting the Gulf War – easy.

But seeing the advanced weapons and equipment of the Rabbits appearing one after another in recent years, the Eagle Sauce suddenly felt uneasy…….So in order to get the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft back as soon as possible, I had to agree to Rabbit’s request.


On the other hand, under the leadership of Su Chu, the entire R&D team was engaged in in-depth research on the advanced J16 fighter.

“Our goal is very clear, that is, to create a fighter that reaches the international advanced level in terms of aerodynamics, avionics, power and weapon systems.”Su Chu looked at everyone present and said,”Qingqiu, as the person in charge of materials, do you have any ideas or suggestions?”

Bai Qingqiu smiled slightly, and had already prepared his own opinions, saying:”I think that in terms of materials, I plan to upgrade the Gou 10 fighter, increase stealth, etc.!”

Su Chu nodded and agreed:”Very good, materials are a very important part of the Gou 16 fighter!”

Bai Qingqiu sat on one side of the conference table and listened carefully to Su Chu’s explanation.

As a materials expert, he knew that he had a great responsibility in this research.

When Su Chu mentioned the material problem of the fighter, he immediately took notes and prepared to study it in depth after the meeting.

During the meeting, Su Chu clarified the division of labor in the team, and refined the research tasks into multiple sub-projects such as aerodynamic design, avionics system, power system, weapon mounting and material science, and designated the person in charge of each sub-project…….

Bai Qingqiu was entrusted with the important task of researching and optimizing materials science.

Of course, Su Chu was in charge of all the technical problems and technical challenges.

As the research deepened, a series of technical problems gradually emerged.

As an advanced fighter, the selection and application of materials for the Gou-16 fighter are directly related to the performance and life of the fighter.

Bai Qingqiu and her team faced the huge challenge of how to improve the material’s high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and fatigue resistance while ensuring strength.

“We must find a material that is both light and strong to meet the high performance requirements of the J16.”Bai Qingqiu said firmly in a team meeting.

In order to overcome this problem, Bai Qingqiu led the team to conduct a lot of literature research and experimental tests…….They analyzed the material application of similar fighters at home and abroad, combined with the actual needs of the Gou-16 fighter, and began to look for relevant materials.

This material not only has high strength and high toughness, but also has good high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance.

At the same time, Bai Qingqiu also found Su Chu and studied the problem with Su Chu.

All problems are not a problem for Su Chu.

Su Chu proposed a design plan using new composite materials…….This was recognized by Bai Qingqiu, and it opened his eyes.

During the implementation process, the team encountered problems such as difficulty in material processing and high cost…….Bai Qingqiu personally took part in the experiment and conducted repeated tests and optimizations with the technical staff.

They solved these problems one by one by improving the processing technology and optimizing the material formula…….These all require long-term efforts and overcoming difficulties to produce new composite materials.

After making a breakthrough in material research, Bai Qingqiu did not stop…….She knows that only by combining the material properties with the overall performance of the fighter can the quality of the material be truly evaluated.

Therefore, Bai Qingqiu actively participated in the data analysis and evaluation of the flight test.

“According to the latest flight test data, our new composite material has excellent performance in high temperature resistance and fatigue resistance. Bai Qingqiu shared his analysis results in a team meeting……She used her rich professional knowledge to conduct in-depth research and analysis on the test data, and provided valuable suggestions for optimizing the performance of the fighter.

After listening, Su Chu nodded with satisfaction:”Qingqiu, you have done an excellent job…….The application of new composite materials has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the performance improvement of the Gou-16 fighter.”

Throughout the research process, Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu maintained close communication and collaboration…….They face challenges together, solve problems together, and contribute to the development of the Gou-16 fighter.

“Director Su, I think our research in materials science can be further deepened. Bai Qingqiu made his suggestion in a conversation with Su Chu.

After listening, Su Chu thought for a moment and said,”I agree with your opinion…….We must continue to pursue innovation and challenge ourselves to make the Gou-16 fighter a real national weapon.”

So, Su Chu continued to lead the team to conduct in-depth research and exploration……They continuously optimized the material formula, improved the processing technology, and enhanced the performance and stability of the materials.

While Su Chu was researching the Gou-16 fighter, he was also conducting research on the Z10 armed helicopter.

As the first armed helicopter independently developed by Rabbit, the importance of the Z10 armed helicopter is self-evident.

“Gou-16 and Z10, one is our sword in the air, and the other is our tiger on the ground.”Su Chu looked at everyone present at a team meeting with a firm gaze,”We want to make these two pieces of equipment the pride of Rabbit!”

However, challenges also come with it.

As an advanced fighter, the Gou-16 fighter’s aerodynamic design, avionics system, power system, etc. need to reach the international leading level.

And the Z10 armed helicopter, as the first armed helicopter independently developed by Rabbit Country, needs to start from scratch and overcome a series of technical difficulties.

Su Chu knows that this is not only a technical task, but also a national mission. He must lead the team to overcome all difficulties and make these two pieces of equipment become the national heavy weapons of Rabbit Country.

In the process of developing the Z10 armed helicopter, Su Chu and his team encountered unprecedented challenges. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As an armed helicopter, the Z10 armed helicopter needs to have powerful firepower, excellent maneuverability and good protection capabilities.

However, how to ensure these performances while ensuring the stability and reliability of the helicopter has become a huge problem.

“We must find a material that is both light and strong for the Z10’s fuselage and rotors.”Su Chu made a clear request at a meeting of the materials science team.

In order to overcome this problem, Su Chu directly proposed a solution, which is to develop a new composite material design…….This material not only has high strength and high toughness, but also has good high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance.

It can be said that the Gou-16 fighter and the Z10 attack helicopter can be used in common in some aspects.

However, the application of new composite materials is not smooth sailing…….During the processing, the team encountered problems such as material deformation and cracks.

Su Chu and technical personnel conducted repeated tests and optimizations… Su Chu proposed measures such as improving processing technology and optimizing material formulations, which were ultimately very effective.

In the development of Z10, data analysis and performance evaluation played a vital role…….Su Chu knows that only through precise data analysis can the performance of the helicopter be accurately evaluated and provide direction for subsequent optimization.

“According to the latest flight test data, the Z10’s firepower system and maneuverability have reached the expected goals.”At a flight test data analysis meeting, Su Chu listened to the team members’ reports and nodded with satisfaction.

Throughout the development process, Su Chu always emphasized the importance of teamwork…….

He believes that only when team members work together can they overcome technical difficulties and make the Z10 armed helicopter a real national weapon.

“Each of us is a member of this team, and everyone’s efforts are crucial.”I believe that as long as we are united, nothing can stop us from moving forward.” Under the leadership of Su Chu, team members expressed their willingness to go all out and contribute their own strength to the development of Z10…….They worked overtime and conducted experiments and tests one by one.

Because of Su Chu, the research of the entire Z10 armed helicopter was very smooth.

Su Chu was deeply studying the research and development of the Gou-16 fighter and the Z10 armed helicopter, and also led the research work of the 055 million-ton destroyer…….This is a destroyer that aims to be the world’s first, and its development process is full of challenges.[]

This is not easy!

“Gou 16, Z10, 055, these are the three major national weapons of our country in the future.”Su Chu looked at everyone present at a high-level meeting of the 303 base with a firm gaze, and said:”I have the confidence and determination to lead my team to overcome all technical difficulties and make these three equipment the best in the world.”

During the research and development of the 055 million-ton destroyer, Su Chu and his team encountered unprecedented challenges.

As a destroyer designed to become the world’s number one, 055 needs to have powerful firepower, excellent maneuverability, advanced radar systems and good protection capabilities.

However, how to ensure these performances while ensuring the stability and reliability of the ship has become a huge problem.

“We must find an advanced and reliable technical solution for the 055 radar system.”Su Chu made a clear request at a meeting of the radar technical team.

In order to overcome this problem, the radar technical team conducted a lot of research and experiments…….They analyzed the application of radar systems of similar destroyers at home and abroad, and combined with the actual needs of 055, proposed a design scheme for a new active phased array radar.

This radar not only has high precision and high reliability, but also has good anti-interference ability.

However, the development of the new active phased array radar was not smooth sailing…….During the design and testing process, the team encountered many technical difficulties, such as the stability of radar signals and accurate target identification.

In order to solve the problems, Su Chu personally conducted repeated tests and optimizations…….They quickly solved many problems by improving radar algorithms, optimizing antenna design, and other measures!

There is no problem that Su Chu cannot solve.

In addition to the radar system, the development of 055’s anti-ship missiles and carrier-based machine guns also faces huge challenges…….As the world’s most advanced destroyer, it is natural to be equipped with more powerful anti-ship missiles!

These all need to be studied.

Su Chu led the team to continuously overcome technical difficulties to ensure that every technology can reach the international leading level.

In the research and development of the 055 million-ton destroyer, data analysis and performance evaluation also played a vital role.

Su Chu knows that only through precise data analysis can the performance of the destroyer be accurately evaluated and provide direction for subsequent optimization.

Time flies.

September 20, 1999.

Just when Su Chu was fully committed to the research and development of the 055 million-ton destroyer, the Gou-16 fighter and the Z10 armed helicopter, Zhou Zhengguo called.

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the Rabbit Country is approaching. As a hero of the Republic, Su Chu will naturally be invited to participate in this grand parade.

Not only is he invited to watch the grand parade, he is also definitely the C-position protagonist…….

PS: Second update, one auto-subscription plus one chapter, one 100 VIP reward plus one chapter, begging for all your support.

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