
As the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Rabbit Nation approaches, Beijing, an ancient yet modern city, is undergoing an unprecedented transformation. The once mottled old walls on both sides of the street have been repainted, and the traces of history are intertwined with modern colors, showing a different charm.

The newly planted green trees and flowers sway in the breeze, seeming to add a touch of vitality to this grand festival.

“”Look at this change, it’s really earth-shaking!” Standing on the newly built pedestrian bridge, looking at the busy and orderly streets in the distance, Uncle Li said to his wife beside him with deep emotion.

“Yes, I remember that fifty years ago, this place was still a wasteland…….Nowadays, even overpasses are built so magnificently, times have really changed.”Auntie Zhang answered with a smile, her eyes sparkling with love for life and expectations for the future.

In order to welcome this grand military parade, the capital not only has a brand new look, but also has a comprehensive upgrade in infrastructure.

Subway stations and bus stops have added electronic display screens to update traffic information in real time to facilitate citizens’ travel.

And those newly built public facilities, such as rest areas and temporary toilets, reflect humanistic care, allowing every citizen and tourist to feel the warmth and convenience of this city.

“Xiao Liu, how was the patrol today?”On a newly paved asphalt road, Captain Wang was asking a young policeman who had just finished patrolling.

“Everything is normal, Captain Wang. However, there are a lot more people than yesterday, especially around Tiananmen Square…….We have to strengthen monitoring to ensure that nothing goes wrong.”Xiao Liu looked serious, holding a walkie-talkie in his hand, ready to respond to emergencies at any time.

“”Okay, safety first, there can’t be any mistakes. This military parade is not only a display of the country, but also a big test for our security work.” Officer Wang patted Xiao Liu on the shoulder, his eyes revealing firmness and trust.

As night fell, the capital did not fall silent because of a busy day.

On the contrary, dazzling light shows began to be staged on major buildings, decorating the night sky of the city like a dream.

Citizens went out of their homes, took a walk, or took pictures, to witness this historic moment together.

“”Mom, look over there, it’s so beautiful!” A little boy pointed at the brightly lit Tiananmen Tower in the distance, his eyes sparkling with curiosity and excitement.

“Yes, baby, this is to celebrate our country’s fiftieth birthday. When you grow up, you must contribute your own strength to building a better motherland!”The mother stroked the child’s head gently, her eyes full of longing for the future.

In this grand preparation, every resident of the capital is participating in it in his or her own way, whether it is the cleaning lady who sweeps the streets early in the morning and late at night, or the volunteers who provide help at various stations, or the ordinary citizens who consciously abide by the order and maintain the environment, everyone is an indispensable part of this celebration. The

50th anniversary military parade is not only a military feast, but also a carnival for the whole people, a review of past achievements, and the start of future dreams.

After Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu finished the relevant matters of the 303 Comprehensive Research Institute, they also took a special plane to the capital!

Buzz buzz buzz……

Whoosh whoosh……

The special plane landed at the Beijing Airport. Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu walked out of the plane and saw another special plane landing at the Beijing Airport.

Looking closely, it was Baba Sheep’s special plane.

Baba Sheep and Rabbit have a very good alliance relationship. On the 50th anniversary of Rabbit’s founding, Baba Sheep naturally arranged for representatives to come.

Afterwards, Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu took a special car to the compound of the Ministry of Military Industry…….They settled down in this compound.

That afternoon.

The sun was shining brightly.

In the office of Minister of Military Industry Zhou Zhengguo, the atmosphere was particularly solemn and warm.

Minister Zhou Zhengguo met with Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu.

Minister Zhou smiled, his eyes revealing his approval and expectations for the two young people. He spoke first, his voice gentle and powerful:”Su Chu, Bai Qingqiu, your achievements in military research are obvious to all…….On behalf of the Ministry of Military Industry and the country, I thank you for your contribution, which has not only promoted the progress of our country’s military technology, but also made an indelible contribution to the consolidation of national security.”

Su Chu smiled modestly and said,”Minister Zhou, you are too polite…….As military workers, we are fully aware of the heavy responsibility on our shoulders. It is our duty to contribute to the country’s national defense.”

“Every technological breakthrough and every innovative attempt is the best interpretation of our mission as a military worker.”

Bai Qingqiu then expressed his opinion, his eyes firm and his tone full of longing for the future:”Yes, Minister”

“Like Su Chu, I feel honored to be part of this great cause. We will continue to work hard and explore, striving to go further on the road of military scientific research and contribute more and stronger national defense to the prosperity of the country.”

After listening to this, Minister Zhou Zhengguo nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile:”Very good, I am very pleased to hear your answer.”

“Next up is the military parade for the 50th anniversary of our founding…….As you know, many newly developed weapons and equipment will debut in this parade. This is the best display of your work results and the recognition of your efforts by the people of the whole country.”

When mentioning the upcoming parade, both Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu showed anticipation on their faces.

Su Chu:”Yes, Minister……This military parade is of great significance to us. We hope that the new weapons we have developed can be seen by people all over the world…….Forming a deterrent force, I can develop stably.”

Bai Qingqiu added:”And through this military parade, we can also intuitively feel the growth of the country’s military strength, which is of immeasurable value in enhancing national self-confidence and national pride.”

“We are looking forward to the day when we see the weapons we have personally participated in developing slowly passing by on the solemn parade ground…….At that moment, all the hard work and efforts will turn into supreme glory.

Minister Zhou Zhengguo smiled and said,”Well……I believe that day will be very shocking……And you, as the heroes behind all this, should enjoy this honor.”

“Therefore, during the National Day holiday, you should also take a good rest, spend quality time with your family, and accumulate energy for the next work.”

Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu both responded loudly:”Yes! Minister!”


Zhou Zhengguo, Su Chu, Bai Qingqiu and others talked about the development of military industry and so on.

The next day.

September 28, 1999.

There are still two days left before the grand military parade for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

During this time, Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu decided to relax and have fun together in Beijing.

Although Su Chu often comes to Beijing, he has never had a good time.

Bai Qingqiu used to study at Harbin Institute of Technology and rarely played in Beijing.

Su Chu came to Bai Qingqiu’s room and said,”Qingqiu, the weather is so good today, and it’s not time to watch the military parade yet. Why don’t we go out and visit Beijing together? I heard that because of the grand military parade for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Beijing has been very lively recently. Let’s go and feel the joy!”

Bai Qingqiu nodded in a gentle and pleasant voice and said,”Okay, Su Chu, that’s what I meant…….We have been busy with work recently and really need to relax……How about we take a one-day tour in Beijing?”

“”Okay!” Su Chu said happily,”Then let’s go to the Forbidden City first to feel the weight of history, and then go to taste the authentic food of the capital, how about it?”

“”It sounds great!” Bai Qingqiu agreed happily,”Then let’s do it!”

Then, the two of them went directly to the Forbidden City!

At this time, the Forbidden City was crowded with people.

Tourists from all over the country, and even many foreigners, gathered here, wanting to see the charm of this ancient palace.

“Wow, there are so many people!”Bai Qingqiu exclaimed,”It seems that everyone is taking advantage of the excitement before the military parade to travel to Beijing.”

“Yes!” Su Chu responded with a smile,”But this also shows that our country is becoming more and more attractive, doesn’t it?”

The two chatted while following the crowd into the Forbidden City…….They strolled among the red walls and golden tiles, feeling the sedimentation of history and the charm of culture.

At each scenic spot, they would stop to appreciate it carefully and take photos.

“Look, that’s the Palace of Heavenly Purity!” Su Chu pointed to a palace in front and said,”I heard that’s where the emperor handles daily government affairs.”

“Well, yes,” Bai Qingqiu nodded and said,”It’s hard to imagine how people lived and worked here hundreds of years ago. It feels like traveling through time and space.”

The two of them walked around the Forbidden City for a whole morning before reluctantly leaving.

At this time, their stomachs were already growling with hunger.

“Haha, it seems like it’s time for us to find something to eat.” Su Chu said with a smile:”I heard that there are many authentic snacks in the courtyards of Beijing, why don’t we go and try them?”

“”Okay, I’ve wanted to try it for a long time.” Bai Qingqiu agreed happily.

So, the two began to walk through the streets and alleys of the courtyards in the capital, looking for delicious food…….They walked through narrow alleys, saw ancient courtyards, and felt the unique charm of the capital.

“Wow, there are so many snacks here!” Bai Qingqiu stopped in front of a snack stand, looking at the dazzling array of delicacies, his eyes lit up,”I want to try this fried noodles with soybean paste, it looks delicious!”

“Then I’ll have a bowl of bean juice,” Su Chu said with a smile,”I heard that this is the 897 authentic snack in Beijing. Although the taste is a bit strange, I really want to try it.”

The two of them ordered their favorite snacks and found an empty seat to sit down.

They were in a particularly good mood while tasting the food and chatting. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Well, this noodle with soybean paste is really delicious!” Bai Qingqiu praised it highly,”It tastes better than any noodles I’ve ever eaten before!””

“Haha, right?” Su Chu also laughed and said,”I told you, the food in Beijing is definitely worth a try. But this bean juice………Um……The taste is indeed a bit strange……”

The two smiled at each other and continued to enjoy the food and happy time.

After dinner, they also visited some other attractions…….For example, Wangfujing Street, etc., felt the different styles of Beijing, and enjoyed a good time to relax.

In the evening, the two returned to the Military Industry Department compound, ending this pleasant one-day tour of Beijing…….They all felt that this trip allowed them to better understand the history and culture of the city and to cherish the relationship between them.

“I am so happy today!” Bai Qingqiu said with a smile:”Su Chu, I rarely have such a relaxing moment!”

“I am very happy too,” Su Chu responded,”If we have the chance in the future, let’s hang out together more often! Relax and don’t just focus on work!”

“Okay, that’s settled!” Bai Qingqiu nodded,”Looking forward to the next trip!”

The two smiled at each other, and then went back to their rooms to rest.

Today’s happy time will become one of the precious memories in their hearts, and will also become a testimony to their feelings.

In the following time, Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu had no time to spare, and began to busy themselves with preparations before the military parade.

After all, this is a grand military parade for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the country, so naturally they have to prepare well and solemnly…….It can be said that the Rabbit hopes to consolidate its position as a world power through this military parade.

If the Rabbit does not show its advanced new weapons, the outside world will still think that the Rabbit has old, broken and small weapons and equipment!

This military parade for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the country must open the eyes of the world…

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