September 30, 1999.

The next day is the grand military parade for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Rabbit Country.

Under the soft moonlight, Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu sat in the courtyard of the Ministry of Military Industry, enjoying the tranquility and coolness of the night.

Tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Rabbit Country…….The whole country was immersed in celebration.

As one of the country’s top weapons and equipment developers, Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu were filled with indescribable excitement and anticipation.

“Qingqiu, are you looking forward to tomorrow’s military parade?” Su Chu asked softly, his eyes flashing with longing for the infinite possibilities of the future.

“Of course, how could I not be looking forward to it?”Bai Qingqiu responded with a smile, and said excitedly with expectation:”This is not just a military parade, but also a comprehensive display of the results of our efforts over the years.”

Su Chu nodded and said with emotion:”Yes, from the initial exploration to now, we have witnessed too many miracles from nothing to something…….Those dreams that were once considered impossible to achieve have now become reality one by one.”

“Tomorrow, the whole world will see our achievements and the rise of Rabbit Country.”

“Yes,” Bai Qingqiu said with a hint of pride,”Think about the advanced weapons and equipment we have participated in designing, from fourth-generation fighter jets to drones, warships, and long-range missiles that can accurately strike targets thousands of kilometers away…….Each one is a technological leap forward, and all of this is thanks to you, Su Chu…….If it weren’t for you, our country’s military technology wouldn’t have developed so fast!”

Su Chu:”This is the result of our joint efforts! If it were just me, I wouldn’t be able to make so many weapons and equipment…….This is all thanks to the entire 303 base!”

“No matter what, you are the first hero!” Bai Qingqiu patted the back of Su Chu’s hand gently:”Tomorrow, when we stand on the viewing platform and watch those steel behemoths that we personally helped create slowly pass by, the sense of accomplishment and pride will be the most precious memory of our careers.”

The two smiled at each other, and each other’s eyes were filled with infinite yearning for the future.

“Well, let’s stop here tonight,” Su Chu suggested,”Let’s have a good rest tonight and welcome tomorrow’s military parade with the best mental state.”

“”Hmm!” Bai Qingqiu nodded in agreement. The two stood up, walked slowly into the house, and rested.

Time passed quickly.

September 30, 1999.

The next day was the grand military parade for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Rabbit.

This military parade, as the 13th grand display in the history of the Rabbit, not only demonstrated the country’s military strength and the rapid development of national defense science and technology, but also marked the comprehensiveness and diversity of the composition of the Rabbit’s armed forces.

50th anniversary!

This is a very critical year.

Therefore, with the support of many superiors, this large-scale and far-reaching military parade was carefully planned and directed.

The military branches participating in the parade are complete and diverse, covering almost all components of the Rabbit’s armed forces, fully demonstrating the overall strength and diversified composition of the Rabbit army…….

It is particularly worth mentioning that the scientific and technological content of national defense has been significantly improved.

Most of the weapons and equipment on review are high-tech products manufactured by Rabbit, and have gradually become the main weapons of our army.

This is undoubtedly a strong proof of Rabbit’s independent research and development and innovation capabilities of the national defense industry.

In addition, Rabbit will display many advanced weapons and equipment that have never been publicly displayed this time!

In this military parade, the Army Aviation, Naval Aviation, Marine Corps, Armed Special Police and Militia Reserve Forces joined the parade for the first time, adding new highlights and colors to the military parade, and also improving the comprehensiveness and depth of Rabbit’s military modernization.

In terms of military parade training, more emphasis is placed on the concepts of modernization, precision and humanity, ensuring the smooth conduct of the military parade ceremony and high-quality display…….The number of people in the parade team is set at 25. This innovation not only enhances the visual effect, but also creates a new record in the history of world parades.

In terms of vehicle teams, there are 25 vehicle teams composed of the four major services of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Second Artillery, with a total of more than 400 vehicles. Both the number of teams and the number of vehicles have set a new record for all previous parades, fully demonstrating the modernization level and huge scale of the rabbit army’s equipment.

In addition, the first review of aerial refueling aircraft marks a significant improvement in the long-range combat and strategic delivery capabilities of China’s air force, which is of milestone significance.

Simply put (bbbd), this world parade of the rabbit is to deter countries and the world and show great strength!

In order to celebrate the grand festival of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the square was dressed up with a new look, and the atmosphere of jubilation and peace was everywhere.

Around the square, the towering buildings were carefully decorated, and the walls were brand new, as if they were wearing festive costumes, with red flags flying, which was quite festive.

The tower is decorated with golden splendor, and the red walls and yellow tiles sparkle in the sun. The tower is hung with red lanterns and national knots, which symbolize auspiciousness and reunion.

In front of the tower, a huge flower bed spells out the words”Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the Nation” with colorful flowers, which is colorful and full of vitality.

In the square, wide asphalt roads are swept spotlessly, with green trees on both sides. Each tree is neatly trimmed, as if it is a soldier waiting in line for inspection. On both sides of the road, the temporary viewing platform is covered with bright red carpets, waiting for guests and people from all over the country.

Around the viewing platform, flowers are clustered and colorful flags are fluttering, creating a warm and solemn atmosphere.

For this grand military parade, a huge reviewing platform was specially set up in the center of the square. The platform is covered with bright red curtains and surrounded by audio equipment, ready to broadcast this magnificent moment to the world.

In front of the reviewing stand, straight runways extend into the distance. It is the stage that will showcase our country’s national defense capabilities. Every brick and stone carries the weight of history and expectations for the future.

In addition, a number of themed exhibition areas have been set up around the square, which showcase the brilliant achievements made by Rabbit in the fields of economy, science and technology, culture, etc. since its establishment through pictures, models, and real objects.

It can be said that the entire Tiananmen Square, from details to the whole, has been carefully designed and arranged, and every place is full of deep friendship for the motherland and good wishes for the future.

It can be said that everything is ready!

This is a large-scale world military parade.

October 1st.

At around seven in the morning, Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu arrived at the square at the designated time, and then entered in order.

The viewing platform of Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu is in the middle, a proper C position.

Those watching the military parade in this C position are representatives from all over the world, important personnel of Rabbit, and some leaders, etc…….Simply put, those who can watch the military parade from the center are all very powerful people.

Then, representatives from various countries also entered the designated viewing area!

This time, Rabbit invited representatives from more than 150 countries in the world to participate, mainly in Asia, Europe and Africa…….Countries like the Eagle Sauce and the Foot Basin Chicken were not invited.

This is mainly because the Foot Basin Chicken and the Eagle Sauce conducted a joint military exercise some time ago, intending to intimidate the rabbits……The rabbit took a small notebook to remember the grudge.

In addition to representatives from various countries, news media reporters also have fixed positions……They are all from news media organizations around the world, including AFP.

The influence of the rabbit in the world is constantly increasing, and AFP has contributed to this.

Because AFP often reports on some of the rabbit’s advanced weapons and equipment and glorious achievements.

AFP has offices and press stations in more than 160 countries and regions, and has a wide network of news collection and release. Its newsletter subscribers are spread all over the world, and the number is large, which enables it to report major events around the world quickly and accurately.

Therefore, as an internationally renowned news agency, AFP’s brand enjoys a high reputation and influence worldwide.

Many media and institutions regard it as one of the important sources of news, and it has been selected into the world’s top 500 brands for many times, which further proves its status and influence in the global news industry.

So every time AFP reports on the news, naturally many people believe it.

In addition to AFP, Reuters was also invited to visit and report on this world military parade.

Reuters is one of the earliest news agencies in the world, and it is currently the largest news agency of John Bull and one of the four major news agencies in the West. It was founded in 1851, providing various news and financial data, and operating in 128 countries.

Its main business is divided into two categories: providing current affairs news to newspapers and radio stations;……Reuters is well-known for its rapid and accurate news reporting. Almost all major news media have subscribed to Reuters news. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It provides economic information to banks, brokers and industrial and commercial enterprises around the world…….Reuters provides tools and platforms, such as stock prices and foreign exchange rates, so that traders can analyze financial data and manage transactions. At the same time, its system allows customers to complete buying and selling through the Internet, replacing the traditional manual trading method.

Reuters is widely praised for its fast news reporting and accuracy. It has offices and news bureaus in many countries and regions, providing multilingual services.

At present, Reuters, Havas, Associated Press, and United Press are known as the four major Western news agencies, and they occupy an important position in the global news industry.

This time, the Rabbit Parade invited so many media with world influence to participate, which shows that the ambition is not small. The purpose is to create momentum around the world!

In addition to the media and representatives of various countries, there are also representatives of the people from all over the country!

They gathered on both sides of the square road to watch this grand parade.

At 9 o’clock in the morning, the sky of the capital was particularly clear after a night of autumn rain, as if nature was also preparing for this day’s event in its own unique way.

The air after the rain was filled with the fragrance of soil, which was intertwined with the fragrance of flowers on the sky square, creating an indescribable fresh atmosphere.

The square is filled with flowers and colorful flags, like a sea of colors, and in this sea are crowds of people from all directions…….Full of excitement and anticipation, they gathered here to witness this solemn and glorious moment – the military parade and mass parade. At

9:58, with the completion of a series of orderly preparations, many of the country’s senior officers took turns to step onto the rostrum on the tower, their faces filled with solemnity and pride.

At this moment, the heart of the entire country seemed to beat along with it, looking forward to the upcoming celebration.

Afterwards, General Li Liang, who was in charge of the military parade, announced the official start of the celebration in a firm and powerful voice:”I now declare that the military parade to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the country of Rabbit officially begins now.”

This announcement was not only a declaration to the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians on the scene, but also transmitted through radio waves to every corner of the country and even the world.


Boom boom boom……[]

Then, 50 rounds of salute roared, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Each shot symbolized the glorious years of the country and the beautiful expectations for the future.

Amid the deafening sound of the salute, a team of 200 national flag guards marched in unison, with their heads held high and their chests puffed out, carrying the bright national flag, and slowly moved forward…….Their every step is filled with power and glory

“stand up……”

Then, a joint military band consisting of more than 1,000 people played the solemn national anthem. The passionate melody instantly ignited the enthusiasm of everyone in the audience.

At this moment, whether it was the officers on the stage, the soldiers and civilians on the square, representatives of various countries, Zhou Zhengguo, Su Chu, Bai Xiuzhu, etc., all stood still, their eyes following the slowly rising national flag, their hearts surging with infinite love and respect for the motherland.

The whole audience sang the national anthem, and the sound gathered into an unstoppable force, crossing the sky and echoing in everyone’s heart.

The national flag slowly rose in the morning breeze……It is not just a flag, but also a symbol of national dignity and national spirit.

As the national flag rose to the top, the whole square burst into thunderous applause and cheers. People expressed their love and blessings for the motherland in the most direct way.

After the national flag was raised, the formal military parade followed.

This is definitely a grand scene…….

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