Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu felt the scene of hundreds of thousands of people singing the national anthem together, which made them feel tears welling up in their eyes!

This feeling can only be felt when you are there.

It is so shocking!

It has not been easy for the country to come this far in the past fifty years.

Now it is finally getting better.

Bai Qingqiu glanced at Su Chu beside him, with tears in his eyes.

Everything is self-evident.

At 10:07, the echo of the salute was still stirring over Tiananmen Square, like the waves of history echoing.

This is not just the beginning of a military parade, but also a display of the glory and strength of a country and a nation.

At this moment, a black convertible sedan of the Hongqi brand slowly drove over, carrying the dignity of the country and the expectations of the people.

General Li Liang, the chief person in charge of the military parade, stood beside the car and reported to the commander-in-chief:”Report to the commander-in-chief, the troops have finished lining up for the review, please review!”

His voice was firm and powerful, revealing the fortitude and determination of the soldiers

“”Begin!” the commander-in-chief gave the order. This order not only marked the official start of the military parade, but also symbolized the cohesion and display of national strength.

As the order was issued, more than 1,000 military band members played the exciting military parade music. The melody was like a war drum urging people to march, which made people’s blood boil.

At 10:08:31, the review car drove onto the parade line on time and slowly drove from west to east.

This is not just a car driving, but also a tour of national dignity and glory.

The commander-in-chief in the car had a sharp gaze, scanning every formation and every soldier.

Accompanied by the magnificent military music, the commander-in-chief began to review the troops accompanied by General Li Liang.

The green infantry formation, the white sailor formation, the blue pilot formation and the orange-red female militia formation……These square formations are like groups of statues, standing on Chang’an Avenue, showing the dignity and strength of the soldiers.

The review cars slowly passed in front of the formations, like the wheels of history rolling.

Facing the neat square formations and the young and energetic faces, the commander-in-chief was filled with satisfaction and pride…….He frequently greeted her loudly and cordially

“Hello comrades!”

“”Comrades, thank you for your hard work!”

This is not just a greeting, but also an affirmation of the soldiers’ hard work and selfless dedication.

The officers and soldiers on parade responded loudly and energetically:”Hello, Commander-in-Chief!”

“Serve the people!”

Their voices echoed through the ten-mile long street, across time and space, like the echo of history.

From the gunshots on the top of Nanchang City to the hardships of the Long March, from the heroic struggle to defeat the Japanese invaders to the great victory of eliminating the reactionaries, and then to the glorious moment of liberating the country…….This is a magnificent chapter of the people marching from victory to victory.

Each square represents a part of the Chinese military, and each has its own unique mission and glory…….

They are a solid fortress on the ground, and can show their tenacious fighting power whether in the mountains or on the plains…….They are the guardians of the sea, guarding the country’s blue territory and ensuring the safety of every inch of the sea…….

They are the pride of the sky, flying in the sky on their war eagles, protecting the dignity of the country’s airspace…….They are heroines who have carried the heavy responsibility of the country on their weak shoulders, demonstrating the tenacity and strength of women.

As the review car slowly moved forward, it passed in front of the heroic troops like a witness of history. Each of these troops has a glorious history and brilliant achievements…….They are the pride of the country and the patron saints of the people.

The officers and soldiers on parade stood tall and straight with firm eyes. They saluted the commander-in-chief, which was not only a respect for the commander-in-chief, but also a deep confession of love for the country and the people. Their eyes were full of loyalty to the country and perseverance in their mission, as if to say:”Please rest assured, motherland and people, we are always ready!”

The review car continued to move forward, passing by the huge steel formations…….These steel giants are a mighty army composed of new tanks, new missiles and new artillery painted with camouflage.

They are shining like steel warriors, quietly waiting for the call of the country.

These new equipment are a symbol of the country’s scientific and technological strength, the result of the modernization of the army, and a solid guarantee for national security and national dignity.

It can be said that many weapons and equipment are the credit of Su Chu!

The new Type 93 third-generation main battle tank……With its powerful mobility and firepower, it has become an important force in ground combat. Their body lines are smooth and the paint is majestic, like a beast ready to go, ready to rush to the battlefield at any time to fight for the security of the country and the people.

The soldiers sat in the chariot, holding their steel guns tightly, and their eyes revealed their firm belief in victory and murderous intent against the enemy!

Those who offend the mighty Han will be punished even if they are far away.

The new Dongfeng 41 missile, as the”trump card” of modern warfare, has become an important pillar of national security with its precise strike capability and long-range deterrence.

They stand on the launch pad like a sharp sword pointing straight to the sky.

These missiles not only represent the highest level of national science and technology, but also carry the heavy responsibility of national security and national dignity.

Once the country needs them, they will break through the sky like lightning, accurately strike the enemy, and nuclearize everything. Defend the country’s territory and sovereignty.

The new AR2000 rocket launcher painted with camouflage has become an important support force on the battlefield with its powerful firepower, concealment, and ultra-long range…….Their gun bodies are thick and powerful, and their barrels point straight ahead, as if ready to roar at any time.

These artillery pieces can not only play a huge role on the battlefield, but also provide a solid security guarantee for the country in peacetime.

The review car continued to move forward, and each square array accepted the review of the commander-in-chief with the most full spirit…….The soldiers’ eyes were firm and powerful, and their steps were in unison, as if each of them was a precision part of the national machine, together forming the invincible force of the national army.

At this moment, history and reality were intertwined.

The soldiers’ faces showed not only their longing and expectation for the future, but also their remembrance and admiration for history.

The military parade is not only a military feast, but also a spiritual baptism…….It allows people to see the image of the army as a mighty, civilized and victorious army, and also strengthens people’s faith in the country and confidence in the future.

As the review car slowly drove past, the military parade gradually came to an end.

This is the military parade! There is also a marching parade!

The marching parade is when each square passes by the viewing platform on foot and accepts the inspection of everyone!

The commander-in-chief drives to the military parade……This is the military parade.

During the military parade, Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu could not see the troops…….

When the parade is held, each of the troops will come to the two of them to show their weapons and equipment and the spirit of the troops.

(To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu are both full of expectations for the upcoming parade.

Because they don’t know what weapons and equipment will be displayed in this grand parade.

Everything is kept secret.

There are a total of 42 ground formations in this grand parade.

……The 17 marching columns and 25 chariot columns have been lined up…….They are well-dressed, heroic, mighty and well-equipped.

Every soldier is full of pride and high spirits. They know that today, they will represent the country and the army and accept the inspection of the commander-in-chief and people of all ethnic groups across the country.

The soldiers of the marching column, dressed in neat uniforms, marched with powerful steps…….Their eyes reveal firm belief and fearless courage.

The tank column shows the strength of the country’s science and technology and industry…….The tanks were lined up in rows, their bodies shining with metallic luster, as if announcing to the world: This is a country with strong military strength.

At this moment, at seven airports in North China, 132 warplanes were waiting in formation…….They represent the country’s air power and are the guardians of the blue sky.

These war eagles, whether fighters, bombers or helicopters, represent the top level of the country’s aviation industry.

After the military parade, the commander-in-chief returned to the Tiananmen Gate Tower and delivered an important speech……

His voice was firm and powerful, and every word he said revealed his deep affection for the country and the nation…….

He announced to the world: From the middle of this century to the middle of the next century, after a hundred years of hard work, the Republic will basically achieve socialist modernization…….

This is a great goal and a challenging journey.

The Republic will continue to rise and develop.

The Republic will continue to move forward and write a more glorious chapter with strength and wisdom.


Asking for flowers

Su Chu, Bai Qingqiu, Zhou Zhengguo, Qiu Gui and others were all listening quietly to the commander-in-chief’s speech.

At 10:36, the military parade began.

The first to enter was the honor guard! []

The honor guard always attracts countless people’s attention with its unique charm and solemn image.

This team of 156 officers and soldiers of the honor guard battalion, guarding the flaming red military flag, walked at the front of the parade, passed through the square first, and became the highlight and focus of the entire parade.

The selection conditions for the honor guard are extremely harsh…….They not only need to meet strict standards in height and weight, but also require their facial features to be regular and their eyes to be bright…….These conditions even exceed the selection criteria for pilots and divers.

The honor guards who can participate in the military parade have gone through layers of screening and rigorous training. Their every move and every look represents the image and dignity of the country.

Since the formal establishment of the honor guard in March 1952, the three armed forces honor guard has performed more than 2,000 honor guard tasks to welcome foreign heads of state, heads of government, senior military generals, and major celebrations and important events…….

Their outstanding performance not only won dignity and honor for the Republic, but also earned them the title of”Military Model Soldiers”…….This is a great recognition of their hard work and selfless dedication.

As the glorious messenger of the Republic, the three-service guard of honor not only has a very high reputation and status in China, but also enjoys a high reputation internationally…….Every time they appear, they represent the image and dignity of the country. Every action they take embodies the hard work and sweat of countless people.

Behind the solemn and sacred formation of the three-service guard of honor are officers and soldiers from the army, navy, air force, armed police force and militia reserve…….They formed 17 marching columns, nearly 6,000 officers and soldiers, marching in unison.

The sonorous and powerful footsteps seemed to come from the depths of history, with an indescribable majesty and power.

The army column.

They were as solid as mountains, and every step they took resounded on the earth…….Their eyes reveal a kind of firmness and perseverance, which is the determination and commitment to defend the country’s territorial integrity.

The naval column.

They are as deep as the ocean, and every step seems to be accompanied by the surging waves…….They are filled with love and awe for the ocean, which is a commitment and perseverance to safeguarding the country’s maritime rights and interests.

The Air Force Parade.

They are as high as the sky, and every step seems to be accompanied by the changing wind and clouds. In their eyes, there is a yearning and pursuit for the blue sky, which is the responsibility and commitment to defending the security of the country’s airspace.

The parade of the armed police force and the militia reserve should not be ignored either.

They are like the guardians of the city and the guards of the countryside, and every step they take is a firm step to maintain social stability and tranquility…….Their presence is another solid barrier to national security.

These 17 marching columns, with nearly 6,000 officers and soldiers, each of them is a story, each of them is a piece of history. They use their youth and blood to write about their loyalty and dedication to the country and the people…….

Every move they make is the best interpretation of”iron faith, iron will, iron style, and iron discipline.”…

Snap Snap……

The uniform footsteps at the scene are not only a visual shock, but also a spiritual touch…….It allows people to see the unity and solidarity of the people’s army, and their tenacity and indomitable spirit.

The footsteps are the echo of history and the strongest voice of the times.

Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu were also quite shocked when they saw these marching squares!

Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you feel the shock and shock of this iron-blooded army…….It’s not just a visual impact, but also a shock to the army’s spirit!

However, Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu are looking forward to the display of weapons and equipment…

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