While the Rabbit’s combined battalion and the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment were engaged in a fierce confrontation, the exercise command center was also watching the exercises of both sides. On one side was the Russian 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment, which had a long history and glorious record, and on the other side was the Rabbit’s combined battalion, which represented a new height of modern warfare concepts.

In the exercise command room, Russian commander Kadyrov, Rabbit’s chief commander Sun Donghai, military industry representative Su Chu and others were staring at the big screen, their eyes flashing with expectation and tension.

“”Begin!” With the orders from Sun Donghai and Kadyrov, the images on the screen instantly became active, and the two forces started a fierce contest in the virtual battlefield.

At first, Kadyrov still had a confident smile on his face. He believed that his 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment……This elite division, which has experienced countless battles, will surely shine in the exercise.

However, as time went by, his smile gradually froze, replaced by incredible shock.

The performance of the Rabbit Combined Battalion can be described as”amazing”…….They use advanced information-based combat systems to achieve real-time sharing of battlefield situations. Each combat unit is like a chess piece that is precisely controlled, flexible and versatile, and has strong collaborative combat capabilities.

Drones shuttle through the air, providing real-time intelligence support for ground troops…….The long-range artillery’s precise strikes repeatedly put the Sixth Mechanized Infantry Regiment’s defense line in danger……The rapid advance and infiltration of the armored forces created unprecedented loopholes in the defense line of the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment.

“this……How is this possible? Kadyrov muttered to himself……He couldn’t understand why the mechanized troops he was so proud of looked so clumsy in front of the rabbit’s combined battalion.

Sun Donghai was also very shocked -!

He never expected that the combat effectiveness of the combined battalion was so terrifying.

Although the weapons and equipment and the number of troops are less than the Sixth Mechanized Infantry Regiment, it has an advantage on the battlefield.

Discover and destroy!

Every combat branch can work closely together, and the combat efficiency is greatly improved!

Looking at such an exercise performance, Sun Donghai had an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

He knew very well that the victory of this exercise was not only a verification of tactical innovation, but also a profound exploration of the future form of warfare.

Through the performance of the combined battalion in this actual combat exercise, Sun Donghai felt more and more that it was necessary to speed up the reform of the army and comprehensively promote the promotion of the modern combat units of the combined brigade.

Su Chu, as the founder of the combined brigade, had both pride and calmness in his eyes…….He closely watched every detail on the battlefield, but in his mind he was constantly thinking about how to further optimize the tactical layout and achieve more efficient combat effectiveness.

Although exercises are not as good as real wars, real wars are far more complicated than exercises…….But judging from the performance of the combined battalion against the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment today, this undoubtedly points the way for the future development of the Rabbit Army.

Su Chu is still carefully watching the performance of the combined battalion, making plans and improvements to enhance the combat effectiveness of the combined battalion.

As time passes, the battle on the big screen becomes more and more intense…….But the situation is becoming clearer and clearer.

Kadyrov’s face showed a complicated expression. He looked at Sun Donghai and said,”Commander Sun, I didn’t expect your synthetic battalion to be so powerful. I was really enlightened today!”

Before the exercise, Kadyrov and Otravsky were full of confidence. They thought it was a pipe dream for the rabbit battalion to eat up the defending Sixth Mechanized Infantry Regiment.

But they never expected that the Sixth Mechanized Infantry Regiment would be beaten to pieces on the battlefield of the actual combat exercise.

There was no power to resist at all.

Shock! It was so shocking and incredible!

Kadyrov’s eyes were full of surprise, but he still tried to calm his turbulent mood.

Because the performance of the Rabbit Synthetic Battalion was really unexpected!

Sun Donghai smiled slightly, still maintaining humility and said,”The battlefield changes rapidly, and victory and defeat are a matter of a moment. The performance of our synthetic battalion is okay, but your Sixth Mechanized Infantry Regiment is still very strong. We have to learn a lot from you!”

Kadyrov said nothing more.

He could see that the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment could not stop a rabbit combined battalion.

Although the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment tried its best, it gradually lost its resistance under the flexible attack of the rabbit combined battalion.

In the end, when the exercise time was fixed at 40 minutes, the shocking result was displayed on the big screen-the rabbit combined battalion completely defeated the Russian 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment.

In the command room, there was silence, with only the slight hum of electronic equipment.

Kadyrov’s face was extremely ugly, and complex emotions surged in his heart…….He was ashamed of his failure and shocked by the strength of the rabbit army.

At this time, Kadyrov finally realized that the traditional mechanized combat mode seemed to be unable to cope with the wave of information and synthetic warfare.

Before the exercise, Kadyrov thought that the rabbit said that it looked down on the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment by using a battalion to deal with the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment, but he never expected that the rabbit’s synthetic battalion was too strong!

The real ignorant one was himself!

In this exercise confrontation, Kadyrov suddenly realized: It turns out that the army can still fight like this!

“We lost. Kadyrov said solemnly……This sentence seemed to be a spur to himself and a warning to the future.

Hearing this, Sun Donghai looked at Kadyrov with a slight smile and said in a calm but powerful tone:”General Kadyrov, the form of war is changing, and we must also change…….Today’s exercise is a vivid lesson for all of us.”

Kadyrov nodded and said,”Yes, we should indeed change the concept of war in time. In this regard, you rabbits are ahead of us!”

Sun Donghai:”No, no, no, we are just trying it out…….To be honest, this is the first time that our combined battalion has conducted a confrontation exercise with an external force!”

“Before the exercise, we didn’t know how the combined battalion would perform, and now we finally have the results!”

Although Kadyrov was unwilling and helpless, he still gave a thumbs up in admiration and said,”Your combined battalion performed very well. I think we have all gained a lot from this exercise!”

“Thank you, Commander Sun!”

Su Chu stood aside, his heart full of a sense of mission and accomplishment.

The victory of this exercise is not only a demonstration of the combat effectiveness of the Rabbit Army, but also a profound foreshadowing of the future form of war.

The road ahead is still long. If the army wants to be strong, it must continue to explore and innovate, so that it can always stay ahead in this competition without gunpowder.

After all, the performance of the combined battalion this time was so eye-catching!

40 minutes!

In just 40 minutes, a combined battalion destroyed the well-equipped and combat-experienced Sixth Mechanized Infantry Regiment…….This record shocked not only Da Mao, but also Su Chu, Xu Guangjie and Sun Donghai.

Although Su Chu was a time traveler, he had some understanding of the combat effectiveness of the heavy armored combined brigade.

But you have to know that the 101st Heavy Armored Combined Brigade was only established for more than two months…….How could Su Chu not be shocked to see such a powerful force in just over two months?

This made Su Chu more certain of the combat effectiveness and strength of the heavy armored combined brigade!

As for Xu Guangjie and Sun Donghai, they were even more shocked.

Xu Guangjie was the commander of the 101st Heavy Armored Combined Brigade. He knew how powerful the heavy armored combined brigade was, but he never thought that they could kill the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment in 40 minutes!

After all, before the exercise, Xu Guangjie was uncertain!

As for Sun Donghai, he didn’t understand the combat effectiveness of the heavy armored combined brigade…….After all, the Rabbit Army is only piloting the reform of the combined brigade on a small scale!

Seeing that a combined battalion actually destroyed the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment in 40 minutes really shocked Sun Donghai.

Of course, in front of Kadyrov, Sun Donghai still restrained his excitement!

It can be said that the performance of the combined battalion this time refreshed the cognition of everyone present.

This time, the Rabbit’s combined battalion attacked the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment of the Russians……Because the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment is in a defensive position……Although the combined battalion has only three infantry companies, it can choose the direction of attack. It can attack from three directions with three infantry companies, or it can concentrate the three infantry companies together to make a single breakthrough from one direction.

Although the Sixth Mechanized Infantry Regiment has an absolute advantage in manpower, it is in a passive defensive state…….If the troops are not properly deployed, it will cause a breakthrough, and then the whole army will be defeated.

Faced with the new fighting style of the Rabbit Combined Battalion, the Sixth Mechanized Infantry Regiment was unable to adapt and did not understand it, so naturally it was defeated miserably!

0 Asking for flowers

In this 40-minute actual combat exercise confrontation, the Sixth Mechanized Infantry Regiment was almost wiped out, but the losses of the combined battalion were minimal, because a large number of the Sixth Mechanized Infantry Regiment’s combat units were eliminated before they even left their starting positions.

Discover and annihilate!

One of the very important reasons why the Rabbit Combined Battalion was able to quickly defeat the Russian mechanized infantry regiment is because of its high combat efficiency, which caught Russia off guard at the fastest speed.

This is because the Rabbit Combined Battalion was fully prepared, with a powerful intelligence reconnaissance system and logistics system supporting the rapid actions of the entire combined battalion, as well as the combat command system coordinating and commanding operations…….From finding the target to destroying the target, it was very fast, so fast that the Sixth Mechanized Infantry Regiment of the Russians had no time to react!

This is combat efficiency.

Of course, if the rabbit’s synthetic battalion fails to end the battle quickly, it will fall into a tug-of-war and eventually lose its combat effectiveness due to high casualties and insufficient logistics.

From the military exercise, the rabbit’s synthetic battalion can quickly defeat an infantry regiment, but it can only use blitzkrieg…….Once a protracted war is involved, the frontline troops will inevitably lose their combat effectiveness due to excessive casualties.

Of course, only the offensive issues of the combined battalion are considered here…….If a combined battalion is in a passive defense state, it will naturally not be able to withstand attacks of the same level, because the combined battalion is mainly offensive! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The best defense is offense!


Through this battle, Su Chu experienced the combat effectiveness of the heavy-armored combined brigade more deeply!

A combined battalion easily destroyed the elite Sixth Mechanized Infantry Regiment of the Russians. A heavy-armored combined brigade has nine such combined battalions… Therefore, it is not a joke to say”one brigade destroys a country”.

The heavy-armored combined brigade is not a simple combat unit…….It is a comprehensive special forces unit with 112 tanks and more than 100 infantry fighting vehicles.

The powerful heavy-armored combined brigade will have drones, cruise missiles, armed helicopters, anti-aircraft firepower, etc…….Electronic warfare, information warfare, long-range strikes, and complete firepower coverage, this is a real heavy-armored combined brigade.

Li Yunlong has an Italian cannon, and he dares to bombard Ping’an County. If he is given nine combined battalions, he can flatten the European continent like Genghis Khan.

This is the power of the heavy-armored combined brigade!

This is only the first day of the exercise, and there are still three days to go!

In the next three days of the exercise, the performance of the combined battalion was quite eye-catching. Whether it was fighting alone against the Russian army or coordinating with other troops in combat, the Russian army had no ability to resist at all.

Although the first-generation battle skull command system is not mature and has many problems, it is still completely sufficient to deal with the Russian army in 1997.

Because although Russia’s military strength is strong, it is the first time it has encountered this kind of combat method…….The strike efficiency was too high. Even if the Mao army found themselves exposed, they had no chance to react.

How could they play like this?

It was not that the rabbit wanted to embarrass Mao, but since they had joined the war, they had to go all out!

This was not only a respect for themselves, but also a respect for their opponents.[]


Actual combat exercises should be conducted as actual combat.

There is no mercy on the battlefield.

Once mercy is shown, there will be heavy losses, annihilation of the entire army, or even destruction of the nation.

Therefore, Xu Guangjie’s combined battalion went all out when facing the Russian army!

Therefore, during the four-day military exercise, the focus and highlights were concentrated on the rabbit’s combined battalion, a new combat unit!

Su Chu saw the performance of the combined battalion on the battlefield, and knew that the subsequent domestic military reform into a combined brigade would be smoothly promoted and implemented, because this was a good proof of the power of the combined combat force!

The combat effectiveness has been improved!


The four-day military exercise was over, and the faces of all the Russian officers were not very good.

Especially Kadyrov and Otravsky…

PS: Chapter 2, on the first day of the new book being released, I beg for an automatic subscription. One automatic subscription will add one chapter, and one 100 VIP reward will add one chapter.

Currently there are only 3 automatic subscriptions, one of which is mine, which is too miserable.

I beg for an automatic subscription. If you don’t like it, you can cancel it at any time! Lao Zhan thanks all the parents who support him..

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