The four-day military exercise between the rabbit and the bear has ended.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on every inch of land that had experienced fierce confrontation, drawing a temporary end to this cross-border military exchange.

This exercise was quite successful and achieved very good results!

After the exercise, an exercise summary meeting will naturally be held.

The representatives of the bear, Kadyrov and Otravsky, and others, together with the representatives of the rabbit, Sun Donghai, Xu Guangjie, Su Chu and others, attended the summary meeting.

In the venue, the atmosphere was solemn but polite. The military flags of the two countries were hung side by side, symbolizing the coexistence of cooperation and competition in the international military structure.

Kadyrov and Otravsky’s faces looked particularly ugly…….They had mixed feelings.

In this exercise, their proud 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment was defeated by a combined battalion of the Rabbits in just 40 minutes…….Such a result is undoubtedly a major impact on their military philosophy.

You know, before this exercise, they have always regarded themselves as the second in the world.

Especially the army, which is the pride of the big Russia!

You know, during the Cold War, the army of the Russian Bear Alliance reached its peak…….According to data, at the beginning of the Cold War, the number of personnel in the army alone reached 1.99 million…….The army is composed of 51 tank divisions, 142 motorized infantry divisions, 7 airborne divisions, about 10 air assault brigades and 16 artillery divisions.

In terms of equipment, the army of the Bear Alliance has 65,000 main battle tanks, 75,000 armored vehicles, 29,000 artillery pieces and about 1,570 ground-to-ground missile launchers.

At the same time, the army of the Bear Alliance has achieved full mechanization, which is an important manifestation of its strong strength…….Mechanization not only improves the mobility and rapid response capabilities of the troops, but also makes the Soviet Army more flexible and changeable in the use of tactics.

During the Cold War, the mechanization level of the Soviet Army had reached the world’s leading position.

The 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment is a typical and elite unit of mechanized warfare! The

“Western 81 Military Exercise” in 1981 was one of the important events for the Soviet Union Army to demonstrate its strategic deterrence…….The military exercise was large-scale, well-equipped and tactically advanced, which left a deep impression on Western countries.

As the inheritor of the main army of the Mao Bear Alliance, Mao naturally had to be arrogant: I am the second best in the world, who can I look down upon?

At the beginning, Mao did not take the Rabbit Army seriously…….Especially when Xu Guangjie said that a combined battalion could defeat a mechanized infantry regiment, Kadyrov and Otravsky were even more disdainful, thinking that the Rabbit Army was arrogant!

However, after this exercise, Kadyrov and Otravsky’s arrogance was hit.

Otravsky, the commander of the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment, was the first to break the silence and admitted in a slightly bitter tone:”The combat effectiveness of your combined battalion is indeed beyond our expectations…….Your combat effectiveness is impressive, and I accept defeat with all my heart.”

His words were not only a recognition of the opponent’s strength, but also a deep reflection on the future development direction of his own troops.

There was no way, the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment deeply felt the power of the combined battalion!

Too strong! They were destroyed as soon as they were discovered.

There was no chance to fight back at all!

Hearing this, Xu Guangjie responded with a smile,”General Otravsky, the purpose of the exercise is to learn from each other and make progress together…….Our army has also been exploring the path of modernization, and we are very happy to have the opportunity to exchange skills with our colleagues from the Great Russia.”

His words revealed an open and inclusive attitude, emphasizing the importance of military exchanges.

No pride!

Very humble.

Kadyrov couldn’t wait to interrupt at this time, trying to solve the mystery in his heart, looking at Sun Donghai and Xu Guangjie, and said:”Excuse me, how did your country use this kind of tactics and troop configuration? We really want to know……The equipment and combat efficiency of your combined battalion are really different!”

Kadyrov, who was originally full of pride, now has a gleam of curiosity in his eyes.

Obviously, this failure made him see his own shortcomings, and at the same time aroused his curiosity about the unknown.

After all, he never expected that the rabbit army would be so powerful!

Seeing this, Sun Donghai smiled slightly, turned to Su Chu beside him, and said:”General Kadyrov, let Mr. Su Chu introduce you…….Mr. Su is an expert in this area!”

Without Su Chu, there would be no combined brigade today.

Su Chu cleared his throat and began to talk:”Ladies and gentlemen, this time on the military exercise field is a combined battalion……The combined battalion is a combat unit under our combined brigade.”

“The combined brigade is a concept of modern military operations proposed by us…….This is a highly integrated, multi-service combat unit that breaks the traditional boundaries of the military and organically integrates infantry, artillery, armored troops, engineers, scouts and other arms to form a whole that can respond quickly, deploy flexibly, and coordinate efficiently.”

“The core of the combined forces brigade lies in its high level of informationization and modular construction…….Through advanced command and control systems, we can grasp the battlefield situation in real time and accurately command each combat unit.”

“At the same time, the modular design enables the combined brigade to quickly adjust its force structure and equipment configuration according to mission requirements, and realize the transformation from platform-centric warfare to network-centric warfare.”

Su Chu’s words were full of confidence.

Because the performance of the combined battalion gave him enough confidence!

Kadyrov and Otravsky listened attentively, and their eyes gradually revealed shock and admiration.

They never expected that the rabbits were already at the forefront of the world on the road of military modernization…….The concept and practice of this combined brigade is undoubtedly a profound insight into and active response to the future form of war.

As for the combat effectiveness, the Russian army has deeply experienced it!

Too strong!

In 40 minutes, a combined battalion killed a mechanized infantry regiment…….This was an achievement that was unthinkable in the past.

But now the Rabbit’s synthetic battalion has done it!

It’s really shocking!

“It’s amazing!” Otravsky exclaimed,”It seems that our Mao army also needs to speed up the pace of reform to adapt to this new form of warfare…….I hope that we will have more opportunities for communication and cooperation in the future, and jointly explore a new chapter in modern warfare.”

Sun Donghai heard this, stretched out his right hand, and shook hands with Otravsky tightly:”This is exactly what we are looking forward to…….Only by continuous communication and learning can we jointly cope with future challenges and maintain world peace and stability.”

As night fell, the summary meeting ended in a harmonious and positive atmosphere.

Although the exercise had winners and losers, more importantly, it allowed the armies of different countries to see each other’s strengths and weaknesses, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation and development. The

Rabbit Country’s synthetic battalion undoubtedly became the most dazzling star in this exercise…….It not only demonstrates the power of military innovation, but also foreshadows the infinite possibilities of changes in future war forms.

It can be said that the appearance of the combined battalion in this international military exercise is definitely a combat form that wakes up the world!

After the summary meeting, everyone went back to their own homes.

Sun Donghai frowned, obviously having doubts about some of the discussions at the meeting.

He walked quickly towards Su Chu with a hint of worry in his tone:”Su Chu, will the combined brigade combat thinking you mentioned at the meeting lead to the leakage of our military secrets? After all, that is our trump card.

” Su Chu heard this, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He seemed quite confident and said:”Commander Sun, don’t worry…….

It is not so easy to build a real synthetic brigade”

“What I said at the meeting were just some general directions and ideas. The real core technology and tactical details are not so easy for others to figure out.”


As a time traveler, Su Chu knew that even in 2024, Russia had not formed a heavy-duty combined brigade.

It’s not that Russia didn’t want to. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But Russia simply didn’t have the military funds and technical support!

If you want to build a combined brigade, you must first have a global positioning system…….Russia currently has a global satellite navigation and positioning system called GLONASS 0….

The development of GLONASS began in the mid-1970s. After more than 20 years of twists and turns, despite the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the economic downturn, the development of the system and the launch of satellites have never been interrupted. Finally, on January 18, 1996, the full constellation of 24 working satellites in space broadcast navigation signals normally, making the system reach an important milestone.

GLONASS working tests began when the Soviet Union launched the first test satellite on October 12, 1982. The entire test plan was completed in two phases.

Phase 1.

By 1984-1985, the test system consisting of 4 satellites reached the basic performance indicators of the verification system…….

The space constellation began to expand gradually in 1986, and by 1990 the first phase of the system’s test plan had been completed.

At that time, the space constellation had 10 satellites, arranged in 6 orbital planes and 4 orbital planes…….

The constellation can provide at least 15 hours of two-dimensional positioning coverage per day, and at least 8 hours of three-dimensional coverage.

The second phase of the GLONASS test plan mainly completed the testing of user equipment and ended with the space constellation being finally filled with 24 working satellites on January 18, 1996…….Then the system began to enter the full working stage.

In other words, Russia already has the GLONASS global satellite navigation and positioning system, but it still needs a command system to build a synthetic brigade.

In addition, it also requires huge military funding support, etc.

In short, Su Chu is not worried about Russia’s formation of a synthetic brigade.

As for the Eagle Sauce……That’s even less worrying.

To be honest, you can say that the Eagle Sauce is bad, but you can’t say that the Eagle Sauce is good!

The Eagle Sauce’s military thinking is advanced, whether it is the aircraft carrier strike group or the Gulf War of the triad strike……This proves that the military thinking of the Eagle Sauce is advanced.

Therefore, even if there is no military exercise of the bear and the rabbit, and the emergence of the synthetic battalion, the Eagle Sauce will also have reforms and changes in the synthetic forces…….After all, according to the development of the historical plot, the Eagle Sauce was the first country to play the synthetic brigade.

As for the other John Bull, Gallic Rooster, White Elephant……There is really no need to worry about that, because they have no money, no technology, and no ability to build a combined brigade.

A global satellite navigation and positioning system directly stumped them!

So Su Chu dared to mention the combat thinking of the combined brigade in front of Da Mao, and he was not afraid of leaking secrets.

After a pause, Su Chu continued:”Moreover, even if someone wants to conduct in-depth research, they must have enough time and resources. 2.5……Our combined brigade combat thinking is the result of our combat command system, some innovative combat thinking, and the latest scientific and technological achievements. It cannot be copied or surpassed casually.”

After hearing this, Sun Donghai’s brows gradually relaxed, but he was still a little worried:”I feel relieved with your words!”

Xu Guangjie next to him smiled and said:”Su Chu, according to what you said, that is, we make the relevant configuration, thinking and technology of the combined brigade public, and not many countries can copy and build a combined brigade?”

Su Chu said confidently:”Yes!”

Sun Donghai breathed a sigh of relief and said:”This military exercise with Russia was successful, which provides military guarantee for the recovery of Hong Kong!”

Xu Guangjie and Su Chu both nodded.

After all, the purpose of this joint military exercise between the Rabbits and the Russians was to demonstrate the latest combat power, so that John Bull, the former British Empire, would give up and let Hong Kong return. On

June 29, 1997, reports about a Rabbit combined battalion destroying a Russian mechanized infantry regiment in 40 minutes spread internationally.

For a while, the international community was shocked.

The appearance of the combined battalion can be said to have awakened the world….

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