It was 1997, and the international situation was changing rapidly.

It was natural for the Rabbit and the Great Mao to have a joint military exercise…….This military exercise is not only a test of the two countries’ military’s ability to coordinate operations, but also a profound discussion of modern warfare forms and tactical concepts. On

June 29, 1997, reports on the joint military exercise between the Great Mao and the Rabbit were reported internationally.

【[International Special News] Title: Cross-era joint military exercise: Rabbit and Russia show extraordinary combat power in actual combat exercise, a combined battalion won in 40 minutes and attracted global attention.

Report text:

Recently, a report about the joint military exercise between Rabbit and Russia spread quickly in the international community like thunder from the blue sky…….It is reported that the military exercise was held at a large training base near the border between the two countries, aiming to enhance the joint combat capabilities of both sides under complex conditions by simulating a modern battlefield environment.

However, what shocked the outside world the most was that in a simulated confrontation during the exercise, a synthetic battalion of the Rabbits”defeated” a mechanized infantry regiment of the Great Mao with an overwhelming advantage in just 40 minutes. This result undoubtedly exceeded everyone’s expectations.

The details of this simulated confrontation were gradually revealed…….

With its highly integrated information warfare system, flexible tactical deployment, and precise and efficient firepower strikes, the rabbit’s synthetic battalion quickly broke through the key nodes of the defense line of the Sixth Mechanized Infantry Regiment of the Great Mao, and achieved rapid paralysis of the”enemy” command system, and then completed the”annihilation” of the entire mechanized infantry regiment in a short time.

The rabbit’s outstanding performance in the joint military exercise this time has attracted widespread attention.

Afterwards, the participating rabbit military representative said: The military exercise between the rabbit and the big cat is not aimed at any party, but aims to safeguard national security and territorial integrity and safeguard their own interests!

As soon as this report came out, it immediately caused shock to countries around the world.

The reason for the shock was not the joint military exercise of the Great Mao and the rabbit 09, but that a synthetic battalion of the rabbit actually killed a synthetic battalion of the Great Mao within 40 minutes, which was quite fast.

It’s very scary!

The outside world still has some understanding of the strength of the Great Mao!

It is precisely because of this that a synthetic battalion of the rabbit killed a mechanized infantry regiment in such a short time…….The shock this brought was even more incredible.

With the announcement of this amazing victory, the country of Rabbit exploded instantly, and the people expressed their shock and pride through various channels.

“I can’t believe it! Our army is so powerful that a battalion can defeat a mechanized infantry regiment of Russia. This is simply a miracle in the history of war!” A netizen left an excited message on social media, full of pride in the country’s military strength:”Is our army really so powerful?”

“It seems that our national defense construction has made great progress, and the strategy of strengthening the army through science and technology has really been implemented.” Another military enthusiast made an in-depth analysis and said:”Although I don’t know what the synthetic battalion is, it is quite powerful and terrifying that a battalion can kill a regiment!”

On major forums and social media,”Rabbit Army””、”Keywords such as”40-minute quick win” quickly climbed to the top of the hot search list……Citizens were enthusiastic about discussing this victory.

Some were impressed by the rise of the country’s military power and believed that this was an important sign of national rejuvenation…….Some people also made rational analysis and pointed out that the reason behind this is the deepening of military reform, the leap of equipment technology and the innovation of tactical concepts.

“We should not only be proud of such a victory, but also see the hard work and selfless dedication of countless soldiers behind it.”A veteran left a message, and his words touched the hearts of countless people, making people realize that behind every glory is the accumulation of sweat and sacrifice.

Many young netizens also said that this military exercise made them full of confidence in the future and strengthened their determination to devote themselves to national defense and serve the country:”I always felt that war was far away from us, but now I know that a strong national defense is around us, protecting each of us.”

A college student wrote in his blog.

Of course, under this wave of pride, there are also voices of calm thinking and doubt.

Some military enthusiasts and professionals began to analyze the specific details of this simulated confrontation and raised a series of questions: Is there really such a huge gap in combat power? Are the exercise conditions completely fair? Is such a result exaggerated, or even misleading the public’s understanding of the complexity of actual war?

“Although I am proud of our army, I think we should also remain rational. This is just an exercise after all. There are too many variables in actual combat, and we cannot simply use this to measure the true comparison of the two countries’ military strength.”We cannot just say that our army is better than Russia’s army!” wrote a military blogger,”Strategic Eyes,” in his article.”

“I think this is impossible. The mechanized infantry regiment of the Great Mao has inherited all the weapons and equipment and combat effectiveness of the Mao Bear Alliance, and its combat effectiveness is very strong!”A citizen analyzed:”Even if a battalion is strong, if its weapons and equipment and number are backward, it is even more impossible to fight against a mechanized infantry regiment, let alone eat up a regiment in 40 minutes! Anyway, I don’t believe it!”

It can be said that in the face of the sudden rise of the rabbit, many citizens do not believe it.

Because many people do not believe that the rabbit’s military strength will change so much in just a few years!

But no matter what. The”40-minute quick victory” in this joint military exercise is not only a military victory, but also a concentrated display of the achievements of the rabbit’s national defense modernization in recent years.

It not only greatly boosted the national self-confidence and pride of the people, but also made the international community re-examine the military strength and strategic potential of the rabbit country.

As an international military commentator said:”This military exercise not only demonstrated the strong combat effectiveness of the rabbit army, but also sent a clear signal to the world: while pursuing peace, the rabbit is ready to safeguard its own interests and regional stability with a stronger attitude.

This extraordinary achievement quickly sparked a strong sense of national pride in the country…….Citizens have expressed their high recognition and pride in the country’s military strength through social media and news platforms.

Citizens spontaneously gathered on the streets of many cities, holding up national flags to celebrate this glorious moment…….Many citizens have chosen to support the country’s national defense construction with practical actions, and buying national defense lottery tickets has become a new way to express patriotism.

In front of the national defense lottery sales point, there is a long queue from morning to night. Mr. Zhang, a citizen, said in an interview:”I feel very proud to see that our army is so strong…….Buying national defense lottery tickets is not only a support for the country’s national defense construction, but also a reflection of my confidence in the country’s future…….I hope to contribute to the peace and development of the country in this way.”

So, the national defense lottery sold out again!

Every time the rabbit’s national defense career rises, the national defense lottery sells out!

At the same time, the joint military exercise between the rabbit and the big hair also caused a huge sensation and influence in the world, and it was hotly discussed internationally!

As soon as the report came out, governments and media in various countries expressed shock and disbelief.

Military experts in many countries expressed doubts about the news, believing that it was nothing more than exaggerated propaganda, and did not believe that the rabbit’s military strength would have such a huge improvement in a short period of time.

After all, on the international military stage in the past, although the rabbit has always shown a steady development trend……But it was incredible how swift and overwhelming the victory was.

“This is simply impossible!”A military analyst from a European country exclaimed in an interview,”How could a combined battalion destroy a complete mechanized infantry regiment in such a short time? This is simply a subversion of modern warfare theory!”

However, some countries have expressed cautious optimism about the news.

They believe that although this record sounds incredible, considering the rapid progress of the rabbit in military technology in recent years and its growing influence in international affairs……This may not be impossible.

“We must face up to the improvement of the rabbit’s military strength.”An Asian country’s defense minister said in public,”They have invested a lot of resources in military reform and technological innovation in recent years, and such results may be a reflection of their efforts.” (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“For example, the Dongfeng 21D missile and Dongfeng 17 missile that Rabbit unveiled before are all good examples!”

In the international community, there has also been extensive discussion on the concept of”synthetic battalion”…….Since this concept is not common in previous international military exchanges, military experts from many countries are unfamiliar with and curious about it.

Some military scholars began to study the organizational structure and tactical characteristics of this new combat unit, trying to uncover its mystery.

“The combined battalion is obviously a highly integrated and multifunctional combat unit. An expert from an international military research institute said in an interview:”It may contain a variety of different types of combat forces, which can form a strong combat capability in a short period of time…….If the rabbits really mastered the effective use of this combat unit, then their military strength is indeed worthy of our re-examination.”

At the same time, some international media also began to report and analyze this incident in depth…….They interviewed a number of military experts, frontline soldiers and government officials to try to restore the truth behind this amazing achievement.

“We did achieve good results in the military exercise.”But this does not mean that we can underestimate any opponent,” said a military expert from the Rabbit Army in an interview with international media…….War is cruel, and every victory requires great effort and sacrifice…….We just hope to demonstrate our determination and ability through such military exercises and contribute to maintaining regional peace and stability.”

Amid heated discussions in the international community, some voices have expressed concern about this incident.

They believe that if the rabbit’s military strength is really so strong, then the military balance in the region and even the world may be broken…….

This could trigger a new round of arms race and escalate regional tensions…….The White Elephant has always been dreaming of becoming the overlord of its region!

“We must pay close attention to the development of this incident.” A head of an international organization said:”If the rabbit’s military strength has really been greatly improved, then we must re-examine the existing international security architecture and military cooperation mechanism…….We must ensure that regional peace and stability are not threatened.”

Influenced by this incident, the international community has paid unprecedented attention to the development of the rabbit’s military.

Governments and military agencies have stepped up their research and intelligence collection on the rabbit army, trying to gain a more comprehensive understanding of its military strength and strategic intentions.

For the rabbit, this incident is undoubtedly an important opportunity to demonstrate its military strength and international influence…….Through this amazing record, they announced their rise and strength to the world, and also laid a more solid foundation for future international military cooperation and regional security affairs.[]

Others don’t know the military strength of the rabbit, but the eagle sauce knows it!

Previously, the eagle sauce’s aircraft carrier fleet was directly forced back by the rabbit’s Dongfeng 21D missile…….This made the old Eagle Sauce not know where to put his face!

Later, the Eagle Sauce’s F14 fighter broke into the rabbit’s military exercise and was directly cut with a scalpel by the rabbit’s new fighter…….Up to now, the Eagle sauce still doesn’t know the relevant models and data of the Rabbit’s new fighter!

Now it is said that a Rabbit’s synthetic battalion killed a Russian mechanized infantry regiment in 40 minutes…….This simply shocked the Eagle Sauce again!

Because when facing the mechanized infantry regiment of Russia, the Eagle Sauce did not dare to say that its own battalion could completely wipe out a mechanized infantry regiment within 40 minutes!


The Eagle Sauce was shocked again…

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