The white-haired man rushed forward, supported Duan Feizhuo's body with one hand, and put him gently on the ground.

According to the medical knowledge Duan Feizhuo had learned, with such a wound and such an amount of bleeding, he would die of excessive blood loss within a few minutes.

Did his miserable time travel life end in such a grievous way?

hateful. So unwilling.

But it's not too bad to die in the arms of a beauty.

"Xenophon!" The white-haired man raised his head and called out loudly.

The drop of blood on his face slowly slid down his cheek, like a tear of blood.

The crow swooped down, and the moment it landed, it transformed into a man in a black coat with black hair and yellow eyes.

He picked up Paimo's wand, stepped over the twitching Paimo, and half-kneeled in front of Duan Feizhuo, tearing off his clothes, exposing his **** chest.

"I have a last word..." Duan Feizhuo gritted his teeth and endured the pain and said, "My epitaph must be written like this, please don't trust scam emails..."

"How educational!" The crow man lamented.

"Shut up, you won't die." The white-haired man said angrily.

The crow man lightly touched Duan Feizhuo's wound with a metal rod.

Duan Feizhuo only felt a warm current flowing to his limbs. The pain miraculously disappeared. He touched his chest in disbelief, the skin there was as smooth as new, and there were no wounds there.

"I'm alive again!" He sat up in a sit-up, his face glowing.

The crow man looked at him as if he were mentally handicapped.

Duan Feizhuo shrank his neck. "That one just now... I was obviously stabbed, but why did the wound disappear?"

Is this also... magic?

"Ah, that's a long story." The crow man said cheerfully, "Before I answer your question, can you tell me if you are Paimer's accomplice?"

"No!" Duan Feizhuo said sternly.

"Then who treated Pymer?"


The crow man took off the silver handcuffs around his waist, and clasped Duan Feizhuo's hands with a snap.

"Wait, listen to my explanation. I was forced to treat Paimo! I am also a victim!" Duan Feizhuo looked at the brand new silver bracelet on his wrist without tears.

"Doctor Chester?" A timid voice came from not far away.

A pale and worried face popped up from behind the wall of the deep alley. It turned out to be Ruth Roberts.

She was carrying a little basket, in which was the smell of baking bread. She looked at the group of people nervously, wondering if she should get involved in this chaotic situation.

But when her eyes fell on Duan Feizhuo's wrist, she couldn't care less about it, and jumped out like a rabbit.

"Are you the police?" Her eyes moved back and forth between the crow man and the white-haired man, "Are you here to arrest Dr. Chester? Is it because of him... because he practiced medicine without a license?"

The crow man raised his eyebrows, "He is still unlicensed to practice medicine? Oh, the crime is worse."

Duan Feizhuo couldn't help his forehead, "Luth, don't..."

Doctors in this era need to be licensed to work. Duan Feizhuo came here through time travel. He didn't even go to medical school, and naturally he didn't have a license. There are many unlicensed black doctors in Aberdeen. The police usually turn a blind eye to it. If they really come to search, they can get away with a little money.

The girl looked at the crow man and begged, "Mr. Policeman, he is a good man! Although he has no license, he is the best doctor here! He has saved many lives! Without him, my father would have died! Please forgive me." Him!"

Her mournful voice pierced the silence of the night. The buildings on both sides of Mud Street gradually came to life, and curious eyes appeared behind every window and every crack of the door. In fact, the battle between the police detectives and the Paimo people had already woken up most of the residents in Mud Street, but everyone tacitly ignored the noise that happened at night. Until they heard Ruth shout.

A door opens. Followed by another. The ragged residents of Mud Street flooded the streets and surrounded them.

"That girl is right!" said a stooped old man. "If it weren't for Dr. Chester, I would have lost my life a long time ago! Mr. Police, please do me a favor!"

Another man rushed to Xenophon, "Yes! My wife was also saved by him! If it wasn't for Dr. Chester, he would have died twice!"

A woman holds crying baby "My baby too! I can't afford the medical bills and Dr. Chester won't charge me a penny!"

The crow man looked around, a little at a loss.

Ruth watched his face, and suddenly "ah", as if remembering something, she took out a handful of coins from her pocket and stuffed them into his hand.

"Please take this, Mr. Policeman!" Her face turned red.

"Wow, this is the first time I've received a bribe." The crow man weighed the coins in surprise.

"I know a little bit, if you don't think it's enough...I'll think of a way..."

Before the words fell, countless hands stretched out. Each hand held a few pennies with frayed edges, shillings reflecting the cold moonlight, and gold pounds wrapped in handkerchiefs that were regarded as treasures... The residents of Mud Street held out their savings, and some even Grab dried fish and celery and hope the police will take them.

"Let's all join together!" someone shouted, "Every family contributes some money! Get Dr. Chester out!"

Duan Feizhuo looked at the residents of Mud Street who were scrambling to hand over coins, and his eyes felt a little hot.

The white-haired man closed his eyes, and a sigh escaped from his lips, "Xenophon, let him go for now. Call the local police to help clean up the mess."

The crow man puffed out his cheeks like a sullen puffer fish. "Okay, now that you've spoken..."

He stared at the residents of Mud Street, and said loudly, "You have misunderstood! We are not trying to arrest Dr. Chester, but just asking him to go back and cooperate with the investigation!"

Ruth pointed to the handcuffs on Duan Feizhuo's wrists, "Then why did you handcuff him?"

The crow man dragged his voice, "That's test whether the handcuffs work well."

Ruth showed a skeptical expression, folded her arms, and stared at him silently, with the words "I don't read enough, don't lie to me" written on her face.

The surrounding residents of Mud Street also followed suit.

For a moment, the street fell into a deathly silence.

The crow man cast a beseeching glance at his companion, who was unmoved. He had no choice but to remove the handcuffs from Duan Feizhuo's wrist.

Ruth beamed.

In order to hide his embarrassment, the crow man shouted, "It's over! It's over! It's all gone! Are you going to interfere with the police's handling of the case?"

He handcuffed the unconscious Goldstein and the seriously injured Pymer, and told the crowd to call the Aberdeen police. Ruth looked at Duan Feizhuo reluctantly, but was finally persuaded to leave by her family who came after hearing the news.

The police arrived soon.

The white-haired man flashed his police badge, "Scotland Police Service is handling the case. Take the two suspects to the nearest police station."

Metropolitan Police Service - also known as Scotland Yard. Its name is known to everyone in the UK, and it is almost synonymous with "police elite". The Aberdeen police all showed awed expressions.

Two hours later, Duan Feizhuo sat in the interrogation room of the Aberdeen Police Station, which was specially used to interrogate (or intimidate) suspects.

In this era, the concept of procedural justice has not yet been popularized, suspects are not eligible for legal aid, and extorting confessions by torture is commonplace. Any interrogatee held here should be terrified and wish he could tell everything he knew and leave as soon as possible.

Duan Feizhuo is just the opposite. He just wanted to sit here a little longer. If you ask why... who wouldn't want to share a room with a beauty?

It was the white-haired detective who was in charge of interrogating him. Duan Feizhuo couldn't take his eyes off his face. How can there be such a good-looking person in the world? Even if he was stabbed by the white-haired police detective before, he didn't hold any resentment. The three views of human beings are easy to follow the five senses, which is really a great tragedy for this race.

"...So I was forced to heal Paimo. I have no idea what they do, I wish you could tell me!"

The white-haired detective listened carefully. His severed arm is still not connected, and strands of cables hang down from the prosthesis interface, like torn tendons and blood vessels. He looked in the direction where Duan Feizhuo was, but his eyes didn't focus on Duan Feizhuo's face at all, but stared blankly at a distant place behind him.

"Mind if I have a cigarette?" He took the cigarette case from the inside pocket of his coat.

"I don't mind. But smoking is bad for your health."

The corner of the white-haired detective's lips twitched slightly, "Really? That's exactly what I want."

With a cigar in his mouth, he tried with difficulty to strike a match with one hand, but after several attempts, the match remained silent. Duan Feizhuo couldn't stand it anymore, he helped him strike a match, and lit the cigar.

The white-haired detective took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled the smoke. Duan Feizhuo pinched his nose and leaned back. Beauty and smoke are a perfect match, but the smell still makes him unbearable.

"Pymer is a mystic on the run, and Goldstein is his assistant." The white-haired detective said lightly.

Duan Feizhuo stared at him intently for a while to confirm that he was not joking.

"Well, Mr. Detective, what's your name?"

"Zeno Xenia. You can call me Z." The white-haired police detective said indifferently.

"Okay, Mr. Z. So, there really are..." Duan Feizhuo paused, and carefully said, "Magic?"

"Haven't you already seen it with your own eyes?"

Duan Feizhuo ecstatically grabbed Z's hand, "Coach, I want to learn this!"

Z's ruby-like eyes sparkled with a cold smile, "Do you want to learn?"

Duan Feizhuo's eyes sparkled, "I'm a medical student after all! If I learn the healing technique, wouldn't it be even more powerful?"

Z asked "Do you know what I do?"

"Yes! You're an Auror!"

There was an awkward silence.

"Cough, I'm sorry." Duan Feizhuo cleared his throat and said seriously, "Are you the police who specialize in arresting evil mystics?"

"We belong to the London Metropolitan Police Department's Abnormal Case Investigation Division, known as 'Night Police'." Z showed a cruel smile, "We specialize in arresting mystics, regardless of whether they have violated the law or not."

Duan Feizhuo asked, "If there is no crime, why are they arrested?"

Z said, "Because they learned occult techniques, this is a sin."

His words were like a slap in the head, and Duan Feizhuo was instantly terrified. After a long time, these two guys are not Aurors, but the Inquisition of Heresy?

"But you also know secret techniques. Don't you want to arrest yourself?" He complained dissatisfied.

"I won't. It's Xenophon who knows the secret arts."

Duan Feizhuo remembered that Xenophon should be the man who would turn into a crow.

"Then why didn't you arrest Xenophon?" he asked.

Z said, "There is a saying that the only thing that can defeat magic is magic. To defeat demons, you must first become a demon."

At this time, the door of the interrogation room opened. The head of the crow male Xenophon stuck out.

"Paimo has given it all, boss. You need to sign the statement." He handed in a document.

Z gestures to him. Xenophon placed the documents on the table, took out a pen from his pocket, stuffed it into Z's hand, and pulled Z's only remaining brass-colored prosthesis, and put it on the position where his signature should be on the document.

Duan Feizhuo watched his strange movements, and suddenly realized that this guy might not be able to see.

He stared at Z's ruby ​​eyes, and couldn't help but waved his hands a few times in front of his eyes.

Z grabbed his wrist.

"Strange, I felt like there were flies flying around in front of me just now." Z said with more force.

"I was wrong I was wrong!"

Z lets go. Duan Feizhuo held his swollen wrist and gave him a wronged look.

"Xenophon, do you know what this kid said to me just now?" Z said in a teasing tone, "He said he wanted to learn occult arts."

Xenophon exclaimed strangely, "Oh, my friend, this is not a school!"

Duan Feizhuo glared at him, "Don't you just learn?"

"I call it self-sacrifice." Xenophon sighed, raised his eyes and looked into the distance, intoxicated by his feat.

Duan Feizhuo asked, "So, ordinary people can't learn anything?"

"That's not true." Z said, "The night police of the Abnormal Case Investigation Section have more or less mastered some mystic techniques in order to arrest the mystic."

Duan Feizhuo said "Then I am willing to join you!"

After finally traveling to this world and spending three years in poverty, he is about to usher in a turning point in his life, and he will never let go of this golden opportunity.

Besides, if you become a night watchman, you will be able to meet Z every day. Thinking of this, Duan Feizhuo laughed until he couldn't close his legs.

"Anyway, we are short of manpower, so we might as well recruit him." Xenophon said casually.

Z snorted noncommittally.

Before the two could reach a conclusion, the door of the interrogation room opened again. An Aberdeen local policeman leaned halfway in. "A solicitor came outside, saying he was from London, looking for Leopold Chester."

His gaze stayed meaningfully on Duan Feizhuo's face for a while.

"Oh, you still know how to hire a lawyer!" Xenophon patted Duan Feizhuo's shoulder so hard that he almost patted him up and down.

"I don't have that spare money..." Duan Feizhuo now started to ache in addition to his wrist and shoulder.

Could it be that the residents of Mud Street raised funds to invite him? But why ask from London? Aren't there many excellent lawyers in Aberdeen?

Not long after, the lawyer came. The first thing to enter the interrogation room was a trembling belly, and then the lawyer's short limbs squeezed through the door frame with difficulty. It was his red face that entered the door last. With fashionable sideburns, a satin top hat, and a civilized staff, he has the air of a wealthy and successful gentleman.

"Gentlemen, hello." The potbellied gentleman smiled gruffly, and bowed slightly to the three people in the interrogation room, "David Lynn, a lawyer, is from London. I represent my client Joseph Chester, come in search of his nephew Leopold."

Xenophon immediately turned his head to look at Duan Feizhuo, so much that Duan Feizhuo wondered if his neck would cramp.

Z's reaction was not as strong as his, but he turned his head slightly.

"Me?" Duan Feizhuo pointed at himself. He also has an uncle? Why doesn't he know it himself? No, he came from time travel, so he doesn't know many things.

"Ah, it's you!" Mr. Lynn beamed with joy, "You really look a lot like Joseph!"

"He's looking for me...what's the matter?"

"He passed away a month ago. May he rest in peace." A trace of grief flashed across Mr. Lynn's face, but soon turned to joy. "He left you a legacy."


Duan Feizhuo overturned the table.

In the early morning of that day, the residents of Aberdeen just woke up from their sleep, and they witnessed a spectacle once in a century

On the roof of the police station stood a young blond man, screaming hysterically while throwing stones down.

"Fuck off! I don't believe it! You can't lie to me! I will never believe a scam email again!"

In the street below stood a bloated gentleman. Clumsily dodging the stone, he cried eagerly, "But your uncle did leave you an inheritance!"

"Cheat ghosts! Tell you, I know the police! Believe it or not, I will call the police to arrest you!"

"But this is the police station!"

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