They quarreled all morning, until a white-haired police detective climbed onto the roof and dragged the young man down, and the farce came to an end.

The police checked the documents and certificates held by Mr. Lynn, and telegraphed his colleagues in London. Only then did they confirm that Mr. Lynn was indeed a genuine lawyer.

As if to prove his ability, Mr. Lynn also showed off his superb debating skills by the way.

"You said that Mr. Chester practiced medicine without a license? What a joke, have you seen him perform surgery on patients? No? Since you have no evidence to prove that he practiced medicine, how can you arrest him? As for assisting suspects, that's even more important. It is nonsense. It is clear that those two suspects kidnapped Mr. Chester. Let me remind you, police gentlemen, that my client, Mr. Chester, is a decent gentleman. The unreasonable treatment suffered by the police station must be very interesting!"

Under his fierce rhetoric and coercion, even Z had to admit that the evidence for arresting Duan Feizhuo was indeed not that sufficient, so he had to be released.

Standing on the steps in front of the police station, Duan Feizhuo took a deep breath of freedom, so sweet and fragrant!

Z and Xenophon escorted the two suspects past him. Pai Mo cast a jealous look at Duan Feizhuo. Xenophon grabbed his head and forced him to turn his head and look straight ahead.

"Goodbye, lucky boy. Looks like we'll meet again in London." Xenophon said with a smile. "Well, I also want to inherit a large inheritance, but I don't have any rich uncle..."

Duan Feizhuo watched them board a police carriage with iron railings, especially looking at Z reluctantly. He really hoped that Z could turn around and "look" at him, and have a word or two with him. But Z just threw Pymer roughly into the carriage, and slammed the door.

The potbellied Mr. Lynn supported his body with a civilized stick, raised the brim of his hat, and smiled at Duan Feizhuo, "Mr. Chester—can I call you Leo?"

"Of course, that's what everyone calls me." Duan Feizhuo said casually, staring at the white that sometimes appeared between the railings of the carriage.

"Excellent. I think you must come with me to London. There are many formalities to be done. There are still some property to be consulted with. When can we start?"

"I'm going to go back and pack my things. Tomorrow, I think."

The police carriage drove away.

Duan Feizhuo sighed melancholy, and walked down the steps with the lawyer side by side.

"Mr. Lynn, why did uncle leave all his property to me?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

The lawyer shook his disproportionately small head, "Because you are his only living relative."

"I haven't seen him for a long time. He didn't even come to my father's funeral."

"Well, it's a long story. Joseph and your father have been at odds for a long time, so he ran to London. He didn't hear from his family for more than ten years, and he didn't even know about your father's death. It wasn't until his health failed that he Entrusted me to find the whereabouts of his brother's family. After some inquiries, I found out that your father passed away three years ago."

Mr. Lynn held up his cane, stopped a cab, and went to his flat on Mud Street.

Hearing that Duan Feizhuo has been living here since his father passed away, Mr. Lin En was greatly shocked. He stared intently at the dilapidated house, as if the words "Can people live in this place?" were written on his face. When Duan Feizhuo was packing his luggage, he kept lamenting "You are really suffering" and "I should have come earlier".

Duan Feizhuo walked out the door with his pitifully small luggage in his arms.

"Is everything packed? Let's go! We can stay in the hotel tonight..." Mr. Lynn was eager to get out of this terrible place as soon as possible.

"Ouch, Doctor Chester! Are you moving?" A high-pitched voice came from not far away.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes walked over swaggeringly. He was small in stature, about the same size as Mr. Lynn, but much thinner. He has fashionable sideburns, and a golden pocket watch chain hangs from the pocket of his suit vest, exuding the aura of nouveau riche everywhere.

Duan Feizhuo stared at him, "Doctor Stone."

This man is Dr. Stone from Wharf Street, Duan Feizhuo's biggest competitor.

Although Dr. Stone's clinic was on Dock Street, it was not far from Mud Street. Almost all the residents here used to be his clients. Dr. Stone's fees were expensive, and even though the inhabitants of Mud Street were destitute, he was still trying to squeeze every last penny out of them.

Of course, this situation was broken after Duan Feizhuo moved in. Duan Feizhuo, who charges low fees (sometimes even free), steals his money. He has always held a grudge against Duan Feizhuo.

Ruth's father should have been his patient, but he opened his mouth. Ruth's family couldn't afford the medical expenses, so he had to ask Duan Feizhu for help. Needless to say, Dr. Stone must be itching with hatred.

"I heard that you were arrested for practicing medicine without a license last night?" Dr. Stone pretended to be concerned, but his tone was full of complacency. Dare to call yourself a doctor without shame, this is simply irresponsible for the lives of patients! I think that in the future, patients should know that they should go to regular and legal clinics when seeking medical treatment? Mr. Chester, you should reflect on yourself in the future Oh. Welcome back when you finish medical school!"

Duan Feizhuo snorted coldly, "I won't be coming back. I'm going to London."

"London?" Dr. Stone was taken aback, "You... aren't you going to prison?"

Mr. Lynn smiled kindly, "Mr. Chester inherited a fortune from his uncle, and I will take him to London to go through the formalities."

Dr. Stone's eyes wandered back and forth between Duan Feizhuo and Mr. Lynn's face, making sure that they didn't join hands to play him.

"I've heard about your uncle." Dr. Stone's face turned purple, "It is said that he was kicked out by his brother, your father, because of his misbehavior in the early years. Everyone said that he went to London to do something wrong. It’s just a business. I don’t know what kind of inheritance you inherited from him? Don’t be a pile of IOUs! Haha!”

He laughed twice, but he had no confidence.

Mr. Lynn said somewhat angrily, "Please don't spread rumors about Mr. Joseph Chester, or I will sue you for libel. Mr. Joseph Chester is one of the most decent people I have ever met. He It's a respectable job as a translator and typist in London. He's saved some money to leave to his nephew, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that?"

Dr. Stone was trembling with rage. But he quickly calmed down and smiled, "So your uncle is a typist, Mr. Chester. As far as I know, the salary of that job is not high. I don't know how much he can leave you."

Mr. Lynn said as politely as he could, "Mr. Joseph Chester did not leave much savings. After tax and handling charges, it was only about five hundred pounds."

Duan Feizhuo looked at the lawyer in shock. Five hundred pounds? !

Watson in the "Sherlock Holmes Series" earns eleven shillings and sixpence a day. Twelve pence equals one shilling. Twenty shillings to one pound. Converted down, Watson's annual salary is about two hundred pounds. This is the income of a trained military doctor. Presumably Dr. Stone was about the same. It took him more than two years to save five hundred pounds without eating or drinking!

Dr. Stone clenched his fists and squeezed out a mocking smile, "That... that's quite a lot. However, Mr. Chester, the price of goods in London is very high, so you have to be careful not to sit on the mountain! After all, you don't even have a share There are no serious jobs!"

Mr. Lynn said, "I am so worried, doctor. As a friend of Joseph Chester, I will definitely supervise his nephew to study hard and find a decent job. Until he is financially independent, he can only rely on him The little inheritance left by my uncle will be enough to live on. Joseph bought some stocks and bonds during his lifetime, and the annual interest is calculated to be about 120 pounds. As long as we save a little, it is barely enough to spend."

Duan Feizhuo stared at Mr. Lynn in horror. One hundred and twenty pounds a year in interest alone? This is called will? reluctantly? What kind of peerless Versailles is this?

Dr. Stone appeared to be suffocating. He patted his chest, calmed down, and said viciously, "You are so lucky, Mr. Chester. From this point of view, you can live comfortably in London. But I have to remind you that you live alone. , maybe that sum of money is enough, but a man has to start a family and start a business. The more people in the family, the higher the consumption will be! You know that the housing prices in London are much higher than here in Aberdeen. Your future wife probably doesn’t want to live in In the rented house?"

Mr. Lynn said politely, "Joseph Chester has left a property, let the first and second floors out, and the third floor is his own. Leo could live there. If he ever becomes a family, If you need more space, you can take back the first and second floors. But then the rent will be gone, which is a pity. Fortunately, the rent is not much, only one hundred pounds a year, so the loss is not big."

Duan Feizhuo was about to faint. What kind of windfall is this? He can now have an income comparable to Watson's every day while lying still, and he also has a real estate that belongs entirely to him!

Dr. Stone could no longer speak, and could only stare at Duan Feizhuo with jealousy and hatred. But Duan Feizhuo didn't care about him at all.

Three years of hard work was totally worth it! From now on, he doesn't even have to work hard, and even if he spends his whole life lying around, he doesn't have to worry about eating and drinking!

When the residents of Mud Street heard that Duan Feizhuo had inherited his uncle's inheritance, they rushed forward one after another, squeezing Dr. Stone to the periphery in an instant. His diminutive figure was completely overwhelmed by the crowd and could no longer be seen.

"Doctor Chester, are you going to London?"

"I heard that you have inherited a large inheritance!"

"Doctor Chester is a good man, he is rewarded, this is God's reward for him!"

A child tugged at his mother's apron and asked in a low voice, "Dr. Chester is gone, who shall we see in the future?"

Mom glared at him, and reprimanded in a low voice, "You are not allowed to spoil the doctor's interest!"

Patients who had been treated by Duan Feizhuo lined up to say goodbye to him. Ruth came with his father on the arm. Mr. Roberts leaned on a cane, and one empty trouser leg swayed in the wind. He held Duan Feizhuo's long and slender fingers with the big callused hands that belonged to dock workers, and a bright smile emerged from his messy beard, "Remember to write to us, Doctor Chester, you must write."

Duan Feizhuo has lived here for three years. Such a long time, but like a snap of the fingers. Now that I suddenly want to leave, it is a lie to say that I have no regrets. What will the inhabitants of Mud Street do when he's gone?

On second thought, when he has money and a license to practice medicine, maybe he can come back and open a real clinic and squeeze that old rogue Stone's business.

He bid farewell to the residents of Mud Street, boarded the carriage with Mr. Lynn, and went to the hotel. Mr. Lynn has already booked his ticket back to London tomorrow.

From then on, he will truly reach the pinnacle of his life. Duan Feizhuo thought happily. Go to London to do some formalities, and then he can inherit his uncle's rich inheritance. Sounds so easy, doesn't it? What could go wrong?

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