Z's expression twisted.

"What famous detective from the East, I've never heard of it!" He growled and lowered his rapier.

Duan Feizhuo smiled triumphantly. He knew that he had successfully convinced Z.

The white-haired night watchman left him and walked into the darkness without looking back. Duan Feizhuo got up, grabbed Z's coat, and trotted after him.

Whenever he gets close to Z, Z will quicken his steps, opening the distance between them.

Duan Feizhuo knew that Z was angry now and didn't want to talk to him, so he simply slowed down and walked at a leisurely pace.

However, when the distance between them widened to a certain extent, Z slowed down again.

After walking for a while, Z suddenly stopped.

Duan Feizhuo thought that he was finally willing to communicate with him, so he rushed forward excitedly.

"So, you..." he began.

Z turned his face away, "I don't know where the urban area is."

"...Huh?" Duan Feizhuo was confused.

"I can't find my way." Z said in a cold tone.

In the end, Duan Feizhuo led Z back to downtown Aberdeen.

In fact, in the countryside, you only need to look into the distance to find the direction of the city with the help of lights. But Z couldn't see, and the journey underground completely disrupted his sense of direction. Regarding the fact that he had to rely on Duan Feizhuo to find his way, Z seemed annoyed.

When they managed to walk back to the entrance of the Stone Clinic on two legs, a large group of police officers had already surrounded them. The dock workers passing by saw Dr. Stone lying down and covered in blood, and they called the police in horror.

Z briefly explained the ins and outs to the local police, telling them that the real culprit of the serial murders was Dr. Stone's son, who used the sewers to move around. The doctor covered up the murderer, but was wounded by his crazy son instead. The murderer Alexander Stone eventually died at the hands of the body restorer Duncan McLean.

Of course, he didn't mention any **** statues or any vicious dogs possessing him. Those things should not be known to ordinary people.

The policemen found it unbelievable, but the facts were in front of them, so they couldn't help but believe it. Especially after they found Alexander Stone's body. Although the corpse had been disemboweled and disfigured, as long as it was dissected by the forensic doctor, it could be seen that his spine was not damaged-Alexander Stone claimed to be disabled and paralyzed, and the autopsy report clearly showed that he was lying.

Dr. Stone has been rushed to the nearest hospital. When he can speak, he will probably confess his crime to the police.

Police also searched Duncan's coffin shop. Of course, it was empty there. It's impossible for Duncan to come back and throw himself into the trap again.

As for the ghouls in the sewers... Duan Feizhuo originally thought that they would start to attack people who entered the sewers madly after losing their owners, but the police who explored the sewers did not even encounter a single ghoul. They may have hid in the bottomless darkness, or they may have left Aberdeen with their masters.

The next day, the headlines of the local Aberdeen newspapers carried the breaking news in oversized letters—"Jack the Ripper of the North Caught!" ". Carrion-eating vulture-like reporters have found news materials overnight and written articles. Even Duan Feizhuo lamented how fast they wrote.

The news embellished the description of how insane Alexander Stone was, and how Dr. Stone hid the truth for his son. The details are so "rich", Duan Feizhuo thinks it's a shame that the reporter doesn't write novels.

Of course, Z and Duan Feizhuo's names were not mentioned throughout the article, and only vaguely mentioned "a little assistance from the commissioner dispatched by Scotland Yard in the cracking of the case". I don't know whether it was the police's silence order, or the reporter wanted to take the credit away from the London police, so they deliberately brushed off the facts.

For weeks to come, journalists could live off the case. Duan Feizhuo can even think of the headlines of the news in the next few days—"Why graduates from prestigious schools embark on the road of crime is the annihilation of humanity or the loss of morality", "How to develop a perverted killer Alexander Stone is unknown Childhood", "A History of Blood, Tears and Sadness of a Young Alexander Stone Poisoned by His Family"...

Many things have changed since ancient times, but some things have never changed.

The statues of Hindu gods in the Stone Clinic were confiscated by Z. Duan Feizhuo originally thought that if Z didn't remember this, he might be able to secretly collect them into the Secret Realm Trading House—he wasn't greedy for wealth, but they were too dangerous, so it would be safer to keep them in the Trading House .

However, it may be safer to keep it in the evidence room of the night vigilante.

Along with some other items without occult functions, Z also confiscated them in the name of "testing". He packed them all in a crate and shipped them back to London.

Since the day Dr. Stone was arrested, Z has never spoken to Duan Feizhuo. It was as if Duan Feizhuo didn't exist. When two people are in the same room, they often do their own things. Z didn't speak, and Duan Feizhuo didn't dare to say anything.

On Friday, Z returned the rented house and set off for London.

They booked tickets for 10am. Duan Feizhuo woke up early that day, changed into the funeral clothes, and said to Z, "I'm going to the cemetery. See you at the station."

Z don't start, pretending not to hear him.

Duan Feizhuo picked up his luggage and left first. On the way to the cemetery, he bought a bouquet of flowers. There are many flower girls near the cemetery, ready to bouquet for grave sweepers at any time.

He didn't know what kind of flowers Ruth liked, so he bought a few of each kind, and there was always one that fit Ruth's heart.

The sky was overcast and it looked like it was going to rain again. Rows of tombstones stood neatly and silently under the gray sky. Duan Feizhuo found Ruth's tombstone, and was surprised to find that the tomb was full of bouquets. He thought his bouquet of flowers was already luxurious enough, but he didn't expect it to pale in comparison to them.

There were footsteps of varying severity from behind. Duan Feizhuo turned around, and Ruth's father, Mr. Roberts, walked over with a cane, and he also brought a flower.

"Doctor Chester?" Mr. Roberts was very surprised to meet an acquaintance here early in the morning.

"I'm going back to London, come and see Ruth." Duan Feizhuo said as he put the bouquet into the bunch of flowers, "Who sent so many flowers?"

"All kinds of people, citizens of Aberdeen." Mr. Roberts looked down at the words on the tombstone. "Many people came to lay flowers, and the place where the deceased was killed was also full of bouquets. I don't even know the people who gave flowers. He paused, looked up and asked, "They haven't forgotten her, have they?"

Duan Feizhuo nodded.

Mr. Roberts limped to the headstone, bending one knee with difficulty. Duan Feizhuo wanted to help him, but he firmly pushed him away. He knelt down and put the flowers in his hands into the pile.

"I remember you want to install a mechanical prosthesis." Duan Feizhuo said, "Let me buy one for you. The police detective I think also has a mechanical prosthesis. I can ask him where it was installed."

"You have helped our family a lot, doctor, I can no longer accept your kindness. Although I have lost a leg, I still have my hands and my family. I can make money by myself." Mr. Roberts choked up, "Although it was not mentioned in the newspaper, I know that you caught the murderer and avenged my Ruth. I don't even know how to repay you."

The bell of the church not far away rang the hour. It's time to go to the station, or it will be too late.

"If you want to repay me," Duan Feizhuo said, and Mr. Roberts made a plea, "live a good life from now on. This is the best repayment."

When Duan Feizhuo arrived at Aberdeen Station, there were only five minutes left before the departure time.

He carried his luggage and rushed towards the platform in a panic. Passengers around have already rushed onto the train, and the platform is full of people seeing off. Someone is beckoning from every car window.

Duan Feizhuo found his compartment, and was about to get in when he heard a light cough from behind.

He turned his head and unexpectedly saw Z walking towards him through the crowd.

Could it be that Z didn't get on the train ahead of time, but was waiting for him on the platform?

Z walked past Duan Feizhuo without looking sideways and boarded the train. He stopped at the door of the car, turned around and gave Duan Feizhuo a wink, as if telling him to hurry up and follow.

Duan Feizhuo smiled unconsciously, and jumped on the train briskly.

They found an empty box and sat down. As soon as the seat was settled, the train rumbled away.

The overcrowded platform quickly receded towards the rear. The train left the urban area of ​​Aberdeen and drove into the green countryside.

Looking at the gloomy sky outside the window, Duan Feizhuo recalled their journey to Aberdeen. Obviously only a few days have passed, but he feels that it has been a long, long time ago.

The atmosphere between them at that time was much more harmonious than it is now. Z tirelessly told him the story of the destruction of the Scarlet Feast. And now...

Even if you put two ice sculptures in the box, the temperature may be much warmer than it is now.

Duan Feizhuo felt that he should say something, but he was afraid that what he said would make Jing angry. He has blocked Z enough.

He thought about it, and tentatively said, "I met Ruth's father in the cemetery. You know he broke a leg. If he wants to install a mechanical prosthetic, uh, do you have any recommendations?"

Z put his elbows on the window sill, rested his chin, and "stared" out of the window motionlessly.

"No." He said coldly.

"Where did you get your prosthetics?"

"This is not an ordinary prosthetic. It is engraved with mysterious runes, and its performance is several times higher than that of ordinary prosthetics." Z paused, lowering his voice, "The person who made this prosthetic is...gone."

Duan Feizhuo nodded knowingly, "He must be a great craftsman."

Z turned to him suddenly, his deep red eyes burst into an angry light.

"She's a hateful mystic!" Z growled. His arm on the window sill trembled slightly with anger.

Duan Feizhuo was startled. He thought that when he saved Duncan before, Z's tantrum was the limit of his anger. But compared to Z's anger now, his anger at that time was like a gentle breeze.

This is Z's true anger. It was as if a volcano was erupting in his body, and the hot magma would mercilessly engulf everything around him.

Duan Feizhuo shrank back. If the door of the box hadn't been closed, he would have fled on the spot.

After a while, Z closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. The anger bursting out of him was gradually suppressed.

"I shouldn't be mad at you. It's none of your business." He squeezed a few words between his teeth.

Duan Feizhuo hugged his shoulders tightly, trying to shrink himself down. "Uh, I was also wrong, I shouldn't ask around..."

"Everyone in the Abnormal Case Investigation Section is well aware of this matter, so it's not a secret. In fact, I should have told you earlier." Z turned to the window. His face was reflected in the glass, and there was a hint of sadness in his ruby ​​eyes.

"How old do you think I am this year?" Z asked without beginning or end.

A huge question mark appeared above Duan Feizhuo's head. Does Z's age have anything to do with his mechanical prosthetics?

But Z never talks nonsense. Since he asked this question, he must have his purpose.

Duan Feizhuo looked at Z carefully. His youth was indeed a mystery. Because of his white hair, he may look older than his actual age. Duan Feizhuo speculates that he is about twenty-five to thirty years old.

But anyone with long eyes can guess this point, so there is no need for Z to ask specifically. So his actual age may be much older than his appearance.

Duan Feizhuo tentatively asked, "Thirty?"

Z remained calm, "Guess again."

Duan Feizhuo asked again, "Forty?"

Z shook his head, "Guess again."

Duan Feizhuo went all out, "Ten thousand and eighty-six years old?"

The corner of Z's mouth twitched unconsciously, obviously amused, but he quickly turned his face straight again, pretending that he was not happy.

"Have you heard of the Crimean War?" Z asked.

Duan Feizhuo naturally knew. From 1853 to 1856, the war between the British, French and Turkish coalition forces and Tsarist Russia broke out in Crimea.

"The battle where Lady Nightingale became famous, right?"

It was during that war that Ms. Nightingale volunteered to serve as a field nurse. Her scientific nursing has saved the lives of countless soldiers, and is regarded as the goddess of the lantern and the hero of the nation. She founded nursing, and nursing has only grown into a respected profession since then.

As a medical student, Duan Feizhuo is not interested in war, but he is familiar with the development of the medical industry.

Hearing the name "Nightingale", Z's pain increased a bit.

"I was in that war," he whispered.

Duan Feizhuo began to show off his big eyes.

It's 1893, and even though Z was 20 when he joined the war, he'd be 60 by now. But he looks at most half of his 60 years old? ! Did he eat Tang Monk meat or drink the fountain of youth? !

As if aware of Duan Feizhu's astonishment, Z smiled self-deprecatingly, "I was 28 years old at the time, a major in the army. I was seriously injured on the battlefield, and it was Ms Nightingale and her team of nurses who took care of me. "

Duan Feizhuo suddenly remembered that when he first came to London, he and Z visited the home of Mr. Lynn, a lawyer. Mr. Lynn’s daughter Louisa once mentioned that Ms. Nightingale gave a speech at their school. At that time, Z showed an extremely strange expression.

It turns out that Z had acquainted with Ms. Nightingale a long time ago, on the battlefield.

"I was injured too badly at the time, my limbs were crippled, my eyes were blind, and I was almost dying. Everyone thought that I would not live for a few days. Some comrades even discussed in private whether they should give me a good time."

When talking about this painful past, Z's face didn't have many waves.

"My father was also a military officer. He hoped that I would be able to make great achievements on the battlefield and honor my ancestors. Of course, he was extremely disappointed to see me become a **** who was about to die soon. At this time, a nurse came to him quietly and said that she had a way , and maybe get me back on my feet again.”

Duan Feizhuo stared at Z's red eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Is that nurse... a mystic?"

Z nodded.

"She used a healing technique? Like the one Xenophon used?"

"The secret healing technique cannot treat serious injuries like mine. The principle of the secret healing technique is to accelerate the regeneration of cells. It can only treat wounds that are 'possible to heal'. Severed limbs can never grow back." Z lowered his eyes, "The nurse used another secret technique. She completely transformed my body."

"...What is 'reformation'?" Duan Feizhuo asked. He vaguely felt that this was not a good word, but he was too curious.

"It is to replace all the organs that can be replaced by machines with machines." Z said coldly, "Hands, legs, spine, and even some internal organs. The human heart cannot bear this burden, so she simply put My heart has also been replaced with a machine, driven by a piece of ether crystal. The ether crystal contains extremely rich energy, perhaps because of this, my aging is much slower than ordinary people."

Duan Feizhuo was dumbfounded and felt chills all over his body at the same time.

Although he has long been accustomed to all kinds of bizarre things in this world, Z's experience is still the most unimaginable among them.

It's almost like something that would appear in a science fiction novel.

"This kind of transformation...can make people survive...?" Duan Feizhuo was surprised.

Z raised the corner of his lips, as if mocking, "Do you think I'm still 'alive' like this?"

In terms of results, this transformation did allow Z to stand up again, not only that, but he was also more agile and stronger than before. A living person has been transformed into this... can he still be considered a human being?

It's like a Ship of Theseus paradox. If you keep replacing parts on a ship, is the ship still the same ship after all the parts have been replaced once? If the replaced parts are reassembled into a ship, who is the original ship, it or the fully refurbished ship?

What about the Theseus paradox on humans? Duan Feizhuo didn't dare to continue thinking. Thinking about it again seems to touch the taboo area that humans must never touch.

"Is that why you hate mystics?" Duan Feizhuo said hoarsely.

"That's right." Z smiled more cruelly, "If she made me like this to save me, I wouldn't blame her. But she is not. She just wanted to test the new secret technique she invented, and happened to meet On such a perfect test subject as me."

"What happened to that nurse afterward?"

"I don't know. She ran away. I joined the Night Watchman and hunted her down. But she disappeared like a drop of water into the ocean. I don't know where she is to this day."

After finishing speaking, Z turned to the window again and fell silent.

The box fell into silence, only the rumble of the train rolling over the tracks could be heard.

Duan Feizhuo wanted to say a few words to comfort Z, but he couldn't. No matter what you say, the language is so pale. Could it be that a few words from him can heal Z's pain for so many years? It's like a person who stands up and talks without back pain, giving mercy.

After a while, Z said, "Did it scare you?"

"What?" Duan Feizhuo raised his head abruptly.

"You seem to hate seeing my body. You run away every time I take a shower. Do you think I look scary?"

Duan Feizhuo was speechless. He realized that Z seemed to have some kind of huge misunderstanding about him.

"No, no!" he exclaimed.

"You don't need to show me face. I know what my body looks like." Z's tone was a bit self-defeating.

"I...it's not because of that!" Duan Feizhuo said in embarrassment. Not only why, his ears suddenly became very hot. "You have a lot of scars on your body, it's really scary, but I...I can't watch you take a shower because...that...is not polite..."

Z seemed to find his answer funny. "You don't need to say anything."

"It's really not because I hate you!" Duan Feizhuo raised his voice, "I don't hate you, not at all, I..."

His vocal cords seemed to be a stuck machine, unable to function no matter what.

In the end, he could only look at Z dumbly, "I hope you can know, I..."

Z moved slightly, and a strand of white hair fell down his shoulders.

"I see."

Outside the window, the spring fields are lush and lush, and a ray of golden sunlight pierces the dark clouds in the sky and sprinkles on the faces of the two people.

The train arrived at King's Cross station. Looking at the glass dome of the station, Duan Feizhuo felt a kind of joy of going home from the bottom of his heart.

After getting out of the car, he met two unexpected people on the platform.

One of them was Xenophon. The man with black hair and yellow eyes was leaning on the pillar, whistling, with a sleepwalking expression on his face, as if he came here by accident.

"Boss!" Seeing Z and Duan Feizhuo, he lazily shook his hands, "I never thought you would come back alive!"

The corner of Z's mouth twitched, "What? You don't want me to come back alive?"

"No, I sincerely express my joy!"

Xenophon said so, but as soon as Z turned his head, Duan Feizhuo heard him muttering in a low voice, "Damn it, it's unscathed. I lost money again."

...Why does this guy bet on others every day?

Z turned around and faced Duan Feizhuo, "Xenophon and I are going to pick up the consignment later, so we won't send it to you."

By consignment he meant confiscated from Dr. Stone.

Duan Feizhuo wanted to say goodbye to him, but before he could say anything, Z suddenly said something surprising

"From next Monday, you will come to work in the Abnormal Case Investigation Division."

"Quack?!" Duan Feizhuo made a sound between a human and a rubber duck.

Z didn't seem to hear his strange voice, and continued to say calmly, "You're not considered a regular member. Is it okay to work three days a week?"

The problem is huge!

Xenophon grinned and added fuel to the flames, "Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Because you performed so well, we plan to hire you in advance!"

"Didn't you say that you only hire people who are over 21 years old?!" Duan Feizhuo went crazy.

"Oh, it's urgent. We are so short of manpower now, if we hire child labor, we will hire child labor." Xenophon spread his hands.

Duan Feizhuo's cold sweat drenched his clothes instantly, "But...I...I'm not ready yet..."

"What preparation do you need to be an ordinary clerk? You can't write or something? We're not letting you work for nothing. Pay the wages!"

not good! Duan Feizhuo screamed inwardly. He doesn't want to go to Scotland Yard! He doesn't care about the night policeman's salary! He wants to go home, and he will never leave the house for the rest of his life! help!

However, Z didn't care about the turmoil in his heart, as if the words "Then it's settled" were written on his handsome face.

"I'll see you at Scotland Yard at nine o'clock tomorrow morning." With an arc of his lips, he stretched out his hand to Duan Feizhuo.

Looking at that hand, Duan Feizhuo wanted to cry but had no tears.

He really wanted to refuse, but the rejection needed a fair reason, where did he get the reason? You can't tell Z directly, "I'm sorry, I can't do it, because I am your deadly enemy—the owner of the secret trading house", right?

For ordinary people, being able to work as a clerk in Scotland Yard is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Such a good job cannot be found even with the lanterns. It would be too suspicious for him to refuse.

He could only show a smile that was uglier than crying, and held Z's hand.

Z shook his hand, then pulled him abruptly in front of him. Duan Feizhuo staggered and crashed into Z's arms.

The white-haired night policeman hugged him briefly, then pushed him away, and walked towards the cargo compartment with Xenophon as if nothing had happened.

Duan Feizhuo stared blankly at his back. What are you doing... Is Z... playing tricks on him?

He touched his cheek—it was hot.

When they left, Jian Zhongjian dared to say, "It's over, boy, it's over. Do you have any last words? I suggest you make a will early, pick out the coffin, cemetery and epitaph. I heard that some people will be on other people's tombstones The epitaph is engraved randomly, so it is better to decide early."

"Shut up!" Duan Feizhuo looked up at the sky with tears in his eyes.

Duan Feizhuo got off the car at No. 49 Franchise Square, said goodbye to Mr. Lynn, then picked up his luggage and went up the stairs.

When he arrived at the door of the house, he was about to take out the key, but the door opened by itself. A small figure slammed into his chest like an angry bird, almost knocking Duan Feizhu's internal organs out of place.

"Master, welcome back!"

Al said cheerfully in his apron.

Shi Zhongjian suddenly said, "As soon as I got home, there was a little boy wearing a maid's costume...ah no, the servant's costume welcomes you, I always feel that this situation is a bit subtle."

Duan Feizhuo rolled his eyes, and handed the suitcase and coat to Al one by one. As for the sword in the stone, he threw it directly into the cabinet. Shi Zhongjian Zi'er screamed.

"I've read the papers, my lord! The papers say the Aberdeen serial murders have been solved! Although your name is not mentioned in the papers, I know you must be responsible for it!"

While hanging up his coat, Al cast admiring glances at Duan Feizhuo.

"Those reporters won't write your name. They just want to give credit to the local police. It's like Lestrade trying to take the credit from Holmes every time..."

Duan Feizhuo walked towards the sofa with heavy steps, and fell headlong on it.

"I didn't do anything..."

He always felt that the Aberdeen serial killings were not completely over. Duncan McLean is still missing. The case will not be settled until he is also arrested.

"You're so humble!" Al shouted. "It's a pity that I'm not as brilliant as Dr. Watson, otherwise I would definitely record your deeds and tell the world how great you are!"

Duan Feizhuo buried his head in the sofa cushions, "If you really do that, the Night Policeman should come to me tomorrow with a silver bracelet..."

"What are night guards? Master, how can you be afraid of them?" Al was full of mysterious confidence in his master, or he overestimated his master's strength.

"...Haha, yes." Duan Feizhuo laughed dryly, "From next Monday, I will go to Scotland Yard to work three days a week."

He thought that Al would scream in terror, but the boy said in an even more adoring tone, "Master, have you successfully penetrated into the night police?"


"You have completely gained their trust, haven't you?" The young man's eyes glowed, "As expected of the master, he actually played with the night policeman in his hands! Are you going to use the excuse of going to work to investigate the night policeman's interior? What happened? I heard they locked the mystic in the dungeon at Scotland Yard...Are you going to break the prison?"

Duan Feizhuo uttered a message that seemed to come from hell. Why is it that Al's imagination can make such a leap forward only at this level? What about investigating the internal situation, what about robbing a prison... Thank God he didn't go to jail!

Ahhh, what should I do!

He was so worried that his head was going bald, but Al was in high spirits, flying around the house like a bird, serving black tea and biscuits to Duan Feizhuo.

"To celebrate your successful infiltration into Scotland Yard, I must make a delicious meal! Master, what do you want to eat?"

"... Regret the medicine." Duan Feizhuo replied in despair.

The next day was Saturday, the day when the secret trading house was open regularly.

Miss Madeleine Clearwater had acquired the habit of visiting the Exchange regularly. Mrs. Boyle was going to conduct an experiment today, and she didn't have time to accompany her, so she came alone.

It was the first time for her to visit the trading house alone. Although she has been here many times, she can't get enough of those weird products. Recently, she took a fancy to a map of Ptolemy's celestial bodies, which is a map of codes left by alchemists in ancient times. It is said that as long as you unlock the codes, you can learn advanced alchemy.

But Madeleine was too cash-strapped to afford it. I'm afraid she will have to save money for a year or two before she can afford that price. The premise is that in the past two years, no one will be the first to arrive.

Madeleine keenly noticed that the owner of the trading house was very listless today.

Although the trading house has not opened a few times since he inherited the trading house, in the impression of customers, the owner of the trading house has always been full of energy. He is not only funny and humorous (or yin and yang), but also full of whimsical ideas, bringing unprecedented novel concepts such as blind boxes, card draws, and SSRs.

Originally, customers came to the trading house just to see what new products were on the shelves, and to exchange mystical philosophies with other mystics. But before they knew it, they were full of anticipation every time the trading house opened—looking forward to what new work the owner of the trading house would do.

But this time, not only Madeleine, other guests could clearly see that the owner of the trading house was downcast.

He sat behind the counter, folded his hands, propped his chin, his empty eyes seemed to see through the void. What is he worrying about? Or are you thinking about esoteric issues that ordinary people can't understand?

It was his young assistant who was in charge of entertaining the guests. But his cleverness and the master of the trading house cannot be compared at all. When customers ask about the origin and function of a certain item, the boy often has to scratch his head for a long time before he can remember the answer, and sometimes he even has to go to ask his owner.

"Master, there is a customer who wants to buy a crystal pendulum, what should I do?" The young assistant approached the owner of the trading house and asked in a low voice.

The owner of the trading house heaved a long sigh, and with a wave of his hand, the display cabinet on the wall began to move automatically, moving the display cabinet with the pendulum to the customer.

"Aren't they all over there? Let them pick it out themselves." He said absently.

The young assistant scratched his head in embarrassment, and ran back to greet the guests. The owner of the trading house was left alone and continued to stare blankly at the void.

"What's wrong with the owner of the trading house?" Several guests gathered together and whispered.

Madeleine had seen them many times in the trading house, and they were familiar faces, so she joined them.

"He is indeed very wrong today." Madeleine showed the vigor of gossip and gossip like a woman, "Could it be that something unsatisfactory happened in reality?"

"Perhaps. By the way, have you heard of the Aberdeen serial killings?"

"Of course I've heard of it! That's the hot news in the streets and alleys recently! The newspaper said that the murderer was a doctor's son, but when the police caught him, he was already dead. Huh, maybe the police didn't catch him at all. People, just find a scapegoat."

"My aunt lives in Aberdeen, and she said that the murderer was very unusual. He was crippled by the fall, but somehow recovered. Could it be that the murderer is also a mystic like us?"

"The newspaper said that Scotland Yard also assisted in solving the case. Could it be that 'Scotland Yard' refers to the Night Police?!"

"If it's the night guards, then the death of the murderer is understandable. Don't the night guards always kill the mystics? Those who can be imprisoned by them alive are very few!"

"Damn it, the night policeman killed another brother of ours! Night policeman, I and you are at odds!"

"It's so noisy. What's the use of shouting and killing here? If you have the ability, go to the gate of Scotland Yard!"

"But the mystic also has something wrong, right? Didn't he kill someone?"

"Even if he killed someone, he should be tried instead of being killed by the night guards!"

Their discussion became louder and louder, and finally even Duan Feizhuo heard it.

How did the guests know that the "Night Guard" they talked about was sitting next to them?

Listening to their increasingly outrageous (but subtly hitting the facts) discussion, Duan Feizhu felt like crying.

Why did things become like this? He just wanted to go to Aberdeen to attend the funeral and avenge Ruth by the way! He obviously didn't want to be a night policeman!

It seemed that the more he didn't want to do anything, the more things would come to him.

What kind of physique is he?

The guests who were having a lively discussion noticed Duan Feizhuo's gaze. They all looked at the owner of the trading house, and were surprised to find that there were faint tears in his eyes!

"My God, did I read it wrong?" Madeleine whispered in surprise, "Why is the owner of the trading house crying? Could it be that he is mourning for our brother who died tragically?"

"He is really a man of temperament!" Another guest was moved.

"He is so depressed, must it be because he heard about the Aberdeen murder?"


Duan Feizhuo's tears suddenly became brighter.

on Monday.

scotland yard.

Duan Feizhuo walked through the dark corridor to the office of the Abnormal Case Investigation Section with the lifeless expression typical of migrant workers.

I always feel that every time I take a step in that direction, I take a step towards my own grave...

The floor where the Office of the Unusual Cases Investigation Section was located was quiet, but at the same time very noisy, because the entrance to the dungeon was at the end of the corridor. The prisoners imprisoned there let out a howl or two from time to time, disturbing the tranquility. But this kind of scream from time to time brought out the tranquility of this floor even more.

However, today's corridors have nothing to do with "quietness". There were three people standing in the normally empty corridor! how crowded!

Duan Feizhuo glanced across their faces - he only knew one of these three people, and that was Miss Acheson.

She is a night police clerk, code-named A, the most diligent employee of the Abnormal Case Investigation Section, the first one to go to work every day, and the last one to go home. Duan Feizhuo even wondered if she lived directly in the office.

The other two were seeing each other for the first time. One of them was a middle-aged man in his early forties, his hair was shaved short like a soldier, and he had the letter R tattooed on the back of his hand. The other was an old woman with white hair. She looks like a kind and amiable mother-in-law next door, but the mother-in-law next door will not appear in the abnormal case investigation department.

Those three people noticed Duan Feizhuo. The four of them stared at each other, and no one spoke for a while.

...why are people leaning on the corridor? Could this be some kind of nightman morning ritual? like students every

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