Is it like having a school assembly on Monday and listening to the headmaster give a long and stinky speech?

At last it was Miss Acheson who broke the silence.

"Good morning, Mr. Chester." Her voice was like a silver bell.

"Uh, good morning, Miss Acheson." Duan Feizhuo was at a loss.

He looked at the other two.

"They are also night guards." Miss Acheson introduced, "Mr. R and Ms. Q. They are partners. They went on a business trip for a long time to hunt down a mystic, and they just returned to London not long ago. You guys It must be the first time we met."

Miss Acheson turned to her two colleagues again. "This is Mr. Leo Chester whom the boss mentioned, our prospective member."

Mr. R grinned and held Duan Feizhuo's hands. His hands were rough and callused.

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Chester. When the boss mentioned you, he was full of praise. He said that you performed extremely well in the Aberdeen case, so he made an exception to hire you. When I saw you today, you are indeed a good-looking talent what!"

Duan Feizhuo smiled awkwardly but politely, "He thinks too highly of me, I'd rather he don't make an exception..."

"What a humble young man." Ms. Q smiled and kissed him twice on the face, "It's been a long time since the night guards have received fresh blood. I'm so glad that such an outstanding young man was hired."

If Ms. R knew that the "excellent young man" in front of her was the No. 1 enemy of the Night Police, she would not know how she would feel.

"Why are you standing in the corridor?" Duan Feizhuo asked.

Miss Acheson raised her index finger as a gesture of silence, and then pointed to the office.

"...No one has a key?"

The three were silent at the same time. Mr. R seems to want to take back his evaluation of "one-faced talent".

"Your Excellency the secretary is here." Miss Acheson whispered to Duan Feizhuo, "Boss submitted the report on the Aberdeen case yesterday, and the secretary came here in a hurry this morning."

"Who is the secretary?" Duan Feizhuo heard this name for the first time.

"Colin Carter, one of Her Majesty's private secretaries. Although the Abnormal Cases Investigation Section is a department of Scotland Yard in name, it is actually directly responsible to Her Majesty. Secretary Carter is the liaison between the Queen and the Night Police people."

Duan Feizhuo was dumbfounded. The backer behind the night policeman is actually Her Majesty the Queen—the famous Queen Victoria! No wonder they dare to walk sideways all over the UK!

Even through the door panel, Duan Feizhuo could hear the fierce quarrel in the office.

"...everything I know is written in the report. You might as well go back and read it again." This was Z's cold but angry voice.

"I've read it many times, Superintendent." The voice was very strange, and it seemed to be Secretary Carter, with a slick and official tone, "What I want to ask is, did you just let that Duncan McLean go away like this? ? You—the leader of the night watchmen—watched that guy escape?”

Carter deliberately pronounced the word "open eyes" very emphatically.

Z sneered, "You don't have to be sarcastic to me. As I said, he jumped on the train and escaped. It's impossible for me to know that the train will pass by at that time. I'm a human, so I'm sorry if I can't catch the train. Please be sure to apologize to Her Majesty the Queen on my behalf."

"He may be the last member of the Scarlet Feast!" Carter raised his voice, and the door panel was shaken by him, "And the train he jumped on was bound for London, and he may be in the The city is in! London! The capital of the world! Under Her Majesty's eye!"

"I've got the Aberdeen Police to post his wanted notice. It should be posted all over London by now?"

Carter yelled, "What's the use of a wanted warrant? If he's a occultist, wouldn't it be easy to change his shape? That guy must be arrested as soon as possible. Wasn't the mess caused by Jack the Ripper not big enough? Her Majesty ordered that London must There must be no more Jack the Ripper incident!"

The three night guards outside the door frowned.

"That kid Carter used the Queen's name as a weapon again." Mr. R spat, "Ghost knows if the Queen gave him that kind of order."

Duan Feizhuo could see that the three of them didn't like Mr. Tangtang Secretary very much.

"So," Z draws his voice, "do you have any constructive suggestions?"

Carter laughed in a low voice, "I really figured out a way. Jack the Ripper, because he devoured the flesh and blood of many people with supernatural powers, also possessed supernatural powers. His five senses are much sharper than ordinary people, especially the sense of smell. Why? Why don't you let him be a hound and find out his accomplice who is hiding in Tibet for us?"

There was a loud bang. Probably Z slapped the table violently. The four people outside the door shrank their necks at the same time.

"Forgive me for disagreeing." Z said viciously, "The same problem was discussed internally by the Night Police five years ago, and the conclusion was 'impossible'. First, let Jack the Ripper find someone by his sense of smell, Need at least one of the person's belongings, but we don't have any. Second, Jack the Ripper is already insane. To use him as a hound, you have to cast a mind control type illusion on him. That is too dangerous. Once he breaks free from the illusion The consequences are unimaginable. I must not take such a risk."

"However, it's theoretically possible to do this, isn't it?" Carter was not to be outdone.

"So what?" Z asked back.

"Five years ago you didn't have that person's belongings, but don't you have them now?" Carter said, "As for Jack the Ripper, I don't believe that the night watchman's mystic is so incompetent that he can't control him."

"Let a vicious murderer catch another murderer?" Z said coldly, "You think it's driving away the wolf, but it's actually leading the wolf into the house. I refuse."

"I'm afraid you are not qualified to refuse." Carter said arrogantly.

"Oh? Did Her Majesty order anything else?" Z sarcastically said, "Her Majesty personally ordered that Jack the Ripper be released?"

"His Majesty didn't say that. But His Majesty gave me more power."

There was a rustling sound. Now not only Xenophon, but the other three also put their ears on the door panel, trying to hear what Carter was going to do.

"Look at what this is? Oh, I forgot you're blind." Carter said angrily, "Then I'll read it to you as hard as I can."

He cleared his throat and said loudly, "In view of the special cases that have occurred in various parts of the UK recently, Sir Colin Carter - that is, myself - is hereby appointed as the temporary commissioner of the Abnormal Case Investigation Section of Scotland Yard. All departments of Scotland Yard need to do their best to cooperate with them. Action, to the greatest extent possible, shall not be delayed or evaded under any pretense. -Alexandrina Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Empress of India."

The four people outside the door looked at each other, all showing horrified expressions.

It took about a century before they heard Jing respond reluctantly, gritted his teeth, "I see."

"Then, please take me to the dungeon to meet that Jack the Ripper."

"...Okay. I hope you are brave enough not to be intimidated by him."

The office door was flung open. Z came out aggressively, with a gloomy expression.

Following him out was a man in a suit and leather shoes. He was a tall, solidly built man of upright thirties, with brown hair and a stylish beard. He bowed hypocritically to the four of them, and his eyes lingered on Duan Feizhuo for a few extra seconds.

"Is this young man the 'new guy' you mentioned in your report?" Carter asked.

Z turns around. When he noticed Duan Feizhuo, his gloomy expression became a little brighter, as if a ray of sunshine pierced through the dark clouds.

"That's right."

Carter looked at Duan Feizhuo, "It's been a long time since Night Police has hired a new recruit. I remember that your standards have always been very strict. This gentleman must have something special."

"You're right." There was a hint of pride in Z's tone.

Carter smiled, noncommittal.

"Are you still going to the dungeon?" Z urged.

"Let's go now." Carter gave Duan Feizhuo a staring salute, then turned and followed Z.

When their backs disappeared into the darkness at the end of the corridor, the four people in the corridor breathed a sigh of relief.

"So we're going to listen to that little boy now?" R asked gruffly with his arms folded.

"I'm afraid so." Ms. Q sighed.

Miss Acheson entered the office first, and returned to her desk as if she had grown out of it.

Duan Feizhuo stood in the corridor without moving. He stared into the darkness at the end of the corridor. There is a hidden door that only the Night Watchman can open. It leads to the dungeon, which houses the mystics arrested by the Night's Watch, as well as the suspects involved in the mystic's case.

He remembered a visit to Scotland Yard once after the incident at Perilla. That was the day he learned of Ruth's death. But also on the same day, Z showed him two photos.

The first one is in front of the door of the opium den "Mint Leaf", "Miss Melissa" is supporting the manor butler Hott.

Another one is in a restaurant, "Miss Melissa" is drinking with a man face to face.

The man was none other than Secretary Colin Carter.

He is both the queen's secretary and one of the key members of the scientific and technological progress committee.

The organization dedicated to the development of ether crystals and the promotion of airship technology has always been suspected by Z of being the mastermind behind the Perilla manor incident. Their purpose is to steal the land of the manor so that they can control the underground ether crystal mine.

And Carter now has the queen's decree, and he can dictate to the night guards.

"Secretary Colin Carter..." Duan Feizhuo whispered his name.

—What conspiracy are you hiding?

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