The rescuer said: "Sir, you must keep calm, don't panic during the rescue, hold it firm..."

"Hmm. "Since his daughter was saved, Xiao Ming has already adjusted his mentality, he is already a person who has been through once, there is nothing to panic about.

As soon as he stretched out his hand to the rescuers, a woman behind him suddenly cried and shouted: "Save my daughter first, can you save my daughter first, my daughter has asthma, she is already seriously deprived of oxygen, if you don't save her, she will die, please!"

The rescuer glanced back, his face fused.

At this time, the girl's face was no longer bloody, and she looked hypoxic, but her asthma did not attack at this time.

"But..." The rescuers have already grabbed Xiao Ming, and they are about to fasten his seat belt, and throwing people back at this time will inevitably cause dissatisfaction and affect the rescue work later.

I said before that I would save them in order.

If it were another tourist, when he was about to be rescued, someone made such a request, he might really be dissatisfied.

But Xiao Ming didn't, he looked back with difficulty at the woman who was crying miserably, and her eyes were full of worries about the child, and after exhaling, he stepped back and let go of the rescuer's hand.

"Save the woman and the child first. "

Save the woman and the child first?"

Several rescuers who were rescuing looked at Xiao Ming in surprise.

At such a life-and-death juncture, people are selfish, and the first consideration is their own safety, but this person has given up the chance to be

rescued? There is no time to think too much, the rescuers are saving the little girl, and at the same time asking other tourists whether they agree to save the woman and the child first.

After everyone had no opinions, the rescue operation began in an orderly manner.

"Sir, you have to hold on, we will speed up the rescue and get everyone out as soon as possible. The rescuers encouraged Xiao Ming, and they admired Xiao Ming's approach from the bottom of their hearts!

Xiao Ming responded: "Well, okay, everyone has worked hard. Xiao

Ming was actually stiff at this time, but he couldn't do it for his own life, completely ignoring the life and death of others, after the girl was rescued, he saw the girl's mother, and was obviously relieved.

He's also a parent, and he can relate to that woman's feelings.


the Yipin International Fashion Show.

Xie Lingyu's light blue long skirt dress lined her whole person like a fairy, she was already a rare beauty, at this time, with exquisite dresses and jewelry, it looked even more beautiful.

And Xiao Jingrou is wearing a champagne-colored long dress, her beautiful long hair is draped behind her, her image is gentle and quiet, and people can't take their eyes off it at a glance.

When she saw a lot of cast eyes, thinking that some media reporters were pointing their cameras at her, she blushed unnaturally.

"Jingrou, what's wrong?" Xie Lingyu saw her unnaturalness and came over and asked with concern.

"Sister Lingyu, I'm fine, I'm just a newcomer, and I'm a little stage frightened.

Xiao Jingrou smiled embarrassedly and replied.

"It's okay, it's normal for you to come to this kind of occasion for the first time, and stage fright is normal, I will take you to such occasions more in the future, and you will get used to it a few times. Xie Lingyu patted her shoulder and said.

"Your father's identity makes the three of you brothers and sisters destined to be ordinary children, and if you want to realize your dreams and make a difference, participating in such an occasion is unavoidable.

"What you have to face in the future may be many times more difficult than this, so you have to work hard to grow up as soon as possible." Xie Lingyu encouraged.

Xiao Jingrou naturally understood this truth, and she nodded: "Well, Sister Lingyu, I understand."

Then she heard someone next to her and said, "Have you heard? There was an accident in a playground, and when a big pendulum rose into the air, it malfunctioned, and a total of seventeen tourists were trapped on it. With a

bang, the wine glass in Xiao Jingrou's hand fell to the ground, and the wine stains were splashed.

Her face instantly turned pale without a trace of blood, and she trembled and picked up her mobile phone, ready to call Xiao Ming and Xiao Yuchun.

"Is something wrong?" Xie Lingyu asked with a confused face when he saw her abnormal reaction.

"Sister Lingyu, my father and Yuchun, they said they were going to the playground, I just heard someone say that something happened to the playground.

When Xie Lingyu heard this, he also panicked, and hurriedly picked up his mobile phone and called Xiao Ming and Xiao Yuchun respectively.

Xiao Ming's phone didn't inquire, Xiao Yuchun answered the phone over there, Xiao Jingrou after answering the phone, almost fell to the ground without despair, she held back her tears, and said in a trembling voice: "I, my father and Yuchun, are on the playground equipment where the accident occurred, called, what is the big pendulum..." Xiao Jingrou

and Xie Lingyu, both of them were extremely worried in an instant, and tacitly pulled each other back and hurriedly ran out.

Running too fast, both of them almost fell down several times, but they were both pulled by each other.

"I'll drive the car, and you'll be waiting for me here. Xie Lingyu hurriedly finished explaining, and hurriedly went to the parking place to pick up the car, and after picking up the car, she went to pick up Xiao Jingrou as quickly as possible, and hurried to the playground at any time.

In the car, Xiao Jingrou called Xiao Yunzhe.

At this time, Xiao Yunzhe and his new friend Coarse Zhuluo went to a party.

After hearing Xiao Jingrou say that Xiao Na and Xiao Yuchun had an accident, he didn't even have time to say hello to Zhu Luo and the others, so he hurriedly drove straight to the playground.

While rushing to the playground, he called his girlfriend Geng Jingshu and briefly explained the situation.

Geng Jingshu knew that after Xiao Ming and Xiao Yuchun had an accident, he was so anxious that he didn't even have time to take the bag and ran out.

"Jingshu, why are you going to be in such a hurry?" Geng Tianhua asked casually.

"My father-in-law has a big accident, and I have to go over. "

What, what's wrong?" Geng Tianhua suddenly stood up from the sofa when he heard this.

"I heard that Yuchun was going to the playground, so my father-in-law went down with her, but I didn't expect that when I was making a big pendulum, the equipment broke down.

Geng Jingshu looked in the direction of the TV: "It's the accident I was talking about above, it's the accident of my father-in-law." "On TV, there was a live broadcast of the playground accident.

"Why is this happening, let's go, I'll go with you. When Geng Tianhua heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat in an instant.

He can be a person who can engage in public relations, he has a certain vision, now that his daughter is pregnant with the child of the Xiao family, the future of their Geng family depends on the Xiao family, Xiao Yunzhe finally found such a rich father, if something happens at this time, what will happen in the future, no one can say.

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