"It's just terrible, hurry up and think of a way to speed up the rescue. Mr. Yang urged.

At this moment, Xiao Yuchun, who had been rescued a long time ago, saw that Xiao Ming, who should have been rescued a long time ago, had not been rescued for a long time, and he was also anxious like a grasshopper on a hot pot.

She grabbed one of the rescuers and asked eagerly, "What about my father, why hasn't my father been rescued yet?"

"Don't worry, girl. The rescuer twisted his eyebrows, looked at Xiao Yuchun with grateful, and said solemnly: "Your father is a very amazing character." He

told Xiao Yuchun everything that happened.

Some of the people present, as well as the media and reporters heard the words of the rescuers, they all exclaimed in surprise, and it was too touching to give the opportunity to be rescued to women and children at the moment of life and death.

"Oh my God.

"How can there be such a bloody man in this world. In

a word, the women and children were saved first, and tens of millions of people were touched.

The reporters were busy reporting on this.

"Hello everyone, this is the scene of the playground accident, on the big pendulum, there is a man who is about to be rescued, at the critical moment, gave the opportunity to be rescued to a little girl with asthma, and said to the rescuers, save the woman and the child first.

"This kind of approach is so admirable and touching, it is so dedicated, such a person, we should applaud him." As

soon as this report came out, netizens immediately exploded!"

"Save the woman and the child first, this is the best thing I have ever heard in my life." "



of thousands of netizens were all moved by Xiao Ming's move!

His sentence of putting women and children down first made many people red-eyed.


At this time, Xiao Ming, who was still trapped on the big pendulum, had reached the limit of his endurance.

In fact, he is a layman in the world, not so noble, and he does not want to be trapped, nor does he want to put himself in such a dangerous situation.

However, at that time, seeing that the little girl's condition was so critical, he couldn't do what happened to the child in front of him.

This is just a matter of personal conscience.

If he hadn't chosen to give up the opportunity to be rescued at that time, and let the little girl get sick and have an accident, then he would have been troubled by this incident for the rest of his life.

In order to seek peace of mind, he gave the opportunity to be rescued to the little girl, to the woman and the child.

He never expected that when his words reached the ears of the masses, everyone was moved by his words.

Many people didn't know Xiao Ming, so they used their imagination to imagine a tall and mighty appearance, and admired him.

This is the absolute master.


It didn't take long for Xiao Jingrou and Xiao Yunzhe.

There are also people from the Geng family, Xiao Ming's special assistant Xiao Feng, these people who are closely related to Xiao Ming, all came to the scene of the incident.

"Sister!" Xiao Jingrou nervously rushed to Xiao Yuchun's side, and when she saw Xiao Yuchun, who was crying, she also cried instantly, and hugged Xiao Yuchun tightly.

"Quiet. Xiao Yuchun cried and said, "Our father hasn't been saved yet, he hasn't been saved yet." "

He gave up the opportunity to be rescued to others, and he was still even, woo..." Then,

Xiao Yuchun told Xiao Jingrou and Xiao Yunzhe and others what happened.

When they learned that Xiao Ming gave up the opportunity to be saved by the block to the woman and the child, everyone was sad and admired Xiao Ming at the same time.

Xiao Jingrou, Xiao Yunzhe, and Geng Jingshu's family all had red eyes when they heard this.

Geng Jingshu hugged Xiao Yunzhe and comforted: "Yunzhe, I believe our father will be fine."

"Jingrou, Yuchun, you are not so sad, our father is such a good person, it will be fine."

But at this time, the three brothers and sisters couldn't listen to a word of comfort, so how could they not worry.

The three of them finally found this father, and they were too afraid of losing it.

The people around them, after hearing that they were Xiao Ming's relatives, all cast distressed and admiring glances at them.

A man who looked very dignified walked over to them and said seriously and seriously: "I am Yang Moumou from Anjin City, please rest assured, our rescuers will definitely do their best to save all the trapped people."

After that, Mr. Yang trembled and walked over.


. Yang!" Xiao Feng led people to help Xiao Yuchun, Xiao Jingrou and others, and after saying hello to Mr. Yang, he asked, "Can you think of a way to speed up the rescue?"

"The ladder can't be mobilized for a while, so it can only be used by helicopter.

"I have already sent people to prepare, but even in a first-tier city like ours, the rescue force is quite lacking, and the air rescue is even more difficult.

Mr. Yang shook his head bitterly, seeing that the weather conditions were getting worse and worse, his heart also sank to the bottom.

It seems that the rain will not be light, which will make the rescue a thousand times more difficult.

In the playground, onlookers, media reporters, and the person in charge of the playground saw the weather conditions, and they all sweated in their hearts for the trapped people who had not yet been rescued.

By this point, twelve tourists have been rescued, and five more are trapped.

And Xiao Ming is in the group of people who are trapped.

His luck is really bad, it's rare to play with his daughter once, and he has encountered such a thing, and most of them are women and children, he is a man, and it is impossible to take back what he said.

In fact, women and children are originally vulnerable groups, he is a big man, and he is never allowed to watch the vulnerable people trapped, and he himself is a big man who went to escape for his life first.

Right now, all the women and children have been saved, and his ability to bear it has reached its limit.

At this time, the Tiangong was not beautiful, and it began to rain, and the rain was fierce.

Fortunately, the rescuers were prepared early and used a large plastic film to block the tourists, at least they would not be watered by the heavy rain.

But the worst thing is that because of the heavy rain, the ladder can no longer be used for rescue.

In the face of strong wind and rain, the ladder is more than 40 meters in the air, shaking non-stop, it is very likely to be broken by the waist, if the rescuer or the rescued person falls from the sky, the possibility of death is very large.

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