He looked at the room full of people, and the whole family looked at him with great gratitude.

"What about the richest man?" Xiao Shan continued to ask.

Xiao Ming couldn't escape it, so he replied truthfully: "Count, count!" "

I am, I have so much more money than those rich people before." "

A hundred million people....

Xiao Shan listened, he didn't say a word for a long time, and he was quite happy to see that Xiao Ming was mixing well, but he never expected that Xiao Ming would become the richest man.

Oh my God, this is the virtue that his Xiao family has accumulated in his ancestors for several lifetimes, and now he will produce such a promising offspring!

Xiao Junrong finally understood why his immediate boss Xiang Jiangtao, a person who was so high-minded, was obedient like a little follower in Xiao Ming's face.

Xiao Ming is the richest man, and his uncle is the richest man?

The more Xiao Junrong thought about it, the more excited he became.

"Good, good, good boy, I never dreamed that when I saw you again, you would have been a human being a long time ago. Xiao Shan burst into tears with excitement and nodded affirmatively.

"Well, uncle, you also saw it, I'm okay now, you used to treat me like your own son and raised me, in the future, it's time for me to repay you, if you have any needs, just tell me. Xiao Ming helped Xiao Shan sit down and said to him.

Speaking of this, Xiao Shan thought of Xiao Ming's gift-giving operation yesterday.

I was surprised and moved.

"Good, good, good boy. Xiao Shan nodded with red eyes in satisfaction.

Seeing that his uncle didn't mention the gift he gave to Xiao Junrong yesterday, Xiao Ming felt a lot more comfortable, and he used that way because he was worried that his uncle would not accept it.

He could see that Xiao Junrong was a good boy, and what he gave to Xiao Junrong was equivalent to what he gave to his uncle's family.

After that, Xiao Ming proposed that he wanted to take his uncle's family to An Jin, but his uncle was unwilling to go.

"Xiao Ming, when I heard you say that you want to take me to filial piety, my family is very happy, but I am a person of this age, I am used to living the previous days, and I am really not used to following you to live such a rich life.

"If you have time, just come back and see me more." Xiao Shan said with relief.

Uncle said, Xiao Ming understands, indeed, uncle is used to smoking in the yard every day, so that in the city, a bunch of servants revolve around him, which is indeed very difficult for him.

"Okay, then I'll follow you, if you have something, you must call me, and I will come back to see you when I have time." Xiao Ming took his uncle's hand and explained.


Then, Xiao Ming took a card from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Xinran: "Xinran, yesterday's ones were for Junrong's wedding gift, and this is for you and your husband and wife." "

What?" Xiao Xinran looked at Xiao Ming in surprise, not knowing how to react.

"Take it, you are brothers, your brother is mixed now, how can you be willing to let his only brother live a hard life again!" Xiao Shan had already figured it out at this time.

Xiao Ming is right, he used to raise Xiao Ming as his own child, but now that the child has grown up and knows how to repay his kindness, if he is unwilling to accept it, it will only make Xiao Ming's child feel uncomfortable!

"Hehe!" Xiao Xinran listened, and after being silent, he reached out and took it: "Then I'll take it, it turns out that it feels so good to have a brother covering him!" Xiao Xinran's

words made the family laugh.

Holding the card that Xiao Ming gave him, he had a heavy feeling, his heart was full of happiness, and he secretly thought to himself, judging from his brother's previous generosity, there must be a lot of money in it.

The family chatted for a while, Xiao Ming suddenly remembered something, and turned to look at Xiao Junrong, who had just gotten married: "Junrong, go with your uncle and go to Anjin to develop?"

If he can cultivate it well, he can rest assured that there will be people from his own family to help Xiao Yunzhe take care of his career in the future.

Besides, the son can also have more brothers who are close

to him! Xiao Junrong looked at Song Huihui beside him, and said hesitantly: "That, uncle, I have to think about it, I have to digest it, hehe!"

There have been too many things that have happened in the past two days, and he hasn't digested it yet.

Xiao Ming could see his confusion, before, when he had just met Xiao Yunzhe's brothers and sisters, when several children saw his family's wealth, they were also shocked for several days before they digested it.

"Okay, call me when you're ready.

Subsequently, Xiao Ming and Xiao Shan and Xiao Xinran laughed and chatted.

In the next few days, Xiao Ming took his uncle's family around and went out to play.

And Xiao Junrong and Song Huihui, Xiao Ming directly arranged a famous resort and let the two go to their newlywed honeymoon.

In the past few days with his uncle, Xiao Ming heard his uncle talk about it, and later, Song Huihui's aunt's family wanted to play the emotional card again.

However, Song Huihui didn't eat that at all, and immediately settled an account with them, gave her aunt 300,000 yuan, and directly broke off the relationship.

This approach is quite in line with Xiao Ming's mind.

I don't know how this matter reached the ears of Aunt Song Huihui's relatives and friends, and everyone didn't say anything on the surface, but secretly they were mocking Wang Yulan.

If it weren't for the fact that she looked down on people before, how could she end up so embarrassed now.

Wang Yuling and his wife dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak, they couldn't afford to provoke the big Buddha of the Xiao family.

Some people are happy and some are worried, Wang Yuling and his wife regret it to the extreme, but Wang De'an and his wife are extremely happy.

After Wang De'an returned from Xiao Junrong's wedding, he was promoted the next day.

This is all because he successfully connected the big man in the city, Luo Jun and Xiao Ming, and was praised by the leader, and he was directly promoted.

Moreover, the leader also promised to train him well, and in the near future, he would have to appreciate his value.

Wang De'an and his wife were extremely happy, Wang De'an's wife Ning Rou, who is a good sister of Geng Jingshu, after hearing that her husband was promoted, she called and invited Geng Jingshu to be a guest at home.

The husband and wife bought a lot of good wine and food to entertain Xiao Yunzhe and Geng Jingshu.

When I returned to the hotel after dinner, it was already dark.

"Dad, it's time for us to go back to Anjin. When Xiao Yunzhe was chatting with Xiao Ming playing chess, he smiled helplessly: "If I don't go back, my salary this month will be deducted, and I won't even have money to drink water." "

Daddy has been looking happy these days, and Xiao Yunzhe is a little anxious.

"It's okay, your dad can still afford to support you now, general..." Xiao Ming fell down in a dashing manner, and he had no intention of going back for a long time.

Xiao Yunzhe looked down and was dumbfounded.

"Dad, I haven't even started to set up the game, why are you going to win?" Xiao Yunzhe muttered a little depressedly.

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