Xiao Ming smiled: "Haha, this is the same as the principle of being a man, just do it quietly, and finish it."

Xiao Yunzhe said helplessly: "Hey, life is full of truth, Dad, I have learned."

Xiao Ming nodded with satisfaction: "Well, during this time, your progress has been quite large, and even Liang Ting, who has always been picky, is full of praise for you."

Xiao Yunzhe listened, his heart was happy, hard work is nothing, if he can get his father's approval, then everything is worth it.

At this time, Xiao Ming looked up at him and said, "Son, Dad's business is for you to do." "

What's the matter?" Xiao Yunzhe asked suspiciously.

Looking for his grandfather before, he knew that it was his father's test for him, and now that the test has passed, could it be that his father is going to assign him some important task?

Doing a big career is Xiao Yunzhe's dream all along.

Although his father is very rich, he is not willing to be a boy who can only eat, drink and have fun, he wants to be a person like his father, a person who is useful to the family and society.

Since he joined the company, he has been studying hard, but he doesn't want to disappoint his father, let alone let himself down, and with his efforts, he has indeed achieved good results.

When he first entered the company, many people didn't want to see him, thinking that he was in the company through the relationship, but under the witness of time, everyone saw his ability and slowly discovered his ability.

Immediately after that, all those secret pokes and poks struggles came out.

Although Xiao Yunzhe is not very old, he is also a top student in a prestigious university, so how can he be afraid of those.

He saw the move, and after a long time, those people saw that they were not his opponents, so they slowly stopped.

Even, some people slowly developed admiration for him.

After these days of tempering, he thought that even if his father gave him any tasks, he would definitely be able to complete them beautifully.

Seeing Xiao Yunzhe's attitude, Xiao Ming nodded with satisfaction: "Seeing that you are growing up well, Dad is really happy." "

Son, guess what your father's net worth is!"

"This... I can't guess. Xiao Yunzhe shook his head.

Xiao Ming thought for a while: "Actually, I don't know what the specific number is, but in China, the market value of the company I personally control is four or five hundred thousand yuan." "

In addition to these, there are also many shares of listed companies, such as Ali, Tengxu or something, a lot, I won't list them one by one, in short, in a word, a lot of money!"

"In addition, there are some foreign funds, I have investments all over the country, maybe, hundreds of millions of billions."

Xiao Yunzhe was so shocked that the chess pieces in his hand didn't fall for a long time.

After a long while, he muttered, "Hundreds of millions... 100 million..."

He knew that his father was very rich, but he didn't expect it to be exaggerated to such an extent, which he couldn't even imagine.

For a moment, he suspected that he was dreaming, but it was obviously real.

Where is this the richest man in a five-star country, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there are many richest people in the world, right? This is really beyond Xiao Yunzhe's cognition.

Hao, it's really too proud!

This is not the real data, this is the approximate estimate of the father, if all of this is counted, how much will it be?

Xiao Yunzhe thought, Xiao Ming's words, must still have some reservations.

Without waiting for Xiao Yunzhe to come back to his senses from the shock, Xiao Ming opened his mouth again: "Before, I didn't expect that in this world, I would still have children, and earning money was entirely out of my hobby for career, and I had no heirs, so what did I do with so much money, so I set a goal for myself, and when it was completed, I would retire."

"The goal has been accomplished a long time ago, and I was planning to retire when Yuchun found me.

"Until then, I had someone in place to manage the assets, but with you, my plans have changed.

"I have children, so everything I have will naturally be left to my children.

At this time, Xiao Ming raised his head and looked at Xiao Yunzhe with a serious attitude: "Yunzhe, Dad is old, he is too lazy to take care of the company's troubles, the company will be handed over to you to manage, are you willing?"


Xiao Yunzhe listened, a little helpless, the hundreds of millions of assets are what many people dream of, and this is his father's place, why is it still a trouble.

After being helpless, he thought in hindsight that what his father meant was to let him take over the company?

This is too exciting, right?

Xiao Yunzhe, like Xiao Ming, is a very enterprising person.

"Dad, this is my dream, it's just, I'm going to manage the company now, can I do it?" Xiao Yunzhe was a little weak-hearted, after all, his experience was too little, and managing the company was no joke.

"What's not to do?" Xiao Ming disagreed: "These industries are going to be given to you sooner or later, while I'm not so old, I can still help you, you can't give half of your father's success to someone else, right?"

Before, he didn't care, but after having a few children, he cared.

Everything he has earned is naturally for his children.

The two daughters have little interest in business, and the management of the company can only be handed over to the son.

Perhaps, those people he cultivated before will feel unconvinced, so what does it matter? It is reasonable for his assets to be inherited by his son.

What is he, other rich people, in order to let their children inherit their careers, they gave birth to several sons in a row.

The concept that everything a father inherits is inherited by his children is deeply rooted in the world's concepts, and he Xiao Ming is not exempt from vulgarity!

He is only 42 years old, and he has some time to accompany his son to grow up.

"I think, you also guessed, this time I asked you to come to your little grandfather, I just want to test you, see your ability to deal with things independently, you did not bad. Xiao Ming looked at his son firmly: "Son, you are my Xiao Ming's son, you have to believe that you have the ability to stand alone."

"Okay. Xiao Yunzhe listened and nodded firmly.

Yes, he is Xiao Ming's son, if there is anything, there is a father, what is there to be afraid of him.

With the powerful backer of Ke Dad, he doesn't have to be as timid as before when he does things, and where his abilities have been displayed, he finds that he is still good.

"Okay, then you're ready. Xiao Ming nodded and said: "In the future, I will slowly push you to the front of the people, and let you slowly take over everything from me, don't worry, as long as you think it's right, then just rest assured." "

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