Those teachers who taught Xiao Yunzhe were overjoyed when they saw Xiao Yunzhe's name appear on the list, and after learning that Xiao Yunzhe's family was Wen Yunzhe, they were all happy and their faces doubled.

"I said at that time that Yun Zhe would definitely come and go in the future, and no one was disappointed."

"Isn't it, he's too talented."

When the students saw it, they thought to themselves, is it too rich?

But it does make people envious, jealous and hateful, the son of the richest man, that luck is not ordinarily good.

It didn't take long for Xiao Yunzhe's name to be spread in the school, and Xiao Yunzhe's classmates in the past were also extremely surprised when they learned the news.

No one thought that the inconspicuous poor boy at that time would suddenly become the son of the richest man.


"What? Let me go with you to your school's celebration? In Yuxi Villa, as soon as Xiao Ming returned home, he was shocked when he heard his son say that he was going to call him to attend the school celebration.

Xiao Ming likes to keep a low profile and doesn't like to go to those social events.

But the school is different, he has been absent from the lives of several children for twenty-two years, these are irreparable regrets, and he is naturally happy to be able to see his son's school with his son.

"Dad, you just promise to go with me, I have told my teacher, saying that you will definitely go, you have to give some face."

Xiao Ming doesn't like to participate in any activities, Xiao Yunzhe knows, he saw that Xiao Ming didn't answer for a long time, and he was worried that Xiao Ming was unwilling to go, so he looked at Xiao Ming with a pleading gaze and said.

"But..." Xiao Ming saw through his son's thoughts, and deliberately pretended

: "I..." With his words, the sense of expectation on Xiao Yunzhe's face disappeared little by little, and Xiao Ming couldn't cry or laugh: "Then I'll go with you." "

Actually, according to Xiao Ming's temperament, no matter how high a school comes to invite him, he doesn't bother to go.

However, since it is my son's school, it is different.

Even if it was a very humble school, he wanted to see what the place where his son had studied was like.

"Yun Zhe, I sent someone to check the teacher you mentioned." Xiao Ming sat down and said happily to his son: "What you said is right, that is indeed a rare talent."

"If we can really invite him to our company, then our company will definitely have a bright future." Xiao Ming rarely showed excitement.

In this world, there are few abilities recognized by him.

Xiao Ming's teacher, being able to get such a high evaluation from him is enough to show how strong the other party's ability is.

Xiao Ming is a person who plans to retire, he likes shopping malls, but he doesn't want to dedicate his life to shopping malls, people still have to leave some time for themselves to enjoy life.

Although he had the idea of merging the company, it would not disrupt his plans, he should retire, he still had to retire, find the right person to manage the company, and he could get out.

Now is the era of the Internet, the age of informatization, he does not need to sit in the company, he can manage the company well.

"Hehe, Dad, I see Mr. Wu's reaction, and I'm also very interested in our proposal, since you also think he is good, then let's take the opportunity of the school anniversary to meet with the teacher, how about you inspect it in person?" When Xiao Yunzhe heard this, he said happily.

"Well, if there is no problem with contact, I will personally go out and invite him back." Xiao Ming nodded in response.

Xiao Ming never does things that he is not sure of, and seeing that Xiao Ming said so, Xiao Yunzhe felt that this matter could basically be decided: "Okay, Dad, come on!" "


Soon came the day of the school anniversary, the campus of Zhehai University was very lively, everyone had a high enthusiasm for the school anniversary, and because of the news that Xiao Ming was going to participate in the school celebration, the students and teachers were full of passion, and they were looking forward to the arrival of Xiao Ming, the new richest man in the five-star country.

Speaking of other returning alumni, everyone basically has no topic, you can mention Xiao Ming, Xiao Yunzhe, everyone has endless topics.

The new richest man in the five-star country, as well as his glorious deeds, each of them is enough for the alumni to talk non-stop.

The richest, the youngest, the most patriotic, and, moreover, will especially spoil their daughters...

Speaking of which, those alumni are all frying, and they are all looking forward to seeing with their own eyes what kind of demeanor the richest man in this five-star country has.

"Yo, Lao Li, why did you come to the school celebration?"

"Then you have to come, the richest man in our five-star country is here, I also want to come and meet the richest man in our five-star country, if you can say a few words to the richest man, even if it is just a glance from a distance, it is quite satisfying."

"That's right, we all graduated from Zhehai University, and when I think of the richest man in taxes coming to our school, I can't be excited."

"I seem to have heard that Xiao Mingzhi will come to our school because his son Xiao Yunzhe graduated from our Zhehai University."

"Xiao Yunzhe? I've seen him, and he's really a talent, but I heard that he already has a partner, otherwise I want to find a chance for my daughter to get to know him, maybe..."

Don't forget, he is the son of the richest man. "

It's not even eight o'clock, and the campus is already overcrowded, and everyone is excitedly talking about various topics about Xiao Ming.

Those students who have gone to school with Xiao Yunzhe, or who have had some dealings with Xiao Yunzhe, are even more excited.

Some girls, even if they know that Xiao Yunzhe has a girlfriend, still dress up carefully, the meaning of which is self-evident.

Xiao Yunzhe's classmates all talked about it, although they had nothing to do with the richest man, but they went to school with the richest man's son, and every time they talked about being classmates with Xiao Yunzhe, they felt very proud.

At this moment, if you can take a photo with Xiao Yunzhe with the identity of an old classmate, and if you are lucky, you can take a photo with Xiao Yunzhe's father and send it to the circle of friends, how dignified will it be?


When it was almost nine o'clock, a black Lincoln slowly drove into the campus, followed by four or five top-level luxury cars, which was super decognizable.

At the same time, the school got the news of Xiao Ming's arrival, and the principal and the school's teachers came out to greet him in a hurry.

If it is other guests invited by the school, the school will arrange a ceremonial reception in advance, and the teacher will lead them into the school.

But Xiao Ming is different, he is the richest boss in the five-star country.

In order to come out to greet this big guy, everyone was very active and rushed to the front, hoping to be the first to see Xiao Ming and leave a deep impression on Xiao Ming.

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