"Mr. Xiao, thank you for coming..."A school leader surnamed Wang was the first to come to Xiao Ming, and when he saw Xiao Ming, he bowed first and said politely to Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming nodded lightly: "Thank you, you're polite." It's

not that he's arrogant, it's that he's long been accustomed to all kinds of flattery, and he's reached the point of numbness, so in the face of others' politeness, his response is very indifferent.

After that, the leader of the school looked at Xiao Yunzhe next to Xiao Ming: "This is Xiao Yunzhe, right?" Teacher Wu's school, no wonder Teacher Wu praises you so much, you really look very smart, I heard that you are a top student in school, you are the pride of our school.

"Wang Xiaoxiao is too much to praise me, I actually have a lot of shortcomings, and I need to ask the teacher more in the future." Xiao Yunzhe replied politely.

I was very disdainful of those words, after all, since graduation, he was a clown who no one cared about, and now he has become the son of the richest man, and he has become the pride of the school.

However, it's okay to have been by Xiao Ming's side for a long time, and his temperament has gradually faded, and he doesn't care much about these.

After that, the leaders of the school led Xiao Ming, Xiao Yunzhe and others to the school.

The school celebration was held on the school's playground, and the school had already prepared a special seat for Xiao Ming, which was the best one in the guest seat.

On the way there, the students on the road saw it, and they were all excited, and they couldn't drain the water around the road on both sides.

After all, it was so exciting to meet the richest man and his son.

There was even a female voice whispering to Xiao Ming: "Xiao male god, I love you." "

I like you, can you give me a chance? I want to spend the rest of my life with you. At

first, the body voice was relatively small, and gradually the voice of those shouting became louder: "Can I be your girlfriend?"

"As long as I can be with you, I am willing to do whatever I want, you are the most perfect man in my mind..."

Xiao Ming waved his hand casually: "It's better to be young!" Spirited.

After being picked up by the school until he arrived at the playground, Xiao Ming always had a faint smile on his face, waving and greeting the students from time to time, and when he waved his hand, it would cause bursts of screams.

The richest man is too easy-going, right?

There is no copper smell on his body at all, and the faint smile on his face is simply charming.

Soon arrived at the playground, Xiao Ming and his son Xiao Yunzhe were invited to the most honorable position.

But Xiao Ming didn't sit down, but sat in the position of those guests who were invited from outside and had little connection with the school.

Xiao Ming is rich, but he is not the pampered and arrogant person, he prefers to be an ordinary person, accept the treatment he deserves, and does not like to be special.

He just has a little more money, but in fact, he is also a layman in the world, so there is no need to make himself look like a big guy and put on such a big shelf.

He came to attend the celebration of his son's school, except for this, he has nothing to do with this school, and there is no need to make himself so special and noisy.

The school had no choice but to rely on Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming's approach was seen by everyone present, and their favorability towards Xiao Ming soared another degree in an instant.

After Xiao Ming came to the seats of those outside guests, the people around him greeted him warmly, and his attitude was still very light, but they all responded.

Every time those people greeted Xiao Ming, they would praise Xiao Yunzhe by the way, Xiao Yunzhe was by Xiao Ming's side, and he was praised a lot, and he was also immune.

But no matter how immune he is, he doesn't like to listen too much, and his ears are calloused.

But fortunately, soon the school celebration began, and everyone quieted down with interest, and Xiao Ming and Xiao Yunzhe were clear.

At the beginning of the school celebration, the pre-selected student hosts announced the start of the school celebration after taking the stage to say something very official.

After that, I invited the school to speak on stage.

After that, the guests were invited to come to the stage to say some passionate words, talk about all kinds of good things about the school, and then wish the school a better tomorrow.

Performances of some shows in the middle.

After two hours, it was finally time to present the honorary certificates to the student guests invited back by the school.

And Xiao Ming was invited by the school to present honorary certificates to the students who got the certificates, and he had no choice but to go on stage.

The moment he got up, everyone on the scene instantly became excited.

After the certificate was issued, the school asked Xiao Ming to speak again, which made the people present really excited.

The exclamations of the students grew louder and louder.

Xiao Ming is so popular, the popularity of the scene can be compared with the international stars who are very popular now.

At the beginning, Xiao Yunzhe was worried that Xiao Ming would not be able to cope with such an occasion, after all, Xiao Ming was very powerful in the shopping mall, but this was the school, and before he came, Xiao Ming had said that he had never participated in such an event.

But he was wrong.

I saw Xiao Ming indifferently take the microphone: "Teachers, students..."

He said naturally with a very gentle attitude and smooth speaking speed, and it felt as if he had experienced such an occasion thousands of times.

He suddenly remembered what his sisters had said that Xiao Ming was an almighty father.

Now it seems that this sentence is not wrong at all, Xiao Ming is so powerful, he really wants to ask, in this world, is there anything that his father can't handle?

Xiao Ming said that after he went back, he would donate 60 million grants to Zhehai University, and he would also build a 24-hour self-study building for the school, so that students can study anytime and anywhere.

Moreover, this is just the beginning, in the future, if the school has other needs, you can apply to his company, as long as it is reasonable and beneficial to the student, he will try to do it.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present exploded.

Sure enough, being rich is capricious, and in a casual word, you either donate money or donate a building.

Is this the style of the richest man?

It's just sassy.

Other schools, some were invited to participate in the school celebration of Zhehai, and they were all secretly envious, and the luck of Zhehai was too good, because the son of the richest man went to school in this school, and the richest man came, and he waved his hand to make money.

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