Naturally, this money is a huge amount of money in the eyes of many people, but for Xiao Ming, it is a drop in the penny

, when he agreed to participate in this event with Xiao Yunzhe, he thought that when he came, he would have to spend money.

But he spent the money happily.

Children are the future of a family and the future of a country, and the school can cultivate talents, but he can't do anything else, and it's okay to help.

Money has to be spent in useful places, as long as students can study well, his money will be spent meaningfully.

For the development of a country, what is most needed is scientific and technological talents, so he said that he would purchase a batch of new research equipment for learning for the university.

There was no suspense, and Xiao Ming was greeted again with bursts of exclamations and applause...

After the celebration, the school held another dinner and invited the guests to attend.

Xiao Ming is naturally indispensable, at the beginning of the banquet, Xiao Ming can still get a little clean, and slowly everyone is bold, and they all come to toast to Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming doesn't drink, but he also responds politely to the people who come to toast.

For those who toast, it doesn't matter if Xiao Ming drinks it or not, they can take this opportunity to say a few words to Xiao Ming, then they are very happy.

Some of them were a little bolder, and they also asked Xiao Ming for a business card, although Xiao Ming had a good temper, he also had a bottom line, and he naturally wouldn't give his business card, but he asked Xiao Yunzhe to give it.

Xiao Ming asked Xiao Yunzhe to give his business card to those people, which was useful.

Although Xiao Yunzhe is his son, he will be respected by many people because of this, but if he manages his industry well, Xiao Yunzhe must have real skills, otherwise, he will not be able to sit firmly in that position.

Therefore, Xiao Yunzhe needs to establish his own network, and his path is for him to go by himself after all.

After some entertainment, Xiao Mingcai talked to the teacher Xiao Yunzhe said.

But they both drank a little wine, and because of the occasion, they actually simply said hello, and they didn't say a word about work.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Xiao Ming and Xiao Yunzhe left the hotel where the school held a banquet.

"Dad, you say, why is the charm of this money so great, as long as you are rich, you are full of relatives everywhere, you are full of good friends, you are poor, that person wants to step on your feet when he comes out, why is this person so realistic?"

On the way back, Xiao Yunzhe, who drank some wine, sighed about life.

Xiao Yunzhe is not much touted today, but he understands in his heart that this is all because he is the son of the richest man.

If it weren't for his father Xiao Yunzhe, then he would be nothing.

In the past, he was warmed and cold, too much.

Those classmates and friends who didn't contact him suddenly became enthusiastic about him.

They have a university group, and basically no one speaks, even if they talk occasionally, no one will remember his existence, but now, after he has the identity of the son of the richest man, he just participates in a dinner time, that group, unprecedented liveliness.

When the classmate was talking, he would give him a touch from time to time.

Even, there are many classmates who have added friends before and have not contacted him for several years, and have sent him a lot of private messages.

There are several who don't have his friends, and there are several who have sent him requests to add friends.

"Hey, this is the reality, no one asks if you are poor in the downtown area, but you are rich in the mountains, and you also have distant relatives, which makes sense." Xiao Ming listened to his son's words, sighed slightly, and patted his son's shoulder.

All his son's experiences in the past made it good for him to understand the warmth and coldness of people, but he also suffered too many grievances because of his second son, and when his son made this sigh, Xiao Ming still felt very distressed.

He came to school today, which can be regarded as making up for the regret of being absent from his son's life, which is also good, and besides, he met the teacher recommended by Xiao Ming today, and his impression is not bad, he has always seen people more accurately.

The next day, Xiao Ming asked Xiao Yunzhe to invite his teacher, Wu Pengqing, out.

Xiao Yunzhe personally went to take Wu Pengqing to the cash cabinet restaurant, but according to Xiao Ming's request, after he led the person to the box, he went to the car to wait.

Xiao Ming didn't let him sit in on it.

At the beginning, Xiao Ming was still nervous, worried that things would collapse, and seeing that time passed minute by minute, but Xiao Ming and Wu Pengqing had no intention of coming out of the restaurant, and Xiao Yunzhe's hanging heart fell little by little.

It seems that the conversation is good.

After three hours, Xiao Ming and Wu Pengqing came out of the box, and after sending Wu Pengqing home, Xiao Yunzhe couldn't wait to call Xiao Ming in the car to confirm the result.

Although he had already guessed the result, he was still excited after learning the news that had been negotiated with Wu Pengqing from Xiao Ming's mouth.

After hanging up, he hummed all the way home.

Two days later, Minghui Group sent out a message that several large companies under Xiao Ming's name were about to merge.

As soon as the news came out, the circle immediately exploded.

Everyone was stunned, the richest man was about to come to another wave of amazing operations.


In addition to starting the merger plan, the Xiao family also has a very important thing, that is, the lifelong event of Xiao Yunzhe and Geng Jingshu.

After some discussion, the marriage of the two was roughly decided.

It's time to burn money again, but Xiao Ming is happy to burn this money.

But how to do this thing is too brain-burning.

For a while, he didn't know how much bride price he had to give his daughter-in-law?

His nephew's wedding, it was a big wave, spent a lot of money, his son got married, how can it be worse than his nephew's wedding, it's not that he is competitive, but that he is now the richest man, his son, is the son of the richest man, and he still wants face.

He doesn't care so much, but his son is different, his son is going to take over his career in the future, and he has to maintain his son's face.

The nephew's wedding is so generous, and when he arrives at his son, he will pick it up, which will also make the daughter-in-law's family have an opinion, and it will make relatives and friends have an opinion on the in-laws and the Xiao family.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Ming decided that he didn't care about anything, and just went to be arrogant.

So, he decided to follow the traditional process when it comes to getting married, first propose, then set a marriage, and then hold a wedding.

He first found a matchmaker to propose marriage on behalf of the Xiao family, and after this thing was done, it was to set a marriage.

It was only three days before and after, and the date of the marriage was given, and after the date of the marriage was determined, it was time to prepare the dowry.

Xiao Ming asked people to prepare a bride price of 99.99 million, hoping that the two of them could last a long time.

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