Coincidentally, at this time, Geng Jingshu's cousin, Geng Yu'er, called her.

Geng Jingshu was a little bored at home, so he wanted to go out for a walk: "Yu'er, are you busy today?" I want to go out for a walk, but Yun Zhe is too busy to spend time with me. "

Geng Yuer runs a small restaurant, business is not bad, every day from the opening to closing, there will be more or less people, Geng Yuer looked up at the restaurant, and saw that at this moment, her small restaurant is overcrowded.


"Jingshu, we are worthy of sisters, I don't have any people in the store today, and I just want to go out for a walk, so let's go together, I'll go to you." Geng Yuer said briskly.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you at home. Geng Jingshu happily agreed.

After ending the call, Geng Yuer looked at the busy employees, in normal times, when he was so busy, he categorically couldn't leave, but now it's different, how can the things in her store be as important as her cousin's happiness?

After a brief explanation of the restaurant, Geng Yuer drove to Geng Jingshu's house.


After an hour, Geng Yu'er put her Beetle aside and sat on Geng Jingshu's Hennessy.

Geng Jingshu sat in the co-pilot at this time, stroking his belly with a gentle face, feeling the existence of the baby.

"Jingshu, your Hennessy is too domineering, just sitting on it, I feel stunned, if you drive out for a walk, wouldn't it be even cooler?" Geng Yuer couldn't wait to drive the car out for a walk.

This car, don't think about it, it was all given by the Xiao family.

This was arranged by Xiao Ming, thinking that Geng Jingshu's month was old and it was inconvenient to go out, so he asked Xiao Yunzhe to transfer a few cars from the family to Geng's house, one for Geng Jingshu, one for Geng Tianhua, one for Geng Jingshu's mother Sun Xuehua, and one for backup.

This makes the people of the Geng family moved, there is a family like this, what else is there to be picky about?

This family is simply 100% good.

"My father-in-law said that it would be easier for me to let Yun Zhe open it for me, and it would be easier to go out. Geng Jingshu responded lightly.

In the past few months, she and Xiao Yunzhe have traveled north and south, and they have already seen everything, and there are many cars that are more luxurious than this, and there are many in the garage of the Xiao family, which is not strange to her.

"Jingshu, you have simply fallen into a nest of blessings. Geng Yuer sighed enviously.

After a while, the two came to a shopping mall, Geng Jingshu can now be the quasi-daughter-in-law of the richest man, and the places they go to are naturally relatively high-end.

Geng Yuer just wanted to drive the car into the parking lot of the mall, but was told that the parking lot was full, and she was about to go somewhere else to find a parking space: "Jingshu, it's too stuffy in this car, you get out of the car and wait for me in the mall, I'll come to you after I park the car."

"My father-in-law knew that I wanted to go shopping, and he said that I wanted to go to the mall, and I told him, and he said hello to the mall, and it was so exciting, so I didn't tell him. Geng Jingshu saw that there was not even a parking space, so he sighed.

But when Geng Yu'er heard this, she was instantly envious, is this the treatment of the daughter-in-law of the richest family?

It's too powerful, right?" "Their family is so precious to you, it's not good, when the child in your belly is born, but it's also their Xiao family's baby pimple, think about it, I envy you, Jingshu, you tell me, why are you so lucky to find such a good in-law?" Geng Yuer joked.

In fact, even now, occasionally Geng Jingshu still has a feeling of unreality.

At this time, she saw a car driving out of the parking lot, and quickly drove the car into the parking lot.

After driving into the parking lot, she saw that there was an empty space inside, and she just wanted to turn around and stop, but her car was suddenly hit from behind.


"Jingshu, are you okay?" Geng Yu'er didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly went to check Geng Jingshu's situation.

"I was just taken aback, nothing else. Geng Jingshu came back from the shock and said with palpitations.

When he was just bumped, Geng Jingshu's first reaction was that he was afraid of hurting the child.

This is the instinctive reaction of being a mother, when encountering danger, the first thing that comes to mind is the safety of the child, Geng Jingshu's temperament belongs to the more tranquil kind, she is generally not easy to get angry with others, but thinking that the person in the car almost hurt her child, the fire in Geng Jingshu's heart rushed out.

"Jingshu, how can the person driving that car be like that? What if it hurts someone?" Geng Yu'er angrily accused.

Geng Yuer saw a very fashionably dressed woman getting out of the car, and she was angry: "I can't bear the act of forcibly taking and plundering with no one in my eyes." "

If Geng Jingshu has three strengths and two shortcomings, how should she explain to the uncle's family, and how should she explain to the Xiao family? Geng Yu'er felt her scalp tingle when she thought about it.

Geng Yu'er got out of the car angrily and yelled at the fashionably dressed woman: "What's the matter with you? Obviously, we came first, but you actually hit our car in order to grab a parking space?"

"There are pregnant women in our car, if something happens to you, can you be responsible?" Geng Yuer asked.

I don't want to, the other party didn't feel guilty, but as if he had heard some big joke, he laughed a few times, and said confidently: "Grab the parking space? The parking space was originally mine, are you robbing my parking space?"

Geng Yu'er was angry.

"Quality, you say you don't have quality, you say it again?" the woman yelled at Geng Yu'er angrily.

Geng Yu'er wanted to clench her fists angrily, and wanted to rush up directly to hit the woman.

Geng Jingshu is more rational, she doesn't like to make trouble, so she thinks that more things are better than less things, so she got out of the car and said to the woman: "This matter is big or small, you apologize to us, forget about this matter, just give you the parking space." She

doesn't want to cause trouble, but it doesn't mean that she is a soft persimmon, it's okay if she doesn't pursue it, it's always okay to ask the other party to apologize, right

?" "Apologize? Did you make a mistake?" The woman looked at Geng Jingshu and Geng Yu'er in surprise.

"Heh, joke, don't you look at how many pounds and taels you have, and dare to ask me to apologize to you?" the woman smiled and suddenly looked at the two of them angrily.

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