"You have to apologize today, or it's over. While Geng Yuer was angry, she didn't forget to protect Geng Jingshu behind her.

"Not over?" the woman snorted, turned around and got into her own car, and without saying a word, reversed the car directly, and Geng Yu'er and Geng Jingshu Monkey and their car were right behind the woman's car.

Seeing this, Geng Yu'er hurriedly pulled Geng Jingshu to the side, and the car crashed into their car in a daze.

This made the two women break out in a cold sweat, and Geng Yu'er's heartbeat even missed half a beat, if she had reacted a little slower just now, wouldn't that woman's car have crashed into them

? Looking at the woman's menacing appearance, if they really crashed, would they still have a way to live? Not to mention the child in Geng Jingshu's belly.

After the woman hit their car, she got out of the car with her chin on her back and looked at them arrogantly: "I'm Zong Mengni from Xingya Co., Ltd." "

Go fix the car, how much is it, I'll pay you." After Zong Mengni finished speaking disdainfully, she turned around and walked away arrogantly.

It took a while for the two to recover from the horrific incident.

Arrogant, simply arrogant.

The lungs of the two sisters, Geng Jingshu and Geng Yuer, hurt, I have never seen such an unreasonable person.

Geng Jingshu was also angry, but she looked down at her stomach, if there was a conflict, it might be her who suffered, there was no way, she could only endure this anger.

"Jingshu, do you see if that woman was reincarnated as a tiger? It's so annoying, just let her go like that, it's too cheap for her, right? Geng Yuer looked at Geng Jingshu indignantly.

Geng Jingshu naturally understood what her sister meant, she could be the richest prospective daughter-in-law, who she couldn't afford to mess with? But she didn't want to find trouble for her family before she was married.

I don't want Xiao Yunzhe and Xiao Ming to be so busy, and I still have to deal with her: "Sister Yu'er, I haven't entered the door of the Xiao family yet, so it's not good to make trouble for them."

Geng Yu'er retorted: "Jingshu, it's not right for you to think so, you're too cowardly, if you forget this matter today, then you're too sorry for the Xiao family." "

Am I wrong, what's wrong with me?" Geng Jingshu asked her rhetorically.

"Think about it, you can be the young grandmother of the richest family in the future, although you haven't entered the door yet, but you are also a matter of time, when you get married, the media will definitely photograph you, and when your woman sees that you are the young grandmother of the richest family, if you spread some unpleasant words, let others know that the young grandmother of the richest family has been bullied outside, then you say, where will the face of the Xiao family go?"

Rich people are very face-conscious, and Xiao is no exception.

When Geng Jingshu heard this, he instantly came to his senses: "Yes, that's right, why didn't I think of this?"

Today's incident is not just as simple as her personal grievances, but also about the face of her in-laws.

"Face is a point, and another point, you will be a public figure in the future, that's for sure, if you let others know that the young grandmother of the richest family is so easy to bully, how will you gain a foothold in society in the future?" Geng Yuer asked again.

"Others will think that you have no status in the Xiao family, and if you want to bully you, you will bully you, and Uncle Xiao is famous for protecting his shortcomings, and I have heard a lot of his shortcomings and aunts talk about his shortcomings, so he will definitely be towards you in this matter, if you don't tell him, maybe he will be angry with you because of this matter." "

You said, as the young grandmother of the Xiao family, you can't even

consider the face of the Xiao family, are you qualified?" Geng Jingshu nodded approvingly: "I've been stupid for three years, it's true, why didn't I think of this layer?" "That's

right, since I am a member of the Xiao family, I have to consider not only myself, but also what kind of impact my experience will have on the Xiao family." Geng Jingshu nodded solemnly: "So, you're right, this matter can't just be left alone."

She suddenly remembered something, and when she turned her head, she saw a black car from a distance, and the people in the car were looking at her with a cautious face, and when she saw her eyes cast over, the people in the car looked at each other's companions in surprise.

Geng Jingshu's side was accompanied by bodyguards who specialized in protecting her, who were sent by her father-in-law Xiao Ming, she knew about this, and she had seen the people in the car several times.

Geng Jingshu took a deep breath and walked straight towards the car.

made a gesture to let the bodyguards get out of the car, there were a total of three bodyguards in the car, and when they saw Geng Jingshu's unhappy face, their hearts all rose to their throats.

The young grandmother was angry

, "What just happened, did you see it?" asked Geng Jingshu.

"Next, what should we do?" the leading bodyguard asked, it was already their fault that they failed to come out to protect Geng Jingshu in the first time just now, if they didn't remedy it, if this matter was known by the boss Xiao Ming, then would there be a way for them to live?

Before, they didn't expect that woman to be so arrogant, she actually drove into someone without saying a word, this is the young grandmother Xiao Jingrou is fine, if something happens, then they are dead, and the boss will not allow them to make such a mistake.

"You guys, just go and smash that car and smash it into slag. Geng Jingshu commanded, and the temperament of the young grandmother of the Xiao family was taken out.

"Understood!" the bodyguards immediately turned around and returned to the car, picked up various tools, and smashed the car.

The three bodyguards, two men and one woman, were menacing, but in ten minutes, they smashed the arrogant woman's car.

The movement of smashing the car attracted the attention of the mall security guards, and several security guards rushed over: "What are you doing here? Don't you stop quickly?" said the leading security guard in shock.

Several bodyguards indifferently put away the tools for smashing the car, and said to the security guard: "The car, we smashed it, you quickly notify the owner of the car, what do you want to do, we will accompany you."

"Jingshu!" Seeing the wave of operations of several bodyguards, Geng Yuer was shocked and excited, and said to Geng Jingshu with cheers: "Jingshu, this is too domineering, right?"

She just mentioned Geng Jingshu, but Geng Jingshu immediately gave her such a shocking wave of operations.

I didn't expect that Geng Jingshu would have bodyguards by her side, this treatment was simple, she only had envy in addition to envy.

The car smashed was so relieving.

The fashionably dressed woman before rushed over angrily after receiving the notice from the bodyguard.

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