Moreover, they have just returned to China, and if they pass it around, it will indeed not have a good impact on their future development.

So Zong Mengni just found a corner next to it and waited quietly here.

Finally, she heard the quarrel inside, and gradually weakened, and with that, the door was opened.

She clearly saw that two tall, yellow-haired, curly-haired foreigners had come out of it.

At last they muttered something to themselves, and then they walked side by side.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he hurried over and took a look inside.

At this time, there was already a miasma of smoke in the room, and it is estimated that these people did not smoke less here.

After coming in, Zong Mengni couldn't help coughing.

"Mengni, why

are you here?" "Dad, inside this house, inside the house, it's all choked to death, how are you staying here?"

While talking, Zong Mengni hurriedly walked over, and then opened all the windows in the room.

"Let me ask you, when did you come

?" "Dad, I've been here for a while, who were the two of

you just now?" "What? Didn't you see it?"

After hearing this, Zong Mengni just shook her head slightly.

"Oh, I remember, you didn't seem to have seen them before, he was Dad's partner abroad. "

Partner, Dad, didn't we get rid of all the foreign business? Why did

they come to the door?" "I want to get rid of it, do you think they will let me go like this? I didn't expect them to come after me.

"Dad, then

, what now, what now?" "Their intention now is obvious, to make me pay all this money, I tell you, I will never be able to promise them. "

Dad, how much do they want?" If not, we'll give him the calculation

." "Five billion dollars." "

What? five billion dollars?" Zong

Mengni was stunned in surprise when she heard it.

That's a lot of money, he knew.

Even after selling all the existing companies, I'm afraid, it is impossible for him to raise so much money.

"Dad, he's here, isn't he a lion to speak? How is it possible, he will come up with so much money?"

"I guess they must have been assigned by some people abroad, so they will chase them to China.

"So, what does it mean that he is gone now? Have you already negotiated, or have you promised him that you will repay him the money?"

"I'm just using a delaying tactic for the time being, telling them to wait for a while, because for me, five billion dollars is simply not enough for a while. "

A few days of grace, that is, this matter, after all, can't escape, right?"

"That's right, it should be like this. As

he spoke, he extinguished the cigarette butt and threw it into the ashtray.

"Dad, this can't be done, five billion dollars, this is not a joke, we won't

give it to him, won't we?" "Don't give it to him, you really don't know, what kind of things they will do, and, these two people, alas, forget it, I'd better think of other ways."

"Dad, how much money does the company have

on the books now?" "What? Are you serious, are you going to take the money from the books?" I tell you, this is impossible.

"However, when you came out of the country before, you have mortgaged and sold the shares of those banks, so normally, you should have a sum of money in your hands.

"Yes, there are indeed funds, but now that I have invested most of the funds in Xingya Group, you should know about this matter." It

seems that Zong Long at this time is really in a dilemma.

He didn't advance or retreat, and he felt as if he had been completely forced up the mountain.

"In this case, we seem to have been driven to a dead end now, and there is no way to turn back, right?"

"Mengni, Dad also knows that you are worried about the company's affairs, but you can't control this matter at all, you better go and get busy with the things at hand."

"Dad, why do you say that? Moreover, the company belongs to our family, at this time, when we encounter difficulties, shouldn't I come forward?"


Long's words were just spoken, and then, Zong Mengni's phone rang.

He picked it up and took a look, but he didn't expect that it was Xiao Yunzhe who called.

This really made Zong Mengni feel a little surprised, you must know that she and Xiao Yunzhe are at odds at all.

In the past, Xiao Yunzhe also ignored himself.

Her brows furrowed tightly.

Zong Long, who was next to him, of course saw all this.

"What's wrong?Who called you

?" "Dad, it's Xiao Yunzhe, is there something wrong with him calling at this time

?" "Xiao Yunzhe, is that Xiao Ming's eldest son?"

"That's right, it's him."

"Pick it up, what are you doing?"

"But after I took it, I didn't know what to say to him. "

Say what, say what you should say, whatever he asks you, you say, what's there to hesitate about."

After hearing this, this Zong Mengni just nodded, and finally, she walked to the position by the window and pressed the answer button.

"Hey, hello. "

Hello, may I ask if it's

Zong Mengni, Miss Zong?" This time, Xiao Yunzhe became very polite on the phone, which made Zong Mengni feel a little surprised.


right, I am, who are you?" "Oh, that's right, I'm Xiao Yunzhe, do you remember me?" "Oh

, it's you, what's wrong? Is there something wrong? I went to the hospital before, it seems that your wife has been discharged

, no, what's going on, right?" "Hehe, no, no, that's not what I mean, I just want to ask you, tonight, do you have time? I want to treat you to dinner."


, you don't have to be so nervous, I don't mean anything else, and besides, there are some things that I have to tell you in person." "

Oh, okay, then I see, I don't have anything on the agenda for tonight. "

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