"Okay, that's it, then tonight at six o'clock in the evening, we will meet at Yunmeng Restaurant on time.

"Okay, see you soon.

After finishing speaking, Zong Mengni hung up the phone directly.

"What's the matter? What is he doing at night? Eat, right?"

"Yes, this Xiao Yunzhe actually asked me to eat, Dad, you say, what kind of medicine is he selling in this gourd?" "

I don't know, this kid is mysterious, he asked you out now, didn't he ignore you before?"

"That's right, he should have hated me, after all, I made his wife miscarry.

"I don't think it's that simple, didn't you tell me about it before? It seems that her miscarriage has nothing to do with you and me."

"Yes, I've told him before, but it's just a kind reminder.

"If that's the case, according to me, you should go tonight.

"Okay, then I know, I'll listen to your arrangement.

"By the way, the first time I had dinner with him, dress more formally, and besides, your clothes today don't fit well, you go home, go home and change your clothes again." "

Dad, I'll have a meal with him, what is there to change clothes, and besides, are you trying to deviate

?" "No, I didn't mean that, I mean, this Xiao Yunzhe will be a good card for us in the future, maybe, so what we can use now, it's best to use it." "

Dad, do you mean to say, let me, let me have a good relationship with that Xiao Yunzhe?"

"That's right, that's what I mean.

"Everyone is already getting married soon, and they were all pregnant before. "

I didn't mean that, besides, there are many ways to do this, you don't have to rely on this one, you know what I mean, right?"

Zong Mengni seemed to understand whether she understood or not, and then nodded lightly,

The reason why Xiao Yunzhe did this actually has another meaning.

First of all, he wanted to thank Zong Mengni for some of the contributions she had made to them in the past few days.

In addition, if she hadn't told herself about it, I'm afraid he would still be kept in the dark.

In any case, there were all kinds of misunderstandings before, and in addition, the current car has been seriously damaged, and this matter has not yet been officially concluded.

In public and private, Xiao Yunzhe also had to meet with this Zong Mengni officially, and then talk about their next things.

"Mr. Xiao, I saw Mr. Wu coming over just now.

Just then, his secretary pushed the door open and spoke to him inside.

"Okay, I see, I'll go right now. "

I came to the company to meet Wu Pengqing, and I need to discuss some things with him, so I can't delay these business.

He hurriedly cleaned up the things on his desk, and then, he picked up a plan

, and walked directly to Wu Pengqing's office, and when he walked to the door, he just knocked lightly on the door, and followed, he heard Wu Pengqing agree inside.

Xiao Yunzhe pushed open the door and walked in directly, but he saw that there was another person sitting next to Wu Pengqing at this time.

This person, he saw it very clearly, it was Zhao Yixuan.

When he walked in, this Zhao Yixuan just stood up very politely, and then nodded at him with a smile.

"Teacher Wu, I, I'm coming over now, is it disturbing you to talk about things

?" "Okay, it's nothing, I've finished talking about this, and you understand what I'm saying now, right?" "

Teacher, I already understand, and I also know what to do next."

"Okay, then I won't send you, I still have something to do here, and I need to explain it to him." "

Okay, I know, goodbye teacher, goodbye Yunzhe.

He deliberately walked in front of Xiao Yunzhe, and then said just like that.

I don't know why, Xiao Yunzhe always felt that he was a little uncomfortable, what happened between himself and this man? Although he

was his senior, the battle between these students was also very fierce back then.

He clearly remembered some of the things that happened with Zhao Yixuan in school back then.

Moreover, this Zhao Yixuan is always superior.

"Yun Zhe, what's wrong with Yun Zhe?"

Wu Pengqing waited here for a long time, and when he saw this Xiao Yunzhe, it seemed that there was no movement at all.

"Mr. Wu, that's right, about this company merger and acquisition, I made a plan, but I don't know, is this plan in line with your mind?"

"Oh, the plan? Okay, take it, I'll take a look at it first."

After speaking, Mr. Wu stretched out his hand, and then took the plan in his hand.

He looked at it carefully for a long time, and then circled it and ticked a few questions.

"Well, on the whole, it's relatively smooth, but there are a few problems in it, but it's also a few problems that you often encounter in real life, and you have to go back and rethink it.

As he spoke, he took the plan secretary over and took a look, and there were indeed a lot of problems in the circles.

"Okay, Mr. Wu, then I know, by the way, my dad came over this afternoon to see you, I'll wait and talk to him." "

Oh, then don't worry, I'll go over later, after all, your dad is my boss, and besides, I was hired by your dad too."

"Mr. Wu, this is not necessary, we will hire you now, you are the actual helmsman of the company, so if my father has anything, he will also come over to discuss with you."

"That's not good, I still have a clear distinction between this primary and secondary position, okay, you don't care, I just happened to find him and have some other things to say, you don't have anything

here, right?" "Teacher, this, this Zhao Yixuan, why did he suddenly come here?"

"Oh, it's his company, there is a little problem, so he doesn't know what to do." "

Oh, I see. "

Yun Zhe, are you thinking too much?"

"Teacher Wu, no, no, I don't mean that.

"Let me tell you, since I promised your father, then, I will serve your company wholeheartedly, and I will not do anything else, do you understand?".

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