"That's right, there is a chance, but in addition to that footprint, I also found this thing on him,"

After speaking, Xiao Yunzhe took out the tissue, and then put it in front of Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming just held it in front of him and sniffed it carefully, yes, he did smell a very pungent smell.

He touched it lightly with his hand, but after this period of precipitation, the place seemed to have completely dried up.

"If I'm right, this should be a kind of paint, but it's too much paint.

"Yes, he has some paint on him, what does this mean?

Could it be that he is a painter?" "Hehe, it's just a simple speculation on our part, the key problem is that this kind of paint, I always feel that it is a little different from the paint we usually use. "

Ah, what's the difference

?" "Judging from its color, including his precipitation, it's a little different, by the way, when your paint gets on the paper, hasn't it completely

dried up?" "That's right, it's still wet, but after a while on my body, it dried up completely. "

Look, so, ordinary paint, it won't be like this at all, if, the more characteristic the paint, the more beneficial it will be to us, by the way, that Mr. Wu, he didn't teach chemistry

in the past?" "Well, it seems to have been taught, what's wrong, do you want to ask him?" "Let's

go, let's go to him now, when I came, he was still in the company." Suddenly

, as if he had thought of something, he stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove towards Minghui Group.

In Wu Pengqing's office, he just opened the paper, and then put it under the lamp, and kept looking at it here.

After a while, he took a lighter from there, put it on top of the paint, and lightly baked it.

Eventually, he put it under his nose again, and sniffed it.

"If I'm right, this is a new type of paint. "

What, a new type of paint.

"Yes, I once read a report before, saying that there is an invention in a foreign country, which is the invention of an environmentally friendly paint, and the smell of paint is very pungent, but he can't emit any harmful information.

"Then, where is this kind of paint sold?"

"At present, there is no complete market in China, and this kind of paint cannot be transported in the form of finished products.

"If that's the case, that is to say, should this paint be in the factory?"

"Yes, it should be like this, but there are not many people who can purchase these paints, so we can check it on the Internet now, and I believe that we can find some relevant information."

As he spoke, he quickly opened the computer website and typed some information on it.

Soon, some detailed information was listed on it, and he clearly saw that there was a place called Qingyang Chemical Factory, and he jumped out directly.

"Qingyang Chemical Factory, as mentioned above, they purchased a batch of this paint in October this year, you said, it should be this, right?"

"Yes, this Qingyang Chemical Factory, he is a well-known factory in my local area, and I have also been to the factory in the past to give lectures to their workers, if I remember correctly, they have a total of four factories on the outskirts of the city. "

There are four factories in total?"

After saying this, Xiao Yunzhe felt a little big.

Now let's say that the hiding place where they are located is in this factory, then it may be easier to find it if it is just a factory.

The key is that there are four factories, how can he have so much time and energy to do these things?

Although Xiao Ming has a lot of people in his hands, he can also use them for him.

But the key problem is that he doesn't want more people to know about such a thing, after all, he can't startle the snake.

"Yes, in the four places of the west of the city, the south of the city, the east of the city, and the north of the city, there is a chemical plant of theirs, and this must have been many years. "

Oh, okay, then I understand, Mr. Wu, then you will be busy first, and I will look for it here."

"Wait a minute, what the hell is going on with you?"

"Oh, nothing, just want to see where this paint is, it's nothing, then I'll go first." "

He won't leak too much with this Wu Pengqing.

You must know that this Wu Pengqing invited a professional management talent by himself, so there is no need to explain many things to him in too much detail.

He took Xiao Yunzhe with him, and the two of them hurriedly walked out of the company.

"Yun Zhe, I remembered something.

He suddenly turned his head, and then looked at Xiao Yunzhe and asked.

"Dad, did you think of something? Four factories, if it doesn't work, we'll go find them one by one. "

No, I don't have to look for it one by one, do you remember, at that time, I found that mud footprint on it

?" "Oh, I remember this, Dad, what's wrong?"

"Take a look at this cloud cover map and see where there has been rainy weather in the past few days. "

Dad, if it's going to rain, under normal circumstances, it should rain in the whole city, right?"

"This, not necessarily, and it depends on our luck, if it really happens to be in one place, then, aren't we simpler?"

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and searched for it.

"See? In the south of the city, there was a rain in the south of the city this morning, but it didn't fall anywhere else.

"Really, Dad, if that's the case, isn't it, where they are hiding

, it should be in this location?" "I estimate that nine times out of ten, it should be like this, but under normal circumstances, there should be someone there in the chemical plant, how did he get there?" "I

guess it should be around here, not necessarily in the factory, let's go over and see what the situation is."

Xiao Yunzhe couldn't hold back his anxious heart, and then jumped into the car

in a panic

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