When he was on the road, he kept holding a tablet and searching for some information about the south of the city.

"Dad, I took a look, all the wasteland in the south of the city is some wasteland, and there are no farmers living at all, I estimate that the best place to hide should be here.

"Well, that's estimated, nine times out of ten, it should be in this position, alas, wait a minute.

As he spoke, he heard his cell phone ring, so he picked it up and looked at it.

He found out that it was Zong Long who called.

At this time, Zong Long took the initiative to call himself back, did he really encounter any difficulties?"


Mr. Xiao, where are you?" "I'm outside now, what's wrong, can you say

?" "You called me this afternoon, did you already know about my daughter?" "

Hehe, it

seems that Mr. Zong, you are still a smart person, yes, I already know, but it's a pity that I was rejected by you, and I can't check it."

"No, it's not that I refused, it's that I was at the time, and I had no choice but to do it. "

Okay, I know that your call won't come in vain, let's say, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Xiao, you also know that I have just come to China, and I don't know much about many situations in China, my daughter has been kidnapped now, so I want to ask you for help." "

You want to rescue your daughter, right, then tell me, who did you offend before?"

"They, they are foreigners, other circumstances, Mr. Xiao, I, I really can't tell you, as long as you rescue my daughter, then, whatever conditions you want to make, I will definitely agree to you." "

Hehe, I'll not tell you, I'm also on the way to save your daughter now, and besides, I've roughly locked down where she is.

"You, are you telling the truth? So, where is that? I'm going to rush over right now.

"Don't move, if I guessed correctly, you've been monitored now, so someone will definitely know your every move." "

Okay, then, then I won't move, I'll wait in the office, you have to do this, I ask you, you must save my daughter safely, okay?"

"Okay, I know, if there is news, I will call you immediately."

With that, he hung up the phone.

"Dad, this Zonglong, he really couldn't help it, and he started asking us for help, right?"

"Hehe, I still can't hold back my heart, and, after all, their power is all abroad, and at home, they can't play at all."

"If that's the case, then it seems that today, our choice should be completely correct.

"Yun Zhe, otherwise, you get out of the car first, I'll do this thing."

"Dad, what are you kidding, I'll get out of the car and let you go on a solo adventure alone?" Do you think I can do it?"

"But, but I don't know, the form over there, and I don't know.

"Dad, don't worry, if it really can't be saved, we can't think of other ways, we must not act rashly, after all, this woman, we don't have such a deep relationship with him."

After hearing this, he pondered carefully, as if it really meant this.

The big deal is that this cooperation is completely over, and it will not be enough to put your own life into it.

"Okay, then we'll talk about it according to the situation when we get there.

While talking, they came down all the way, and before they knew it, they had rushed to the location in the south of the city.

In the past, the southern part of the city was completely a wilderness

, so many factories, especially those that could not be driven into the city, basically established their own bases here.

Looking at it from such a distance, you can see that some chimneys are still working until now.

He parked his car on the southern edge of the city, and he kept it hidden, not hoping that anyone would find out.

And in the end, the two men walked straight inside.

While walking, Xiao Ming looked around, this south of the city, he was not familiar with it at all, it was indeed difficult to distinguish where the people would be.

"Dad, look what this is.

As he spoke, he suddenly pointed down, and then Xiao Ming glanced down.

He found that in this position, he still had something yellow.

"Look, this is all the paint.

As Xiao Ming spoke, he bent down, and then, stretched out his hand and touched it, it was exactly the same as the yellow paint he had seen before.

"In other words, there are special transportation vehicles passing by here, so that's why these things are left on the road, right?"

"I guess that's what it means, if we go down this route, all the factories along the way are possible."

He seemed to feel that he was getting closer and closer to this hope, so before he knew it, he began to speed up his pace.

"Look at this place.

After taking two steps ahead, he suddenly saw an abandoned factory on his right,

and, looking at it, it had been abandoned for a long time.

In front of it, it can be said that it is overgrown with wild grass, almost, it has grown to the height of the waist.

But, in this factory, he saw, as if, some light was projecting from it.

"Dad, is this the place where they are hiding?"

"I don't know, if it was really those people who kidnapped him, I believe they wouldn't have done it themselves.

"What do you mean, such an important matter, don't you take it personally?"

"That's absolute, and besides, they wouldn't be stupid enough to tie up this woman themselves."


, it should be paid to hire someone, and besides, if you think about it, his muddy footprints here, coupled with the paint on his body, I guess he must have come from the local area." "

Then we should approach now and take a look?"

"You follow me, remember, don't talk to me again, now take out your phone, put it on silent, and never let the other party find out."

Although Xiao Ming said that he had never done such a thing, he could basically think of it, and this was the most basic common sense.

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