"You guys, how did you get here?"

"Don't talk about that yet, hurry up and call your dad."

As he spoke, Xiao Yunzhe took his mobile phone.

He knew that Zong Long was more nervous about her situation than anyone else at this time.

Zong Mengni took the phone, and then skillfully dialed her father's mobile phone number.

"Hey, Dad, it's me, I've been rescued by them now. "

Okay, let me ask you, you, is there anything wrong with

you?" "Don't worry, they didn't hurt me, they just detained me there, what the hell is going on?" "

Okay, don't say anything, now, hurry up and get back to the company, I'll wait for you at the company."

"Okay, I got it.

After finishing speaking, Zong Mengni nodded, and then returned the phone to Xiao Yunzhe.

"This, did you find it?" Zong

Mengni suddenly remembered that she had made an appointment with Xiao Ming today, if this was the case, it should be Xiao Yunzhe who found out about this.

"That's right, I see that you haven't come, and besides, I feel uneasy, and I realize that something must be going on. "

So, you tell me about it, and then, you came and saved me?"

"Yes, that's it, and besides, your dad should be being watched over there now, so his actions are very important, and he is not allowed to leave the company casually." "

Mr. Xiao, thank you, thank you.

Zong Mengni said something very sincerely, Xiao Ming didn't say anything, he only glanced at the girl from the rearview mirror.

At this time, Zong Mengni just lowered her head, and, obviously, she had not woken up from the panic just now.

"They, there's nothing wrong with you, is it?"

"No, they grabbed me and threw me inside, but I don't know what they were waiting for, but someone came in and made a few phone calls. "

Oh, what's said on the phone?"

"I don't understand this, and besides, the distance is relatively far, and the wind is relatively loud, so I don't know at all."

"Okay, after we go to the company, we'll make other plans." The

car went all the way and went straight to Xingya Group.

He knew that there was a good chance that someone would be watching around the company.

But there is no way, he just needs to deal with all this, it should be, there is no big problem.

After all, he is a figure with a head and a face in this city, and no one dares to touch him easily.

Taking the elevator, the three of them came directly to Zong Long's office.

Even before the door was opened, he saw that Zong Long had already pounced in a hurry, and then pulled his daughter into the office.

He looked Zong Mengni up and down, but fortunately, except for some dirty, he didn't see anything else.

"I ask you, they didn't hurt you, did they?" "They didn't hurt me, they tied me up, and my eyes were covered with a black cloth, so I don't know who the other party is?" "

Okay, no, no harm, naturally it's better, Monnie, this time it's all to blame Dad, it's

my carelessness, I actually ignored this."

"Dad, what's going on, and who are those people?"

"Alas, it's really hard to say, I know that these two people are easy and won't give up, but I didn't expect them to move so fast.

"What are you talking about? Those two people, Dad, can't they be the two foreigners I saw in the office today?"

"Yes, they are the same people.


they all from country W?" "Yes, they are all from country W." "

'What the hell is going on, and what do you want to do this time?'"

"It's very simple, after I caught you, I asked him to give him the money, and then they agreed to put you back.

"If that's the case, Dad, I don't think they'll give up.

"I understand this, but fortunately, this is in China, and they don't dare to do anything too big, otherwise they will definitely be targeted." In

fact, after the conversation between their father and daughter here, this Xiao Ming seems to have heard a general idea.

And in the end, this Zonglong noticed that Xiao Ming, who was standing behind him, was the father and son.

"Mr. Xiao, thank you very much, and besides, I don't know what to say.

Zong Long stepped forward, and then held Xiao Ming's hand tightly.

Xiao Ming didn't push him away, just nodded gently.

"It doesn't matter, everyone will encounter difficulties, and besides, you are not familiar with life in China, so this can be regarded as some of the things I should do.

"Mr. Xiao, are you interested, if you are interested, let's sit down and have a good chat."

"Okay, of course. This

is exactly what Xiao Ming wants, and Xiao Ming originally wanted to talk to him about these things abroad.

"What did you do before?And, why did you suddenly return to China?" Xiao

Ming got straight to the point, without the slightest concealment

, since things had already come to this point, he felt that if he concealed it, there was no point at all.

"Actually, I also have suffering, I was also forced to leave from abroad, and if I didn't leave, I would also die abroad.

"What? Is it so serious? And, as far as I know, you should still have your own two banks abroad?"

After hearing this, Zong Long was just stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Xiao Ming would investigate his details so clearly in such a short period of time.

"It seems that Mr. Xiao should have investigated, yes, I do have a bank, but now, the bank is not in my hands, I only occupy a part of the shares, and the actual control is not in my hands.

"If the equity is in your hands, normally speaking, you can control two banks, which is not right."

"Because, that bank has been mysteriously controlled by a foreign institution, and I can't compete with it alone, Mr. Xiao, are you interested in this bank?"

After saying this, he suddenly raised his head, and then looked at Xiao Ming and asked.


Xiao Ming had indeed thought about this question before, and he knew that if he really wanted money to make money, then the best way was to be a bank.

It's just that if you want to be a bank in China, it is indeed a little difficult.

Therefore, in the past, he also considered opening a bank abroad.

Now, this ready-made business has come to the door, is it possible that I really want to give up this opportunity?

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