"Why, are you still willing to transfer all the shares in your hands to me?"

"No, I don't mean to transfer my shares to you, I want to control this bank with you. "

Co-control, how to understand this?" After

Xiao Ming heard this, he only frowned suspiciously.

Now, he can't find out what the medicine sold in Zonglong's gourd is unclear at all.

I don't know, is he harming himself, or is he really helping himself?"

"Mr. Xiao, here, the knowledge is too big, I don't know, did you know about the banking industry before?"

"This, I really haven't been, and I really want to set foot in this, because I know that the most primitive capital actually originated in the bank.

"Well, that's right, but what you know is only some things on the surface, and other deep things, I believe, Mr. Xiao has not been involved at all, right?"

"This, it's true, if you really have this sincerity, I believe that in the future, we should be able to cooperate very well." "

Mr. Xiao, in fact, I am waiting for this to be your sentence, before, there was still some misunderstanding between us, and I also know that you have already taken almost fifty percent of the shares of my company in your hands now, right?"

After saying this, this Xiao Ming was just stunned suddenly.

It seems that the other party should be very clear about his own details.

Moreover, the fact that he was able to say this proves that he is ready to compete with something.

"Isn't the shopping mall itself a process of acquisition and acquisition

?" "What? Could it be that Mr. Xiao is really so interested in our company? Do you know what this Xingya company means to us?" "

I don't know, but I only know that in this Xingya company, there must be a close connection with your foreign bank.

"That's right, Mr. Xiao, in fact, to put it bluntly, if you really want to buy Xingya Company, I can give it to you, but the key problem is that when the time comes, you will cause more trouble."

Xiao Ming couldn't figure it out in his heart, was he threatening himself

? Moreover, he had run a company for so many years, what kind of wind and waves had he never seen? How could it be that he would stop moving forward because of the acquisition of a company?

"Mr. Zong, I think you may not know me very well, and besides, I used to be in Anjin City..."

Xiao Ming saw that this Zonglong just stretched out his hand, as if he was signaling that he should not continue to speak.

"What? Mr. Zong, do you have any better insight?"

"To be honest, before I came, I knew everything about Mr. Xiao's entire business operation process in Anjin City, and I also knew what you had done over the years.

"yes, so, what I want to say to you is, I'm going to buy Xingya, actually, it's really a very simple thing.

"Yes, perhaps, for you Mr. Xiao, it is indeed very simple, but this is just a superficial situation, what is the situation inside, I believe that you Mr. Xiao will never see it."

"Hehe, Mr. Zong, then you laid so much foreshadowing for me, and then asked me if I was interested in the bank, so what do you want to explain to me?"

"I advise you to give up Xingya Company, and then, let all your energy focus on the foreign bank, this is a highlight of our future cooperation."

"Hehe, Mr. Zong, you are going around and around, don't you just want to show me a problem? That is to

say, I can't buy this Xingya company, what you want to say, it should be this, right?" "If you understand it this way, I really have no choice, but I can't explain many things to you clearly, don't you know why, these people will come here from abroad?"

I don't know about this, and besides, I believe that these debt transactions between you don't need to be explained to me too clearly, right?"

"In fact, there is no debt exchange between me and him, and besides, I just, forget it, I told you this, and you can't understand it at all."

"That's okay, it's already so late, since Mr. Zong has other things to deal with, then, I won't bother."

Xiao Ming knew that if he continued to talk here, it seemed that there was not much need.

Moreover, having said this, he also understood what this Zonglong was thinking in his heart.

Bank, he will definitely set foot in, but it is not necessarily from him.

"Well, anyway, I must remember the favor I owe to Mr. Xiao today, and I will definitely repay it in the future.

Xiao Ming didn't say anything, and then looked back at Xiao Yunzhe who was standing beside him.

Since coming in, Xiao Yunzhe and Zong Mengni have never said a word.

The father and son left the company, and then returned to the car.

Xiao Yunzhe was still very vigilant, and glanced around, as if there were still countless pairs of eyes around him, staring at this place all the time.

"Dad, are they, are there still people ambushing here?"

"I guess it should be like this, and besides, we are only temporarily saving Zong Mengni now, but I believe that the things that follow should also be endless." "

Dad, then, what are we going to

do?" "What do you mean? Do you really want to get this thing to the end?" "

No, I just want to say that they don't know each other here.

"Xiao Yunzhe, let me tell you, when doing business, you really can't be emotional, do you understand?"

"Dad, I know.

"If you are really emotional, then you will never be able to achieve great things, and today, we can rescue it and understand all this, I think it has been very successful."

Xiao Yunzhe didn't speak, and was silent all the time.

"Okay, there are a lot of things, in fact, it's not as simple as you imagined, go, it's not too early, hurry up and go back, get a good night's sleep, everything, wait until tomorrow to get up." "

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