Geng Jingshu had already heard some of them just now, and it should be a woman on the phone.

"Oh, that's right, it's a little urgent outside, I have to go over and deal with it right away, you should rest early. "

What's the urgency? So anxious, is

it the company's business?" "Ah, it's also the company's business, okay, you don't have to worry about it, I estimate that when I come back, it will be later, I won't bother you, I'll go directly to the study when the time comes."

After saying that, he left in a hurry.

Geng Jingshu was suspicious, this big night, a woman's phone call, and then called him away

, this woman, how important is this woman to Xiao Yunzhe? Geng Jingshu looked at the time, and now the wall clock on the wall has pointed to ten o'clock, so late, a woman called her out, is it possible, between the two of them, is there any secret?

She must not be able to swallow this breath in her heart, and besides, women have always been unable to rub sand in their eyes.

Thinking of this, she simply put on her clothes, and then, following closely behind, drove up with him.

After coming down all the way, he saw that Xiao Yunzhe at this time parked the car on the side of the road, and then got out of the car and got into a red car.

That's right, the red car, she saw it very clearly, under normal circumstances, only women would drive such a car.

However, because it was night and the lights were dim, she had no way to tell who that person was.

At this time, there happened to be a big car driving from the opposite side, and then, the woman looked back, and at this moment, she saw the woman's face clearly in her eyes.

That's right, she saw it very clearly, that person was Zong Mengni.

And at that time, it was this woman who ruined everything about herself.

But I didn't expect that a woman who hated herself so much, and her husband, actually came to this meeting in the middle of the night, what kind of ulterior secrets did they have?

I don't know why, Geng Jingshu suddenly felt that there was a wave of hatred in his heart.

She just clenched her fists tightly, and she couldn't wait to get up and pull the pair of dog men and women off the car.

But she knew she couldn't do that right now.

All this is a huge challenge for Geng Jingshu.

But she also knew that now was not the time for her own activities, and she had to endure all this.

She just sat quietly in the car, and after looking here for a while, she found that the two of them were whispering from time to time in the car, and it was not clear what they were talking about.

He was also worried that this matter would be discovered by Xiao Yunzhe

, so she hurriedly turned around, and then left here in a car.

"That's right, how can I look at his back and side face, it's really quite similar.

At this time, Xiao Yunzhe and Zong Mengni were looking at that person in the car, and

they felt that there was indeed a similarity with the few people they saw who bound Zong Mengni that night.

"I'm just a little unsure, and besides, when I just went in that day, I was blindfolded by them, so I couldn't tell the difference. "

I just remember, the guy who was tall and strong, yes, just this way, yes,

yes, yes, he, now he raised his glass, did you see that person?" "Well, I saw that.

"That day, he went around from behind to catch me, but I ran relatively fast, so I didn't keep up, but I remember very well that there was a black mole on the right side of his face, in this place.

After listening to Xiao Yunzhe's words, this Zong Mengni just nodded

, and then took a closer look, isn't it, there is really a clear black mole on it.

"That is to say, these people, are they really here?" Yun Zhe, then what should

we do now, do we need to call the police?" "No, if we call the police now, it is very likely that we will be alarmed, and we don't have any substantial evidence now, at that time, your father said, didn't he not let the police?" "

But why are they so blatant? At this time, they are still eating and drinking here. "

I don't know, is it possible, after the last thing didn't work out, those people still gave them money?"

"I don't know, but I just feel that it looks strange, and I don't know what it feels like."

After Zong Mengni finished speaking, she looked up at Xiao Yunzhe.

She's just a woman, so, at this moment, it's as if all of a sudden, she has no idea in her heart.

She didn't know if she should tell her father about it, and if she did, what would be his reaction to it?"

"And then, what do you want to do?"

After that, we will find a way to track them down and see where they live, and if we find out where they live, maybe, this should be a good way for us. "


Zong Mengni just frowned incomprehensibly.

He didn't understand, even if he found out where they lived

, what could he do? "Wouldn't it be possible to go to the house and arrest them?" "You want to collect something, right?" "

Yes, we can only collect it after we find out where he lives, and I believe that if they were really bought, then they will definitely do more than just this one."

"I understand what you mean, but Yun Zhe, is this really necessary? I just saw that you were a little curious, so I called you over.

Zong Mengni seemed to be a little apologetic, after all, it was already so late, and it was indeed a little inappropriate to call people out.

"Hehe, it's okay, I'm at home at night and I haven't slept, so I might as well come over and take a good look at this person with you, who is it."

"I, I called you out like that, what about your wife? Your wife, didn't she react?"

"Don't worry, it's nothing, and I sometimes rush over in the middle of the night because there is something in the company, so he's used to all this. "

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