"That's good, that's good.

After speaking, he just nodded slightly, and in the end, he did not continue.

The two of them were outside the door, and they waited until two o'clock in the morning in the second half of the night to see the gang staggering out.

"Look at them, they look like they're on the side of the road, preparing to hail a taxi. "

That's right, we'll wait for him now, and we'll go with them after they're in the car, and, I think that's what it means, these three people should live

together?" "Live together?"

"yes, I feel like that, no, we'll show you, quick, they're already leaving." To

tell the truth, he pointed ahead, and this Zong Mengni got into the car and followed closely behind the taxi.

Because it was late at night, there was nothing on the surrounding roads.

The two cars, one after the other, have been on the road, and they have been persistent.

"Now, the place has gone into the suburbs.

"That's right, I just want to go to you to see this place, is it last time, last time we came to?"

After Zong Mengni came here, she had a sense of déjà vu.

He was brought to this position by the suspect at that time, but he didn't expect that they would bring it back again.

"I guess that's the case, and if that's the case, I guess they should live in the village near here.

He saw that the taxi had turned onto a small road, and then stopped at the entrance of a village.

"Quick, get the car out, and turn off the lights.

Xiao Yunzhe said next to him.

Zong Mengni hurriedly parked the car to a certain position, and then turned off the lights.

He saw the three men staggering out of the car again, and then walked into a courtyard and has not moved since.

"See? They should be living in this place.

"You sit in the car now, and I'll go and have a look." "

Yun Zhe, you, don't you want to go, this is the middle of the night, if they really find out, won't it be troublesome?"

"Hehe, don't worry, no, don't you see the three of them, how drunk they are? Can't I even deal with a few drunks? Just wait patiently here."

After Xiao Yunzhe finished speaking, he then opened the car door and walked down directly.

He looked left and right, for it was by this time, and in a village, and every family had already fallen asleep.

Xiao Yunzhe walked to the gate of the courtyard, and then, looking inside, he found that the light inside had been turned on, and then, Xiao Yunzhe gently pushed the door.

Xiao Yunzhe didn't expect that these three people were really drunk, and after they came in, they forgot to lock the door.

The gate was pushed open, and then he crept into the courtyard.

This should be a farmhouse, and if it looks like it is relatively tidy in the yard, it is estimated that these three people should rarely stay here.

He had barely taken two steps forward when he heard snoring coming from inside.

Xiao Yunzhe just shook his head helplessly, it seems that this alcohol is really the best hypnotic agent.

He walked to the door, listened carefully, and found that there was no other unusual movement, and then he quietly pushed the door open.

After coming in, Xiao Yunzhe smelled it, and there was a very strong smell of feet.

Just ask, three men live together, I'm afraid, this is also a very normal situation.

Xiao Yunzhe only frowned, and in the end, he covered his mouth and nose with his hand.

The house is really disorganized, and there are all kinds of beer bottles and liquor bottles piled up all over the ground.

Looking like this, it should be three guys who are addicted to alcohol.

Then he glanced at the three men, two of whom were sleeping on the bed, and the other on the sofa, and just like that, they had already fallen asleep.

He took a closer look, and there were still some leftovers on the table, and some of them had even begun to mold.

It is estimated that there should be nothing of value to be found in this room, and then, he is about to turn around and leave here.

However, as soon as he turned around, he suddenly saw that in that corner, there seemed to be a white cloth bag.

Because the surrounding area is full of dirty and messy environments, and this white cloth bag seems to form a stark contrast with this place.

He felt something strange in his heart, so he stepped forward and picked up the cloth bag.

What he saw was written on it was Xingxingya Company, a few big characters.

And he hurriedly picked up the cloth bag, and then looked at it, and found that there was a business card inside.

Finally, he quickly pulled out his business card and looked at it, but when he saw the person on it, he did feel a little curious.

Zong Long? Why is there a business card of Zong Long here?

Xiao Yunzhe just stretched out his hand, and in the end, he stuffed things into his pocket, and hurriedly left the courtyard at night.

After getting into the car, he looked left and right, as if his actions were not noticed by others.

"Drive quickly, and we'll talk about it when we get into town. Zong

Mengni, who was waiting in the car, didn't know what was going on, but since he said so, he just had to do what he wanted.

Eventually, the car drove in the direction of the city.

"What's going on? What's going on inside? I see you, you've already gone in just now, and I'm really anxious outside. "

Hehe, I've already said that they drank too much, so they didn't lock the door, so I went into their room and looked around. "

Oh, go into their room? This, this is too risky, Yun Zhe, you can't do this in the future."

As Zong Mengni spoke, she braked sharply and parked the car on the side of the road.

Then, he turned around and looked at Xiao Yunzhe anxiously and said.

"It's okay, didn't I say it? they've all drunk too much, and they're all sleeping like dead pigs, how can there be any movement?"

"That, that's not okay, I can't let you be in danger because of this incident, this, this life, I don't want to go."

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, I'm not fine, right, do you know, what happened to me in there?"

"Oh, what did I find?".

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